Health, medicine

Products: 857

Pankov O. P.

Excellent vision at any age

Famous Russian ophthalmologist, Oleg Pankov, offers the reader a robust, time-tested technique to restore vision.

SKU: 247323

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Pankov O. P.

Excellent vision at any age

AuthorPankov O. P.
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at15.06.2014


Famous Russian ophthalmologist, Oleg Pankov, offers the reader a robust, time-tested technique to restore vision.
You can easily learn simple and affordable recommendations school Pankov, based on the use of light and color. In the short term without medicine or surgery, and your eyes will re-learn great to see and perceive so necessary for the health of the ultraviolet. The method of Professor Pankov includes training complexes that will give your eyes a powerful attitude to health. You will learn the most important techniques school Pankov:
• Solarize;
• palming;
• massage of the eye;
• game to relax the eye muscles;
• the medical maze for the eyes;
• Wellness training with myopia;
• assistance in retinal dystrophy;
• exercises in glaucoma;
• treatment of strabismus;
• protection of view while watching TV, reading and computer work.
If you want to regain and maintain health, immediately remove the glasses and start to restore vision by the method of Professor Pankov!

Konovalov S.

500 important ideas for Health and Happiness

In this book the thoughts of Professor S. S. Konovalova about the greatness of the Universe, about Man's place in an…

SKU: 247330

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Konovalov S.

500 important ideas for Health and Happiness

AuthorKonovalov S.
SeriesThe book, which treats
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.06.2014


In this book the thoughts of Professor S. S. Konovalova about the greatness of the Universe, about Man's place in an infinitely huge world, about the Soul and the angel, on the restoration and preservation of health.
Here you will find extracts from the letters of those who helped book the Doctor. Thoughts, advice, words of encouragement from this book will help to find answers to various questions that man asks himself on the way to Health and Cognition.
In this edition we have placed a new Conversation that has not been published elsewhere.


Cleaning joints, blood and blood vessels

The main cause of most human diseases - toxins that accumulate in the body and poison it. The book presents effective…

SKU: 247705

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Cleaning joints, blood and blood vessels

PublisherКнижный Клуб 36.6
Publication date2014
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.09.2014


The main cause of most human diseases - toxins that accumulate in the body and poison it. The book presents effective ways to cleanse the various organs in the home. A variety of methods combines the safety and accessibility of the necessary components.

S. Lazarev

Diagnostics of karma (8)

"Many who read seven of my books, I ask: "How do I pray about what I need to ask?"
- Make only one, " I answer. - Learn…

SKU: 186439

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

S. Lazarev

Diagnostics of karma (8)

AuthorS. Lazarev
SeriesDiagnostics of karma
Publication date2008
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


"Many who read seven of my books, I ask: "How do I pray about what I need to ask?"
- Make only one, " I answer. - Learn how to pass a traumatic situation.
Learn how to keep the Divine in the moment of loss. Felt keep love in any situation - pray for your children, so they can preserve it and keep love in any tests.
Not only when collapsing material and spiritual level, but also the most important - sensual".
S. N. Lazarev


5 minutes to health

Just 5 minutes a day is enough to get healthy! Sickness has no chance of "getting stuck" in your body for a long time,…

SKU: 189375

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


5 minutes to health

PublisherНевский проспект
Publication date2006
Dimensions84х108 1/32
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


Just 5 minutes a day is enough to get healthy! Sickness has no chance of "getting stuck" in your body for a long time, if against it - the best methods of "quick" treatment. These are the recipes of health collected in this book. They are characterized by: - rapid action; - no side effects; - availability of all components; - ease of preparation and application. You have not bothered to get sick?

Malovichko A.

ONKO-STOP. The battle against cancer. Tutorial for those who want to defeat the disease

The book is a well-known Anatoly payment in kind, which Malovichko devoted to one of the most acute and topical issues…

SKU: 248355

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Malovichko A.

ONKO-STOP. The battle against cancer. Tutorial for those who want to defeat the disease

AuthorMalovichko A.
SeriesTested!I recommend
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.10.2014


The book is a well-known Anatoly payment in kind, which Malovichko devoted to one of the most acute and topical issues of modern medicine is the prevention of occurrence and development of cancer, as well as to maintain and — most importantly! restoring health of cancer patients. And the main steps on the path to finding a happy longevity — a healthy lifestyle and targeted anti-cancer food!

Storozhuk L. A.

Yoga for slimness, health and beauty

Yoga - the mystical heritage of the East - has become closer to the people of the XXI century, as a clear and effective…

SKU: 248361

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Storozhuk L. A.

Yoga for slimness, health and beauty

AuthorStorozhuk L. A.
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.10.2014


Yoga - the mystical heritage of the East - has become closer to the people of the XXI century, as a clear and effective approach to their health and beauty. The ability to maintain flexibility and ease of movement for life is worth it to do yoga daily content of your life.

Aksenov A. P.

Confidential health formula. For those who are on the path to longevity

Thanks to the advice and techniques of the world-famous healer and herbalist Alexander Aksenov several generations were…

SKU: 248368

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Aksenov A. P.

Confidential health formula. For those who are on the path to longevity

AuthorAksenov A. P.
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2014


Thanks to the advice and techniques of the world-famous healer and herbalist Alexander Aksenov several generations were able to gain health and good spirits.
In our life it is extremely difficult to preserve the purity of the spirit and avoid the harmful influence of dark forces. This book is aimed at restoring and strengthening spiritual health. Here you will find not only practical advice on all occasions, but the recipes to treat various ailments with herbs. Healer of body and soul to tell the reader about the spiritual possibilities of man, about the source of a happy life and reveal the secret of longevity. If you want to help yourself and your loved ones, this book is for you!


Diet rejuvenation

The statement "Youth is the only flaw, which quickly passes" is familiar to all. And wanting to keep this same youth,…

SKU: 248435

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Diet rejuvenation

Publication date2014
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2014


The statement "Youth is the only flaw, which quickly passes" is familiar to all. And wanting to keep this same youth, women ready for anything: someone torturing yourself with strict diets, causing irreparable harm to the body, someone spends a lot of money on beauty salons and expensive creams. And few people think about that save given to us the nature of beauty and youth, if properly organize your diet and use familiar products not only in cooking but also for cosmetic purposes. The author shares a simple, affordable but effective methods of preservation of what has so generously given to us by nature.

Romanova E. A.

120/80. How to bring the pressure back to normal without pills

To cope with high or low pressure without drugs is possible! In the book, written by a medical specialist, you will find…

SKU: 247745

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Romanova E. A.

120/80. How to bring the pressure back to normal without pills

AuthorRomanova E. A.
SeriesHealth without drugs
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2014


To cope with high or low pressure without drugs is possible! In the book, written by a medical specialist, you will find everything you need to know about blood pressure and the causes of its violation.
Is it possible to regulate vascular tone? How to help when crises? What are the modern methods of treatment? This book contains the answers to these and many other important issues. Special attention is given to non-drug methods of regulation of pressure. Therapeutic exercises, diet, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, massage and aromatherapy can work wonders!

Pankov O. P.


"All "wear glasses" - chronic patients suffering a variety of ailments, not just eye diseases" - says the author of this…

SKU: 248193

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Pankov O. P.


AuthorPankov O. P.
SeriesLight health
Publication date2012
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2014


"All "wear glasses" - chronic patients suffering a variety of ailments, not just eye diseases" - says the author of this book Professor ophthalmologist Oleg Pankov. The reason is that the body of these people are chronically receives less ultraviolet. Because only 20% of ultraviolet radiation a person receives through the skin, the main 80% perceived through the eyes. And eye glasses all the time are closed from the sun lenses. In addition, patients eye is simply unable to perceive ultraviolet light in the required quantities.
If you want to regain and maintain health, immediately remove the glasses and start to restore vision by the method of vibrational healing Professor Pankov, whose foundations the author has developed more than 30 years. Thousands of patients of all ages without medicine or surgery, and get rid of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, strabismus, cataract and glaucoma, problems with the retina with the help of original exercises with a table lamp, a flashlight and a candle, which is a cornerstone of his system. The reader will easily master a simple and affordable recommendations school Pankov, based on the use of light and color that are just 30 days to re-teach patients the eyes to see and perceive so necessary for the health ultraviolet light, heal the body as a whole.
Unlike many pseudoscientific "panacea" in recent years, the reader is offered a robust, time-tested author's method of restoring vision, designed by famous Russian ophthalmologist.
Updated edition includes an additional section "Support the body in cancer patients".

Pankov O. P.

The secrets of people who see well

All bespectacled chronic patients suffering a variety of ailments, not just eye diseases" - says the author of this book…

SKU: 248446

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Pankov O. P.

The secrets of people who see well

AuthorPankov O. P.
SeriesThe secrets of people
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2014


All bespectacled chronic patients suffering a variety of ailments, not just eye diseases" - says the author of this book Professor ophthalmologist Oleg Pankov. The reason is that the body of these people are chronically receives less ultraviolet. Because only 20% of ultraviolet radiation a person receives through the skin, the main 80% perceived through the eyes. And his eyes-eyes closed all the time from the sun lenses. In addition, patients eye is simply unable to perceive ultraviolet light in the required quantities.
If you want to regain and maintain health, immediately remove the glasses and start to restore vision by the method of vibrational healing Professor Pankov, whose foundations the author has developed more than 30 years. Thousands of patients of all ages without medicine or surgery, and get rid of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, strabismus, cataract and glaucoma, problems with the retina with the help of original exercises with a table lamp, a flashlight and a candle, which is a cornerstone of his system.

Mingtang Sui

Zhong yuan qigong. The 4th stage of ascent: Wisdom. The path to the truth. Book to read and practice.

The book is a logical continuation of the publications of the first, second and third levels of Zhong yuan qigong. Like…

SKU: 247837

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Mingtang Sui

Zhong yuan qigong. The 4th stage of ascent: Wisdom. The path to the truth. Book to read and practice.

AuthorMingtang Sui
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2014


The book is a logical continuation of the publications of the first, second and third levels of Zhong yuan qigong. Like all the previous books, it is built on the material of lectures and practical workshops in stage IV and trainings held in different countries, including in the Shaolin temple (China), Grand Master qigong by Professor Cui Mingtang.
The book presents some aspects of ancient beliefs in Zhong yuan qigong methods of thinking and perception of information representatives of various life forms. Describes the methods of communication of man with the vegetable and animal worlds through images. Given the characteristics of the category of "wisdom" and explanations what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Proposed methods of preparation and development of wisdom.
In the practical part presents the methodology of the development of specific energy points and center channel Joon-may to acquire abilities to sense information from the environment. The methods of identification to obtain the necessary knowledge. Considered in detail the practice of joining the world of plants and the animal world through specific "conductors" of these worlds.
The characteristic of the methods of practice Yu-Wei and Wu-Wei, Daogun and Jangan, as well as the technology of communication with any kinds and forms of life, and inhabit not only our visible physical world.

Designed for a wide range of readers and practitioners.

Statement Of Tamara Martynova.

Konovalov S. S.

Full course health

"A complete course in health" is a set of two books by S. Konovalov: the Complete encyclopedia of health" and "4 set of…

SKU: 248293

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Konovalov S. S.

Full course health

AuthorKonovalov S. S.
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.10.2014


"A complete course in health" is a set of two books by S. Konovalov: the Complete encyclopedia of health" and "4 set of exercises that are shown to everyone".
Here is everything you need to embark on a path of health, to fight disease, to begin to live an active, joyful life! A great gift to anyone who wants it!
When buying a residence, you save about 10% compared to if you bought these books separately.

Vershinin S.

Nutrition against cancer. Effective diet and recipes

In this book the peculiarities of nutrition for cancer patients and prevention of cancer. Describes what products should…

SKU: 247789

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Vershinin S.

Nutrition against cancer. Effective diet and recipes

AuthorVershinin S.
SeriesFamily medical encyclopedia
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.10.2014


In this book the peculiarities of nutrition for cancer patients and prevention of cancer. Describes what products should be excluded from the diet of cancer patients; how to choose food and medicine to be healthy; how to help yourself if due to improper diet having pain in any organ.
Recommendations for rational therapeutic nutrition for cancer patients: what products can be used for the correction of food; how to adjust food in proteins and trace elements: how to eat during treatment of cancer; how to eat after surgery; what are the characteristics of food irradiation; what are the peculiarities of nutrition during chemo - and hormone therapy; what are the features of power at different location of the tumor.
In addition, given healthy recipes to maintain health at various oncologic diseases and therapies.
The book is addressed to all who are faced with a formidable disease, and their families, as well as those who want to reduce the risk of health problems.

Wise E.

Lose weight with ease. The revival of natural mechanisms of weight regulation)

Today there are many different diets which help anyone to lose weight. Why the problem of excess weight in the world not…

SKU: 247802

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Wise E.

Lose weight with ease. The revival of natural mechanisms of weight regulation)

AuthorWise E.
Publication date2014
Dimensions130x200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.10.2014


Today there are many different diets which help anyone to lose weight. Why the problem of excess weight in the world not only does not disappear, but on the contrary, is becoming more relevant? Because it's not in the food. To struggle with excess weight only through diet is like to deal with weeds, just munching grass on the surface, leaving the roots in the ground. Tedious, exhausting process. After twenty years of exhausting struggle with being overweight, constantly losing weight and then steadily Tolstaya, the author came to the conclusion that diets do not give stable results. She found out that you can eat, not limiting themselves, and still lose weight. Because food and weight do not always go hand in hand. What is the essence of the proposed method? The essence of the importance of a positive attitude, that all problems, including excess weight, going out of my head. You just need to feel slender, to trust your body and eat as much as you need, when you need! And any diet.
Your main task now will have their fill when they really want to, but not over-eating, and having fun. By performing very simple rules outlined in the book, you will be able to finally feel truly free person and not to think about calories and kilograms.

Joyce Heather K.

Lose weight without salt. Balanced salt-free diet

Even if you are not Soligalich, even if not salt your food, chances are you still get much more of the recommended daily…

SKU: 248195

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Joyce Heather K.

Lose weight without salt. Balanced salt-free diet

AuthorJoyce Heather K.
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.10.2014


Even if you are not Soligalich, even if not salt your food, chances are you still get much more of the recommended daily intake of salt from processed and packaged foods. And as you know, excess salt can lead to high blood pressure, cause of overweight and even obesity and lead to serious health problems. Heather K. Jones is a professional nutritionist has developed a balanced salt-free diet (CBD), which will help you, eating tasty and healthy, to overcome addiction to salty food, lose weight, become healthy and energetic, have a positive look at my own life.

Live L.

ABC green power

ABC is the first tutorial in our lives, without which we would never have been able to master any subject in school. The…

SKU: 247797

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Live L.

ABC green power

AuthorLive L.
SeriesA healthy diet
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.10.2014


ABC is the first tutorial in our lives, without which we would never have been able to master any subject in school. The book of Lubava Live "ABC green power" has almost the same value for every modern person. After all, to understand the needs of your body, choose the products best quality and to be really helpful diet, unfortunately, nobody ever taught.
Eco-friendly approach to nutrition, in which the gain remains not only human health but also the environment, can greatly improve the quality of your life. You will learn how to plan a balanced diet for themselves and their families, to choose from a wide range of products only the most useful and to prepare simple and delicious meals. You will also learn how to organize healthy meals during the working day and on trips.

For a wide range of readers.

Zvonareva A. T.

Honey. Recipes of honey for health and beauty

In this book, the grandmother Agafia talks about the benefits of honey and how and where to apply it, to be healthy and…

SKU: 248201

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Zvonareva A. T.

Honey. Recipes of honey for health and beauty

AuthorZvonareva A. T.
SeriesTips grandmother agafi
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x100/32 (120x165 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.10.2014


In this book, the grandmother Agafia talks about the benefits of honey and how and where to apply it, to be healthy and beautiful. Honey is used in the treatment of colds, insomnia, gastric ulcer, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, tuberculosis of the lungs and bronchitis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, skin diseases... honey is Widely used in cooking: in confectionery products, in the preparation of dishes. All know the taste of honey cakes, pastries, cakes, puddings, drinks. Honey is used widely in medical cosmetics. Read, prepare, treat, heal this unique fragrant and delicious gift of nature. Bon appetit and stay healthy!

The S. E. Kashnitsky

Chinese miracle-methods, how to live long and be healthy!

In this book the author reveals the secrets of youth and share recipes longevity of physicians of the celestial Empire.…

SKU: 248288

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The S. E. Kashnitsky

Chinese miracle-methods, how to live long and be healthy!

AuthorThe S. E. Kashnitsky
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x90/16 (170х215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.10.2014


In this book the author reveals the secrets of youth and share recipes longevity of physicians of the celestial Empire. The Chinese believe that food should be not only delicious, but also therapeutic that is why traditional Chinese medicine for three thousand years is based on a balanced power system. Chinese doctors remove produced in the body disorders at a very early stage and believe that in order to achieve longevity in health and joy, you need to learn to relax. Taoist healers assure you want to be healthy - learn how to "clean" the brain. The China specialists know how to quickly lose weight. In the most difficult cases Chinese physician and astrologer solve the problem together.

Kobylyatskaya E.

The main precept of the consumer, or weight control for "savvy"

Eugene Kobylyatskaya is a licensed nutritionist, leads to a weight loss program advises patients with obesity, diabetes,…

SKU: 247792

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Kobylyatskaya E.

The main precept of the consumer, or weight control for "savvy"

AuthorKobylyatskaya E.
SeriesLose weight effectively
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at30.10.2014


Eugene Kobylyatskaya is a licensed nutritionist, leads to a weight loss program advises patients with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer and other diseases.
The book explores not so much weight, how many problems of its normalization: frequent breakdowns, constant concessions and food addiction. You will learn about the causes and ways of overcoming it.
There are no strict instructions: "Do so and not otherwise", because everyone has their personal way to the improvement and General rules, there can be no. You will find the information you needed to finally become the master of your taste preferences, normalize weight and find the style of eating that will determine your future life.

Kuvshinova Y.

Don't want to be fat! 7 steps to the body you deserve

Popular singer and participant in several television shows Julia Kuvshinova literally impressed everyone with his…

SKU: 248592

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Kuvshinova Y.

Don't want to be fat! 7 steps to the body you deserve

Author Kuvshinova Y.
PublisherКнижный Клуб 36.6
Publication date2013
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.11.2014


Popular singer and participant in several television shows Julia Kuvshinova literally impressed everyone with his wonderful incarnation, when, instead of ladies with curvaceous on stage was a petite lady.
Using special techniques, she managed not only to lose half his body weight, but also save the result. Now Julia shares her experience with you.
In the heart of the book is advice from professional nutritionists, trainers and beauticians, developing a weight loss program specially for the participants of the popular TV show. And advice to Julia, proven by personal experience, to make the book truly unique!
Following her program, you a week will see the first result. Exercises for all skill levels and lifestyle and proper diet will help you to lose weight without exhausting yourself diets. Indeed, the main purpose of this book is to make your life better and help you create the body you deserve!

Kheir J.

Orgasm. A guide for women. Secrets unreal pleasure

Want to learn how to make your sexual life bright and easy to reach orgasm? The author, a specialist in…

SKU: 248579

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Kheir J.

Orgasm. A guide for women. Secrets unreal pleasure

AuthorKheir J.
PublisherКлуб семейного досуга
Publication date2014
Dimensions135x205 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.12.2014


Want to learn how to make your sexual life bright and easy to reach orgasm? The author, a specialist in psychosociologie, shares important information and gives clear practical advice on how to master certain skills.
The book will be useful and interesting women who can't reach the peak of pleasure. The knowledge gained will help you to awaken the sensuality, to make sexual feeling brighter, get more pleasure from sex and easy to reach orgasm.
Fill your love life with new impressions!

Fermi P.

Illustrated medical encyclopedia for the whole family. Symptoms and diagnosis of diseases. Traditional and complementary methods of prevention and treatment

In this superbly illustrated encyclopedia describes hundreds of diseases — from the common cold to serious illnesses.…

SKU: 248565

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Fermi P.

Illustrated medical encyclopedia for the whole family. Symptoms and diagnosis of diseases. Traditional and complementary methods of prevention and treatment

AuthorFermi P.
PublisherКлуб семейного досуга
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/16 (205x260 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.12.2014


In this superbly illustrated encyclopedia describes hundreds of diseases — from the common cold to serious illnesses. The information is grouped according to the systems of the human body that allows you to quickly and easily find the necessary information about the disease:
• heart and blood vessels,
• gastro-intestinal tract,
• the endocrine system,
• nervous system
• respiratory organs,
• musculoskeletal,
• infectious and many others.
Describes the symptoms, methods of diagnosis, first aid, traditional and alternative methods of treatment.
In addition, it tells about children's health and caring for the sick and the elderly.
The encyclopedia was written with the assistance of experts from the world-famous British Royal College of General practitioners.

Rosenberg L.

The secrets of meditative breathing

Publishing house "Sofia presents to your attention a new book from the series "Eye of revival" world-renowned spiritual…

SKU: 197965

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Rosenberg L.

The secrets of meditative breathing

AuthorRosenberg L.
SeriesEye of revival
Publication date2006
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


Publishing house "Sofia presents to your attention a new book from the series "Eye of revival" world-renowned spiritual mentor Larry Rosenberg called "the Secrets of meditative thinking."

This book put Larry Rosenberg in one row with such outstanding spiritual teachers of our time, such as J. Krishnamurti, Vimala, Takara, etc.

Complete freedom from suffering is not only achievable - it is literally next. As close as our breath and exhale. So says Anapanasati Sutra, whose content is the words of the Buddha spoken two and a half millennia ago to his followers. Buddha spoke about how the awareness of the breath to achieve peace, harmony, enlightenment.

Larry Rosenberg is the author of the book, which you have in hand, reveals the essence of the immortal practice, sharing many years of teaching experience in different masters and observations about the progress of his own disciples on the path of Dharma.

Rebrov V.

The pearls of traditional medicine. Unique recipes practicing healers of Russia

The author has carefully studied the experience of generations of herbalists and healers, for which nature has always…

SKU: 249243

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Rebrov V.

The pearls of traditional medicine. Unique recipes practicing healers of Russia

AuthorRebrov V.
SeriesPearls of medicine
Publication date2013
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at17.12.2014


The author has carefully studied the experience of generations of herbalists and healers, for which nature has always been an inexhaustible source of medicines, and creatively reworked it so that it could meet the needs of the XXI century. Availability and efficiency are the two main advantages of those recipes that offers you Valentine Rebrov. What are the properties of familiar plants, products, and other natural remedies, how they are treated, what recipes to use when one or the other problem that will be discussed in this book.

Sitel A. B.

All about the spine for those who are over...

The spine is the Foundation of our skeleton, it keeps the weight of the head, body, upper and lower extremities. This is…

SKU: 249128

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sitel A. B.

All about the spine for those who are over...

AuthorSitel A. B.
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at17.12.2014


The spine is the Foundation of our skeleton, it keeps the weight of the head, body, upper and lower extremities. This is forming the axis for the entire body. But to 60-70 years many people spine "shrink" and just shortened a few inches so that the person takes the characteristic stooped "posture of Voltaire". However, the health of the spine depends not only our posture and mobility but also the work of all other organs and body systems.
Method of Professor Mixer will allow you to independently, without surgery and pills, with the help of specially designed for the elderly therapeutic poses and movements, to restore the health of the spine. You: regain vitality; get rid of back pain and pain in the joints; will return the elasticity spazmirovanne muscles; overcome headaches and heartaches; overcome heart rhythm disorders and the digestive system –
and get rid of other chronic ailments.

Sytin G.

Thoughts, healing the heart and the entire circulatory system

Speaking of the man: "He's young heart," we usually mean a proactive stance, vitality, ability to be happy and be…

SKU: 248679

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sytin G.

Thoughts, healing the heart and the entire circulatory system

AuthorSytin G.
SeriesReal life extension
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at18.12.2014


Speaking of the man: "He's young heart," we usually mean a proactive stance, vitality, ability to be happy and be optimistic about the future - and all this "despite the burden of past years", and possibly "despite the severity of accumulated over the years diseases". But to be young at heart and in 40, 60, 80, and 100 years - not only metaphorically, but in the truest sense of the word! This convinced George N. Sytin - renowned scholar, academician, founder of the spiritual - raising medicine whose possibilities are almost limitless.
The purpose of this book is to restore the youth and health of the heart and of the whole physical body. A separate Chapter is dedicated to the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. In addition to healing moods (creative thoughts) the book includes the author's recommendations for the successful assimilation of creative thoughts and the article about the nature of spiritual - raising medicine.

For a wide range of readers.

Desikachar T. K. V.

Heart yoga: the Principles of individual practice

The author of this book by T. K. V. Desikachar is the son and disciple of the famous Krishnamacharya yoga, healer and…

SKU: 248687

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Desikachar T. K. V.

Heart yoga: the Principles of individual practice

AuthorDesikachar T. K. V.
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.48 kg
Created at18.12.2014


The author of this book by T. K. V. Desikachar is the son and disciple of the famous Krishnamacharya yoga, healer and philosopher who stood at the origins of modern Hatha yoga. From Krishnamacharya studied with B. K. S. Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois and Indra Devi — founders respected yoga schools. Desikachar also created his own school, based on the fundamental principle of the teachings of Krishnamacharya: the person needs to reshape itself under yoga, and the yogic practices should be chosen so that they fit a person. "Heart of yoga" Desikachar — the first book that helps everyone to develop a personal practice for himself, considering his own state of health, lifestyle, needs and goals.
Krishnamacharya called for a deep study of "Yoga sutras" of Patanjali, which are entirely included in this book translation of Desikachar and with his comments. This edition also contains "Loganalyzer" — thirty-two verses Krishnamacharya that convey the essence of his teachings and doing the "Heart of yoga" an important milestone in the chain of transmission of yoga masters of antiquity to the modern world.


The Eastern route of Samoobrona. All the best techniques and methods

Eastern culture has left humanity with a priceless gift — the art of strengthening health and prolonging life. Almost…

SKU: 249130

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


The Eastern route of Samoobrona. All the best techniques and methods

SeriesEastern medicine. Best
Publication date2014
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at18.12.2014


Eastern culture has left humanity with a priceless gift — the art of strengthening health and prolonging life. Almost all currently known in Eastern traditions, the meaning of human existence seemed in service to the higher ideals, based on the harmony of body and spirit and maintaining spiritual health. At various times in the East formed such unique techniques as yoga, qigong, tai Chi, macrobiotics, meditation, breathing and energy that bring undoubted benefits, both physical and mental health, so they will never lose their relevance. This publication in an accessible form reveals the essence of these and some other Eastern techniques and offers readers recommendations for their practical use.

Shchetinin M.

Interac. The method of Strelnikova breathing

About the amazing effectiveness of paradoxical breathing exercises A. N. Strelnikova is known far beyond our country.…

SKU: 249065

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shchetinin M.

Interac. The method of Strelnikova breathing

AuthorShchetinin M.
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at19.12.2014


About the amazing effectiveness of paradoxical breathing exercises A. N. Strelnikova is known far beyond our country. Abroad Strelnikova method is called Russian national gymnastics. It is included in the health programmes of the Crimean sanatoriums and clinics of the Dead sea. Russian experience adopt doctors Germany and Italy. Unusual therapeutic exercises with the hobby master in China and Korea.
Exercises Strelnikova gives you the ability to use simple breathing exercises in the short term to improve the condition of almost any disease. Regular classes on technique Strelnikova and will help you to get rid of chronic diseases, maintain youth and beauty.
Breathing in Strelnikova will create reserves health, restore vitality, add optimism, will give a great desire to live and work!

The Agapkin S. N.

Dynamic gymnastics for any age. Yoga vyayama. In motion - life

The author of this book is always committed to yoga practice was adequate. Adequate goals and objectives, adequate…

SKU: 249174

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Agapkin S. N.

Dynamic gymnastics for any age. Yoga vyayama. In motion - life

AuthorThe Agapkin S. N.
SeriesAdequate yoga
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.12.2014


The author of this book is always committed to yoga practice was adequate. Adequate goals and objectives, adequate physical and mental condition involved, adequate to each particular person at that particular moment.
From this point of view, he introduces readers to the system of exercises "vyayama", based on the understanding of the principles of self-improvement and their correct use to obtain your goals. Actually in its current form vyayama is a fusion of traditional techniques of yoga, Indian martial arts (Mala Vidya, binot, Kalari-payattu), and Western systems of physical culture. It can be used as the supporting element of training, and as an independent method of working on oneself.

Borshchenko I. A.

Entertron. Antartic

Gymnastics Igor Borshchenko is the best way to prevent the development of osteoarthritis and arthritis. Special muscle…

SKU: 249166

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

Entertron. Antartic

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.12.2014


Gymnastics Igor Borshchenko is the best way to prevent the development of osteoarthritis and arthritis. Special muscle training will help to restore mobility deformed joints, without overloading and without damaging them, and you'll be rewarded with freedom and joy of movement.
Another author's set of exercises specifically designed to develop correct posture, will help you cope not only with osteoarthritis of the spine, and sudden bouts of weakness and a feeling of constant fatigue, back pain, neck, legs, headaches.

Borshchenko I. A.

Sore neck - what to do

Neck pain is a disease of concern to many people and gives a lot of inconvenience. Sharp or aching pain in the neck,…

SKU: 249141

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

Sore neck - what to do

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.12.2014


Neck pain is a disease of concern to many people and gives a lot of inconvenience. Sharp or aching pain in the neck, muscle spasm, headaches and even blurred vision can be a symptom of degenerative disc disease or herniated disc. Isometric exercises Igor Borshchenko is the best way to get quick relief from the constant pain, prevent progression of the disease. Special muscle training will help to restore mobility to stiff vertebrae, and the freedom and joy of movement. Exercises based on the movements of small amplitude, eliminate undue stress on the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs. Therefore, to perform such exercises can and the elderly, and those who underwent spinal surgery. Suffice it to freeze in certain ergonomic positions and the muscles will be strengthened without additional load. Give the exercises a few minutes a day to restore the correct operation of all the cervical vertebrae and relieve you from the tedious pain.

Borshchenko I. A.

Back pain - what to do

Aching pain in back, lumbar backache, stiffness and tension – these symptoms are familiar to everyone. They appear…

SKU: 249127

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

Back pain - what to do

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.12.2014


Aching pain in back, lumbar backache, stiffness and tension – these symptoms are familiar to everyone. They appear particularly acute during travel when flights are forcing your spine for a few hours to be in a non-physiological condition. Is it possible to eliminate pain and problems while on the road? We offer to your attention a selection of the most effective and affordable in the way of exercise. To perform them you do not need special equipment – just the desire and a few minutes of free time. Freezes in the special ergonomic positions, straining the muscles and eliminates stress on the joints and vertebrae, and thus restore the natural state of your spine. Isometric Dr. Borshchenko will help your body to easily migrate your journey and not feel the aching pain from sitting too long in a monotonous situation.

Nikolaev V.

Myoma of the uterus. The modern view on the treatment and prevention of

One of the most frequent diagnoses in women after 30 years is a uterine fibroid is a benign tumor of muscle tissue.…

SKU: 248680

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Nikolaev V.

Myoma of the uterus. The modern view on the treatment and prevention of

AuthorNikolaev V.
SeriesAdvises Dr.
Publication date
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.12.2014


One of the most frequent diagnoses in women after 30 years is a uterine fibroid is a benign tumor of muscle tissue. Disease that requires treatment, and in some cases even surgery.
Why is developing fibroids? How not to be at risk of the disease? What ways and methods of treatment will offer the attending physician?
The author tells in detail about the causes of fibroids, complex methods of conservative and surgical treatment. You will also learn the basics of prevention of the disease. This section is for you - tips on diet, increase immunity, formation of a healthy lifestyle.
Positive attitude and self-confidence will help you overcome the disease and live a long life.

For a wide range of readers.

Pravdina N. B.

Nutrition for health and joy

Before you a short guide to the wonderful transformation of his body, the achievement of harmony, beauty and health,…

SKU: 249277

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Pravdina N. B.

Nutrition for health and joy

AuthorPravdina N. B.
SeriesMaster-class of luck from Natalya Pravdina
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.12.2014


Before you a short guide to the wonderful transformation of his body, the achievement of harmony, beauty and health, based on materials trilogy: "Lose weight with pleasure! Favorite exercises. My recipes slimness. My beautiful body."
You will learn how to eat to become more beautiful, healthier, stronger, and younger. We will talk about useful products that contribute to wellbeing, the benefits of Japanese cuisine, fresh juices and cereal products. Are favorite recipes Natalya Pravdina that allows you to lose weight without harm for health.
About how and what we have to eat to become healthy and slim, getting maximum pleasure, you learn by reading a book.

Pravdina N. B.

Create the perfect body

A quick guide to the miraculous transformation of his body, the achievement of harmony, beauty and health, based on the…

SKU: 249279

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Pravdina N. B.

Create the perfect body

AuthorPravdina N. B.
SeriesMaster-class of luck from Natalya Pravdina
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/16 (205x260 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.12.2014


A quick guide to the miraculous transformation of his body, the achievement of harmony, beauty and health, based on the book: "Lose weight together with a fairy. My beautiful body."
You'll learn how to set their minds on youth, beauty and health. How to normalize your weight with the help of meditation, to strengthen inner strength, doing breathing exercises, learn to get energy from the natural and spiritual sources. The author will show you how you can become more cheerful and more energetic at any weight and physique.
This book will inspire you to work on ourselves and help to consciously create your body, your life, guided by the highest ethical and spiritual principles!

Konoshenko O.

Breathing practices for healing, relaxation, release repressed emotions, and more

Everyone wants to be free and happy, to live a full life, to breathe. But to implement these natural desires are often…

SKU: 248672

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Konoshenko O.

Breathing practices for healing, relaxation, release repressed emotions, and more

AuthorKonoshenko O.
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.12.2014


Everyone wants to be free and happy, to live a full life, to breathe. But to implement these natural desires are often thwarted by conscious or unconscious fears, negative attitudes, dissatisfaction, and, alas, much more. However, what may seem depressing situation, you will be able to radically change it, having mastered Wellness techniques described in this book.
The team of authors brings to your attention a unique technique, widely...

Maps Of Aschbach D. S.

You are not sick. You oxidized !

Theory of oxidation of the body is currently Europe's leading position, as it was able to explain and methods of…

SKU: 249378

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Maps Of Aschbach D. S.

You are not sick. You oxidized !

AuthorMaps Of Aschbach D. S.
SeriesHealth at 100!"
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.02.2015


Theory of oxidation of the body is currently Europe's leading position, as it was able to explain and methods of treating diseases of the century — such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer. In this book, the author not only tells about the oxidation of the human body, but exhaustively represents an affordable and effective method of treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, allergies, skin, bronchopulmonary and many others.
The book will not only help to restore the health of adults, but also to ensure a healthy future for the children, possible to stop the disease is still in its infancy pathology.

Despeghel M.

Diet? Two days is enough!

This book offers a revolutionary concept of weight reduction, which is very simple and accessible to all. For those who…

SKU: 249371

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Despeghel M.

Diet? Two days is enough!

AuthorDespeghel M.
SeriesHealth at 100!"
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.02.2015


This book offers a revolutionary concept of weight reduction, which is very simple and accessible to all. For those who do not want to starve and deny yourself small pleasures, developed a two-day diet that covers all the needs of the body. For neither discipline, nor the new life style. The point is this: five days a week eat what you want and lead a normal life. In the remaining two days — protein diet, limited to 500 calories.
The effect of the diet at the expense of individually designed and very effective exercises that fit and far from Hobbies to sports people. The author guarantees: two-day diet, the pounds will begin to melt just like that.
The book is addressed to a wide circle of readers.

The V. I. Vasechkin

Healing points of the body: shooting pain in the joints and muscles, strengthen the skin, veins, sleep and immunity

"Healing points of the body: shooting pain in the joints and muscles, strengthen the skin and veins, immune system and…

SKU: 249805

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The V. I. Vasechkin

Healing points of the body: shooting pain in the joints and muscles, strengthen the skin, veins, sleep and immunity

AuthorThe V. I. Vasechkin
SeriesHealth with your own hands
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.02.2015


"Healing points of the body: shooting pain in the joints and muscles, strengthen the skin and veins, immune system and sleep is an important and useful book in a new series of "Wellness techniques Professor Vasechkin" from teacher massage Vladimir Ivanovich. You will learn the techniques how to stay not only healthy, but also beautiful. With this book you will learn the secrets of how to preserve a healthy body and healthy joints, a strong immune system and good sleep!

Shelton G.

Separate meals for 5 lessons

The name of Herbert Shelton for several decades and is popular in the circles of people who are trying to live a healthy…

SKU: 249376

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shelton G.

Separate meals for 5 lessons

AuthorShelton G.
SeriesExpress workshop
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.02.2015


The name of Herbert Shelton for several decades and is popular in the circles of people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle. If you want to know the opinion of a naturopath and an expert on a separate feed, what is digestion and how to combine them on your Desk or other products, you have chosen the most faithful to the book.

Rajendra Sharma

The book of health from the doctor who knows the secret of youth. Live longer - grow younger.

To look younger than their years? Feel great in your healthy and beautiful body? I think it is impossible to recapture…

SKU: 249865

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Rajendra Sharma

The book of health from the doctor who knows the secret of youth. Live longer - grow younger.

AuthorRajendra Sharma
Publication date2015
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.02.2015


To look younger than their years? Feel great in your healthy and beautiful body? I think it is impossible to recapture my youth? Thanks to Dr. R. Sharma, is no more magic or myth, it has become a reality. In this book you will discover recipes for longevity and beauty from a great doctor, learn about the techniques used by world stars. The Queen "rock' n ' roll, winner of eight Grammy awards, she was listed in top ten of the best dancers of the world – Tina Turner that looks 25 years younger, retains its perfect shape and beauty with the help of longevity recipes famous Dr. R. Sharma.

Janson A.

Code youth. Program anti-aging that really works

"Think of yourself five to seven years ago — with a lovely, supple skin, shiny hair, tucked up belly, full of life and…

SKU: 249369

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Janson A.

Code youth. Program anti-aging that really works

AuthorJanson A.
SeriesHealth at 100!"
Publication date2015
Dimensions207x130x16 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.02.2015


"Think of yourself five to seven years ago — with a lovely, supple skin, shiny hair, tucked up belly, full of life and energy... unfortunately, the memories bring us back to the best moments of life only for a moment... This book is a practical guide to action plan and a list of ready funds necessary to return to those happy times body and soul, once and for many years to come. The main goal and rejuvenation programs, and books in General is to help anyone who decides to use it, to adopt new habits. That is to enter into a new rhythm and the principle of life as smoothly as possible — so that these changes had a significant impact on your appearance and health, and it caught on almost imperceptibly. We are always busy — no modern man can not boast an abundance of time allotted to him life at leisure. That's how the modern world — new information, new developments and horizons always draw us forward, faster every day. Therefore presented on these pages is "increment" is guaranteed to be feasible — it has been planned based on our super-fast life."

Shaykh Muhammad Sayd al-Jamal

Seven stops on the Way from myself and to myself

Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sayd al-Jamal ar-Rifa th al-Lazuli - Sufi mentor, leading the way of peace, mercy and love of…

SKU: 249433

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shaykh Muhammad Sayd al-Jamal

Seven stops on the Way from myself and to myself

AuthorShaykh Muhammad Sayd al-Jamal
SeriesMusic of the soul /Sufism/
Publication date2009
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.02.2015


Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sayd al-Jamal ar-Rifa th al-Lazuli - Sufi mentor, leading the way of peace, mercy and love of Allah, mentor, Sedilia Tariq, which was founded by Sheikh Ali Abul-Hassan al-Shazili in Egypt in the 13th century
Sheikh lives on the mount of olives in the Holy city of Jerusalem since 1959, His spiritual teaching is very deep, it is intended for those who listen to my heart. It sheds a very special light on the essence of Sufism and the meaning of the message he tries to convey to all modern humans.

Norbekov M. S.

The experience of a fool 3. How to live and to make good: independent production of family happiness in the home

People - the sapper and miner of their happiness. If you wonder why sexually strong man is never poor, how to overcome…

SKU: 249873

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Norbekov M. S.

The experience of a fool 3. How to live and to make good: independent production of family happiness in the home

AuthorNorbekov M. S.
SeriesLibrary Norbekov
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.02.2015


People - the sapper and miner of their happiness. If you wonder why sexually strong man is never poor, how to overcome the difficulties of adolescence, growing children, not prickly cacti, and at the same time to build a reliable income generator - immerse yourself in the Experience of a fool-3" Mirzakarimi Norbekov, in the magical laws of divine love and freebies.
You want to get answers to life's questions? Then go ahead - read, be aware and act!

Ortner N.

Healing point

If you feel trapped, caught itself in an endless cycle of chronic sadness, depression, anxiety, frustration and malaise,…

SKU: 249862

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Ortner N.

Healing point

AuthorOrtner N.
SeriesTo a new life!
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.02.2015


If you feel trapped, caught itself in an endless cycle of chronic sadness, depression, anxiety, frustration and malaise, fatigue, expensive and ineffective methods of treatment, I feel helpless that I can't fully own their health and happiness, want to grow in personal and financial terms, to live a full life, filled with peacefulness, joy, and positive, the book by nick Ortner is what you need! Is to restore the energy balance in the body, as you get rid of negative emotions and fears. And will help you with this unique technique - tapping. You'd be surprised, but to cope with the negative, you need only tapped twelve points on your body.

Lindberg A.

Marathon health: Nordic walking and Jogging

Nordic walking and Jogging is not only a way to avoid the dangerous consequences of physical inactivity, but also an…

SKU: 250012

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Lindberg A.

Marathon health: Nordic walking and Jogging

AuthorLindberg A.
SeriesHealth at 100!"
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.02.2015


Nordic walking and Jogging is not only a way to avoid the dangerous consequences of physical inactivity, but also an effective method of rehabilitation. The use of these kinds of natural movement is huge. It is proven that Nordic walking reduces the pressure on knees and joints, improves heart and lungs are very effective for the treatment of problems of the neck, shoulders and posture.
This book provides all the necessary information: about the benefits and limitations of methods of natural motion; how to prepare for self-employment; how to choose the right equipment; what are the training techniques and laws; training courses to improve the shape of the legs, slimming; Nordic walking course in cardiovascular pathologies; Nordic walking course for diabetics.
Addressed to a wide readership.
Recommended to readers over the age of 12.

Zubkova O. A.

Nude beauty. Course Wake of health, beauty and femininity

Probably every one of us asks a question: why to be healthy, slim and happy so difficult and expensive? Why spending…

SKU: 249624

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Zubkova O. A.

Nude beauty. Course Wake of health, beauty and femininity

AuthorZubkova O. A.
SeriesAcademy of women's health
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x90/16 (170х215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.02.2015


Probably every one of us asks a question: why to be healthy, slim and happy so difficult and expensive? Why spending money on countless packs of vitamins and d dietary Supplements, and expensive makeup you can still see that old age and illness is not far off? If the extra pounds, cellulite, edema, dry skin, insomnia, irritability and constant fatigue have become your constant companions and poison your life - know this: this book is for you and about you.
Its author, Oksana Zubkova, believes that life is too short, so you can be fat and sick and offers the author's unique system of healing and rejuvenation. His example proves Oksana: always stay young, slim and healthy. To look your best and feel good, you don't have to give up the small pleasures of life and to take the path of severe restrictions, this is not another diet. You will learn to enjoy the right food - and still lose weight! Just like that, without dieting, constraints, voltage will power and hard discipline.

The G. Kibardin

Foundations of Eastern psychology and medicine. Traditions of

The book presents the foundations of Oriental creative, spiritual therapy, the goal of which is living in harmony with…

SKU: 250008

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The G. Kibardin

Foundations of Eastern psychology and medicine. Traditions of

AuthorThe G. Kibardin
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.02.2015


The book presents the foundations of Oriental creative, spiritual therapy, the goal of which is living in harmony with oneself and the world, the fullest of their abilities. This medicine body, mind and soul, it requires only a stubborn and independent work.
For an infinite Universe, the fundamental law of which is the dominance of freedom and happiness, there are no incurable diseases and unsolvable problems. Find the keys to their happy lives and to use them a reality, to choose which, if desired, may each one of us.

Michael M., B. Peto

Slim body in 10 minutes

The authors of this book have made a real revolution in the field of health and invented a new, flexible and extremely…

SKU: 249510

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Michael M., B. Peto

Slim body in 10 minutes

AuthorMichael M., B. Peto
SeriesPerfect figure
Publication date2015
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.03.2015


The authors of this book have made a real revolution in the field of health and invented a new, flexible and extremely effective method of training, which takes only half an hour a week.
Through these exercises you will: lose weight, get in shape for a few minutes a day, to lower the level of glucose in the blood, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer, improve stamina, strengthen bones and improve brain work, and increase the level of health in General.
Throughout the book, the authors offer a number of workouts that take just ten minutes a day, three times a week, and can be performed anytime, anywhere. It does not matter how old you are and what your level of fitness.
The system of exercises given in the book, is a practical, enjoyable way to get the maximum benefit in the minimum time, which will become an integral part of your daily routine, as natural as brushing your teeth.

Sokolova N. G.

Charging for infants

The book provides practical advice and guidance for nurses and instructors of physical therapy, working in children's…

SKU: 249778

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sokolova N. G.

Charging for infants

AuthorSokolova N. G.
SeriesMedicine for you
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.03.2015


The book provides practical advice and guidance for nurses and instructors of physical therapy, working in children's medical institutions to conduct massage and gymnastics with infants. These techniques are widely recommended to apply also to the parents at home, but only after consulting your doctor.

Sears M, Sears, W., Sears R., Ser

Your baby from birth to two years

Happened! Finally you became the mother of adorable baby and come back home with him. But the joy of the first days…

SKU: 249639

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sears M, Sears, W., Sears R., Ser

Your baby from birth to two years

AuthorSears M, Sears, W., Sears R., Ser
SeriesBooks doctors Sears
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross1.08 kg
Created at01.03.2015


Happened! Finally you became the mother of adorable baby and come back home with him. But the joy of the first days darken sudden problem: suddenly it turns out that you don't know how often you need to feed the child, what is the best method of feeding is to give preference, when to bathe, what time to put her to sleep, how to overcome persistent nocturnal awakening. Don't panic! Authoritative experts, parents of eight children, Williami Martha Sears, will help you navigate in this difficult time!
You will learn what steps need to be taken in cases of emergency, as well as in what situations you should consult a doctor. The book will help to cope with fears first weeks and will teach how to arrange your life so that the child was comfortable, and mom and dad would get not only pleasure from parental responsibilities, but would find time for other things.

Semenova A.

The book of health for the whole family

How can I recover all their diseases? And is it possible? Of course, if carry out comprehensive treatment! That is,…

SKU: 196889

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Semenova A.

The book of health for the whole family

AuthorSemenova A.
SeriesAuthor methods
PublisherНевский проспект
Publication date2007
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.04.2015


How can I recover all their diseases? And is it possible? Of course, if carry out comprehensive treatment! That is, curing herbs, traditional methods the disease itself and simultaneously work with your soul, with your...

The Agapkin S. N.

The most important thing about chronic diseases

This book will help you navigate all the intricacies of the treatment of your disease. It will give clear instructions:…

SKU: 250260

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Agapkin S. N.

The most important thing about chronic diseases

AuthorThe Agapkin S. N.
SeriesPRO health
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at18.04.2015


This book will help you navigate all the intricacies of the treatment of your disease. It will give clear instructions: to what expert it is necessary to apply some methods of diagnosis have to offer you, the doctor, and what is the treatment for a particular disease would be the most correct. More you will not worry or doubt, is it true you picked up the therapeutic course for dealing with your disease. You can chat with your GP in one language and learn to recognize good people.
· What method of diagnosis will help identify the disease at its earliest stages?
· What would it take for effective treatment?
· How using specific products and specific exercises to resist disease?
· How to choose the right resort for successful rehabilitation?

As well as learn about additional opportunities in the treatment of your disease: which drugs will be superfluous addition to the main course of treatment, what physiotherapy will speed up the recovery, as well as in some health centers it is best to undergo rehabilitation.

The Kibardin G. M.

The healing power of the Earth: clay, sand, shungite, silicon, copper, magnetic field

This book is about how to use the healing magic of our planet, its natural resources, to put in order your health. It…

SKU: 250285

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Kibardin G. M.

The healing power of the Earth: clay, sand, shungite, silicon, copper, magnetic field

AuthorThe Kibardin G. M.
SeriesHealing. Proven methods
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x84/16 (145х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at19.04.2015


This book is about how to use the healing magic of our planet, its natural resources, to put in order your health. It turns out that ordinary clay and sand, often found us on the banks of rivers, lakes and even at his dacha, can serve as a good means of deliverance from disease. A positive effect on our health scattered nature throughout the earth is silicon; shungite is also a remedy for many diseases. Strolling in the Park, you can "recharge" health from oak, birch or pine. But if you have a garden or a house in the village, then, using the knowledge gleaned from this book, you will be able to significantly improve their health.

Calder Peter

Ancient secret of the fountain of youth. Book 1

In your hands a new version of the famous "fountain of youth" by Peter Caldera — five Tibetan rites, restored to youth…

SKU: 250128

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Calder Peter

Ancient secret of the fountain of youth. Book 1

AuthorCalder Peter
SeriesEye of revival
Publication date2020
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.17 kg
Created at19.04.2015


In your hands a new version of the famous "fountain of youth" by Peter Caldera — five Tibetan rites, restored to youth and health to millions of people around the world.
This gorgeous little book has added two new chapters — recently found in the archives of Caldera the fifth Chapter with the brand-new information about the Sixth Ritual and one of the numerous evidences of rejuvenation and healing from different diseases using simple and magical Tibetan exercises.

Bragg P.

Healing breath by the method of Bragg

The book covers all aspects of respiratory functions of the body and suggests a simple exercise that will help you to…

SKU: 250058

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Bragg P.

Healing breath by the method of Bragg

AuthorBragg P.
Publication date2015
Dimensions60x84/16 (145x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.04.2015


The book covers all aspects of respiratory functions of the body and suggests a simple exercise that will help you to master the skills of proper breathing and correct posture. In addition, you will learn how the oxygen and the consumption of healthy foods will significantly improve the efficiency of metabolic processes in the body.
For a wide range of readers.

Komarovsky E. O.

Medications. Wise parents guide

The third part of the parent Handbook by Dr. Komarovsky includes a popular exposition of the foundations of the science…

SKU: 250116

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Komarovsky E. O.

Medications. Wise parents guide

AuthorKomarovsky E. O.
SeriesLibrary of Dr. Komarovsky
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.04.2015


The third part of the parent Handbook by Dr. Komarovsky includes a popular exposition of the foundations of the science of medicine, as well as an overview of drugs commonly used in most practical Pediatrics. The main purpose of this book is the creation of conditions for therapeutic parent initiative was informed, conscious, minimum and maximum safe.

Angles F. G.

An honest conversation about what prevents to be healthy Russian man

Theodore G. Corners remained a practicing surgeon up to 100 years. He drank or smoked, was active in sports - is not…

SKU: 250489

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Angles F. G.

An honest conversation about what prevents to be healthy Russian man

AuthorAngles F. G.
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.04.2015


Theodore G. Corners remained a practicing surgeon up to 100 years. He drank or smoked, was active in sports - is not this the reason for his longevity. Hundreds and thousands of transactions, a huge observation and concern for people - all this forced him to turn to the issue that was relevant in 80-90-ies and relevant today - to alcoholism. Similarly as in the years of stagnation, the country is on the verge of survival. Since now Russian village, Russian province, the Russian capital - DRINK...
How to stop it? Knows doctor Corners, beat the alarm many years ago.
Simple and useful recommendations famous surgeon will help save from alcoholic hell your loved ones.

Konovalov S. S.

The Word Doctor. About life, health and the universe

This new book of thoughts of Professor S. S. Konovalova about the greatness of the Universe, about Man's place in the…

SKU: 250472

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Konovalov S. S.

The Word Doctor. About life, health and the universe

AuthorKonovalov S. S.
SeriesThe book, which treats
Publication date2015
Dimensions207x135x22 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.04.2015


This new book of thoughts of Professor S. S. Konovalova about the greatness of the Universe, about Man's place in the infinitely vast world, about the Soul and an angel on the restoration and preservation of health.
Here you will find excerpts from the letters of those who helped book the Doctor. Thoughts, wishes, words of encouragement this book will help to find answers to various questions that man asks himself on the road to Health and Cognition. In this edition we have placed a new Conversation that has not been published elsewhere....

Levin L. T.

Tablet from multiple sclerosis. Brain training for rusty kettles

Want to stay on the crest of a wave, to keep up with the pace of modern life, to keep a clear mind and remain in sound…

SKU: 251116

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Levin L. T.

Tablet from multiple sclerosis. Brain training for rusty kettles

AuthorLevin L. T.
SeriesIt's easy!
Publication date2015
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.06.2015


Want to stay on the crest of a wave, to keep up with the pace of modern life, to keep a clear mind and remain in sound mind and memory? Learn to get pleasure from life, to open new roads and finding an unexpected perspective. That can greatly diversify the measured life in retirement? Interactive games, an extensive circle of friends, new experiences and many Dating you can open other horizons – so says active pensioner Lyubov Levina in this book.

In vain you think that the games are not suitable for people of retirement age and new friends you no longer need. The author, who developed a unique program "Tablet from multiple sclerosis", by example proves what an unusual and interesting life can be retired! Use the experience Lyubov Levina and fill your life with bright colors! In the book you'll find: – advice on how to deal with insomnia; – exercises for memory training; – describe the psychological trainings; – interactive games for all ages; – poems and scripts for historical reconstructions, ...and the sea of positive emotions and informative stories!


The complete guide to a healthy pregnancy from the best of obstetricians and gynecologists

This book, written by the best obstetricians and gynecologists Mayo clinic – trustworthy and indispensable source of…

SKU: 251086

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


The complete guide to a healthy pregnancy from the best of obstetricians and gynecologists

SeriesGlobal bestseller for parents
Publication date2015
Dimensions246x172x30 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.06.2015


This book, written by the best obstetricians and gynecologists Mayo clinic – trustworthy and indispensable source of information for those who are going to become parents.
Here you will find: tips for future moms and dads from luminaries of medicine with a worldwide reputation; information on planning a healthy pregnancy, and how to solve the problem of infertility; painted on the daily chart the growth and development of your baby; painted by month schedule of physical and emotional changes his mommy; answers to difficult and "not quite decent" questions; tips for those who want to eat well, staying active and not fingering weight; practical advice for business, travel, shopping and other parental concerns.


Your family doctor. Miracle healer water. Treatment, strengthening, rejuvenation

Water is a great power. Thanks to its extraordinary characteristics, it is possible not only to temper your body but…

SKU: 251014

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Your family doctor. Miracle healer water. Treatment, strengthening, rejuvenation

SeriesPocket library
Publication date2015
Dimensions60x84/32 (100x140 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.06.2015


Water is a great power. Thanks to its extraordinary characteristics, it is possible not only to temper your body but also rejuvenate it, to get a charge of vivacity. Water cleanses us from physical and energy dirt. Through this book you will learn a lot about the healing properties of water. Here are collected the best recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases and ailments.

Borshchenko I. A.

From pain in the feet and hands

Our joints of the hands and feet are always in motion, they account for the maximum load. Therefore, they are often…

SKU: 251090

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

From pain in the feet and hands

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
SeriesIf doctors didn't help
Publication date2015
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.06.2015


Our joints of the hands and feet are always in motion, they account for the maximum load. Therefore, they are often injured, lose their mobility, and the person experiences a sharp or aching pain. Diagnosis doctors often disappointing: arthritis or osteoarthritis. What can help to get rid of suffering and to restore the mobility of the arms and legs? Dr. Borshchenko explains the causes of diseases of the joints. And describes in detail how to correctly perform isometric therapeutic exercises – soft muscle training without sudden movements in the joints, stress and pain, without the use of simulators.

All you need is to stand in a special coaching positions, after which relax the muscles. Just a few weeks of classes by the method of Igor Borshchenko will bring the joy of freedom of movement. The book will help all who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system is injured or had surgery on the joints who are experiencing pain in the hands and feet. It can be recommended for office workers, drivers, tourists, the elderly and sedentary people. Isometric exercises can be performed not only on the gymnastics Mat, but in an office chair, and even... in the water!

S. M. Bubnovsky

Secrets of rehabilitation, or Life after injury

This book is addressed to those who have suffered injuries of the spine and joints or wants to get out of the protracted…

SKU: 250786

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

S. M. Bubnovsky

Secrets of rehabilitation, or Life after injury

AuthorS. M. Bubnovsky
SeriesPRO health (cover)
Publication date2015
Dimensions200x125x10 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.06.2015


This book is addressed to those who have suffered injuries of the spine and joints or wants to get out of the protracted disease without drugs or surgery.Where to start? How to get rid of pills and injections, crutches and limitations? How to pick up the keys to his code of health?Dr. Bubnovsky answers these questions, based on his many years of medical practice and personal experience resulting from the treatment of myocardial infarction severe injuries. Sergey has created a unique system of rehabilitation through which returned in line 6 of the pilots of the team "KAMAZ-Master" after compression fractures of the spine at the rally "Paris-Dakar". How is it possible, and even in desert conditions?! Professor Bubnovsky reveals the secrets of rehabilitation in this book, being a direct participant in this rally as a team doctor. The book gives advice and exercises that will help to recover from injuries, relieve acute back pain and return to your active lifestyle.Take care of yourself, your vitality!

The V. I. Vasechkin

Great guide on massage

Vladimir Ivanovich Vasechkin - Professor of the Academy of health and ecology, Chairman of the scientific-methodical…

SKU: 251236

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The V. I. Vasechkin

Great guide on massage

AuthorThe V. I. Vasechkin
Publication date2022
Dimensions205x133x26 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.37 kg
Created at28.06.2015


Vladimir Ivanovich Vasechkin - Professor of the Academy of health and ecology, Chairman of the scientific-methodical Council of the St. Petersburg Institute of health.
Author of books: "encyclopedia massage", "Guide to massage", "Techniques of therapeutic massage", "Reference point massage", "massage", "Aesthetic massage" and many others, reprinted megamillion-governmental circulations.
V. I. Vasechkin - generalist in reflexology, developed the methodology of the aesthetics of the face and body and promotes a healthy lifestyle and the use of varieties of massage to balance the condition of all systems and functions of the body to look young and full of energy for years to come.

Douglas W.

The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide

Treated with peroxide? Is this possible? It turns out that hydrogen peroxide, if it is reasonable to use, has great…

SKU: 250935

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Douglas W.

The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide

AuthorDouglas W.
SeriesWithout tabletochki
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.06.2015


Treated with peroxide? Is this possible? It turns out that hydrogen peroxide, if it is reasonable to use, has great healing abilities, participating in the most important Bioorganic processes. Granulocytes, cells of the immune system, using hydrogen peroxide destroy. "uninvited guests" of the body — viruses, bacteria, fungal infections. The presence of peroxide necessary for the occurrence of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
Significant use of hydrogen peroxide finds in the fight against various diseases. Clinical experience has shown that using this substance it is possible to win serious illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, atherosclerosis, emphysema, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis, gangrene and others. Peroxide also helps with respiratory diseases (including influenza), depression, gum disease. In the passed three editions in the West book contains amazing facts, recommendations and feedback of patients, myself have experienced healing impact of this well-known substance.

Chernova I.

I became a mother!

The first years of a child's life — a time when he is extremely fast developing world and learns to live in it. This…

SKU: 251119

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Chernova I.

I became a mother!

AuthorChernova I.
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/16 (205x260 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.06.2015


The first years of a child's life — a time when he is extremely fast developing world and learns to live in it. This book is devoted to this most responsible period, which depends very much. Here you will find the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about how to raise and obihazhivat kid, how to understand it and to fill your interaction with it joy and benefit. How to believe in themselves and develop their parental competence, strengthen the bond with your child, make it reliable and durable, and he himself is satisfied and happy.
The book is written primarily to support young moms and dads at the beginning of their parenting journey, to tell all the most important and main, to help to set priorities, to protect against possible errors and to convince you that you are wonderful parents and are doing everything right.

Uzhegov G. N.

Heart disease and blood vessels

What to do if your heart aches? How to help yourself, if you had a heart attack? Thanks to this pocket guide you will…

SKU: 250860

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Uzhegov G. N.

Heart disease and blood vessels

AuthorUzhegov G. N.
SeriesTreasury of folk medicine
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x90/32 (107х165 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.06.2015


What to do if your heart aches? How to help yourself, if you had a heart attack? Thanks to this pocket guide you will learn how to recognize heart disease in their first manifestations and symptoms. You will learn how to use folk and official medicine to prevent, alleviate and cure diseases of the cardiovascular system. Will be able to find you the most suitable way in the fight against disease and to strengthen your body.
Attention! The information contained in the book, not meant to substitute for the advice of a doctor. You need to consult a specialist before applying any recommended actions.

Sitel A.

Aria back. Author program, never to hurt the joints

Anatoly Boleslawiec Sitel – honoured doctor of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, chief…

SKU: 251075

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sitel A.

Aria back. Author program, never to hurt the joints

AuthorSitel A.
SeriesTechnique doctors Mixer
Publication date2015
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at30.06.2015


Anatoly Boleslawiec Sitel – honoured doctor of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, chief physician of the Center of manual therapy of the Department of health of Moscow, member of the International Academy of manual medicine.
The spine is the source of vitality and longevity, because its signals and nerve impulses-team all m bodies! Therefore, the preservation of the spine – a priority for every person.
In this book Professor Anatoly Mixer described unique method of self-healing that allows using therapeutic poses and movements to eliminate the pain in the spine and joints, to restore their mobility and flexibility. The method is based on relaxing effect on spazmirovannuû muscle or group of muscles that are directly related to the source of pain – the spine or joint.
If you want to restore vitality and to not only get rid of pain in the spine and joints, but also from head and heart pain, heart rhythm disorders and dizziness, a malfunction of the digestive system, as well as other chronic ailments – first of all restore the health of the spine.

Rudnitskaya, L.

Arthritis and osteoarthritis. Pocket guide

Replaces the book Arthritis and osteoarthritis. Prevention and treatment Family doctor recommends that an effective…

SKU: 250938

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Rudnitskaya, L.

Arthritis and osteoarthritis. Pocket guide

AuthorRudnitskaya, L.
SeriesPocket guide
Publication date2015
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.07.2015


Replaces the book Arthritis and osteoarthritis. Prevention and treatment Family doctor recommends that an effective programme of treatment of diseases of the joints. It's simple, clear, accessible: define the problem, ask questions to the doctor, make a complex recovery exercise, follow a healing diet... And the disease is retreating!

Malovichko, A. V.

Vessels, capillaries and heart. Methods of cleansing and healing

The book of the people's hereditary healer and naturopath Anatoly Malovichko, whose power and cleansing helped to gain…

SKU: 251111

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Malovichko, A. V.

Vessels, capillaries and heart. Methods of cleansing and healing

AuthorMalovichko, A. V.
SeriesTested! I recommend
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.07.2015


The book of the people's hereditary healer and naturopath Anatoly Malovichko, whose power and cleansing helped to gain the health of hundreds of thousands of people dedicated not only to the vital problem of our day - diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system, but also a General cleansing and strengthening the body.
In the book you will not only find valuable advice on diet, normalizing the functioning of all systems and organs, but also the program of purification of blood, prevention of such terrible diseases as cancer and HIV. According to the author, our life, our health or disease depend on the water, the blood, with what information and in what quality and quantity of flows in our blood and lymph vessels.
This is one of the most important books of a reputable specialist in the field of preservation of health for every modern family.

Malovichko A.

The battle against cancer. To stop and win! The author's technique known healer

The book is a well-known Anatoly payment in kind, which Malovichko devoted to one of the most acute and topical issues…

SKU: 251072

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Malovichko A.

The battle against cancer. To stop and win! The author's technique known healer

AuthorMalovichko A.
SeriesPopular book health
Publication date2015
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.07.2015


The book is a well-known Anatoly payment in kind, which Malovichko devoted to one of the most acute and topical issues of modern medicine is the prevention of occurrence and development of cancer, as well as to maintain and - most importantly! restoring health of cancer patients.
And the main steps on the path to finding a happy longevity - a healthy lifestyle and targeted anti-cancer food!

Nesterov D. V.

Safe sex. How to get sex pleasure

Пылкие ночи с любимым человеком, нежность и страсть, соблазны и удовольствие, мир эротических фантазий и изобретательных…

SKU: 250894

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Nesterov D. V.

Safe sex. How to get sex pleasure

AuthorNesterov D. V.
SeriesThe ABC of sex
Publication date2015
Dimensions210x165x5 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.07.2015


Пылкие ночи с любимым человеком, нежность и страсть, соблазны и удовольствие, мир эротических фантазий и изобретательных ролевых игр, - секс прекрасен, многогранен и приносит ...

Golovenkin A.

Healthy spine

You dream of a "Siberian" health and good immunity? Want to get rid of scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, lumbar…

SKU: 185777

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Golovenkin A.

Healthy spine

AuthorGolovenkin A.
SeriesHealth step by step
Publication date2005
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


You dream of a "Siberian" health and good immunity? Want to get rid of scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, lumbar pain, hypertension and common ailments? Pay attention to the condition of his spine!
The author of the book "Healthy spine" Andrey Polovinkin - MD-manual with years of experience. Thanks to his guidance, thousands of people get rid of back problems.

Don't miss your chance to be healthy and happy!

Mesnik N. G.

Dystonia. To get rid of forever!

Dystonia is a specific condition of the body. Many doctors do not consider it a serious disease, but dystonia can…

SKU: 251862

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Mesnik N. G.

Dystonia. To get rid of forever!

AuthorMesnik N. G.
SeriesPRO health
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.10.2015


Dystonia is a specific condition of the body. Many doctors do not consider it a serious disease, but dystonia can significantly reduce the quality of his life, and even lead to irreparable consequences. In his book Dr. Mesnik offers a comprehensive approach to the treatment and prevention of this disease. You will learn about breathing technique using the "laying of hands", will get acquainted with the complex of exercises, meditations to strengthen the nervous system, basic principles of hydrotherapy and hardening. The book will teach readers to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and find your way to health. It should be remembered that the success of treatment for autonomic neuropathy depends on the willingness and efforts of the man himself, from his positive Outlook on life.

Vasilenko M. A.

Soda for your beauty and health

This book describes the healing properties of ordinary baking soda, which is not as insignificant as it may seem at…

SKU: 252114

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Vasilenko M. A.

Soda for your beauty and health

AuthorVasilenko M. A.
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.10.2015


This book describes the healing properties of ordinary baking soda, which is not as insignificant as it may seem at first glance. Referring to the experience of doctors and beauticians, soda widely used in practice, the author shows that to maintain health and fight disease need not expensive drugs, and the old trusty tools and the desire to live in harmony with the laws of nature.
Before using refer to the book recommendations, desired the advice of your doctor.

Vulcanescu V.

The regulation of body biorhythms and life. Methods of diagnosis acquired. and nakeds. diseases

In his autobiography, Vladimir Vulcanescu says, what wonderful circumstances helped her define her spiritual path, to…

SKU: 252458

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Vulcanescu V.

The regulation of body biorhythms and life. Methods of diagnosis acquired. and nakeds. diseases

AuthorVulcanescu V.
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.10.2015


In his autobiography, Vladimir Vulcanescu says, what wonderful circumstances helped her define her spiritual path, to attain to inner harmony and to reach the highest level, thanks to which it can help not only themselves, but also to people.

Eisler A. K.

Parkinson's disease: diagnosis, treatment, exercises

This book tells about how to maintain the quality of life in Parkinson's disease, we need all patients and their…

SKU: 251672

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Eisler A. K.

Parkinson's disease: diagnosis, treatment, exercises

AuthorEisler A. K.
SeriesDoctor of the highest category
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.10.2015


This book tells about how to maintain the quality of life in Parkinson's disease, we need all patients and their relatives. It includes the latest information on the diagnosis and treatment of the disease along with exercises for brain training, coordination of movement and fine motor skills. The author is a scientist, candidate of technical Sciences, 22 years faithfully caring for his wife who had neurogenerative disease similar to Parkinson's disease. Many years of active life is the material approved by the division of geriatric psychiatry NPCS RAMS.

Schoolboy Y. K.

People. Complete encyclopedia.

The book is "the Man" says that is a person from the point of view of different Sciences - philosophy, anthropology,…

SKU: 251808

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Schoolboy Y. K.

People. Complete encyclopedia.

AuthorSchoolboy Y. K.
SeriesAtlases and encyclopedias. Full encyclopedia
Publication date2020
Dimensions60x84/8 (205x290 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.10.2015


The book is "the Man" says that is a person from the point of view of different Sciences - philosophy, anthropology, anatomy, physiology, genetics, medicine, psychology, Ethnology and other disciplines. The book tells not only about the facts about the human body, but also about the remarkable scientists of different epochs and Nations, whose contributions to science have enriched our knowledge about ourselves. The most interesting scientific hypotheses, facts, theories, opinions. Material encyclopedia grouped by knowledge areas. To facilitate access to relevant information in the book is alphabetical and name indices. For schoolchildren and a wide range of readers.

Khramova E. Yu.

Childhood diseases from A to Z. a reference guide

Our guide contains a description of the diseases most common in childhood. You will learn about the causes and symptoms…

SKU: 252112

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Khramova E. Yu.

Childhood diseases from A to Z. a reference guide

AuthorKhramova E. Yu.
SeriesMedicine for you
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.10.2015


Our guide contains a description of the diseases most common in childhood. You will learn about the causes and symptoms of infectious, inflammatory, allergic, associated with metabolic disorders and other diseases and their treatment. The information will help in the home treatment and care for a sick child.

Filippova I.

Zooglea. The therapeutic properties of sea rice, Kombucha and Tibetan milk mushroom

In this book we will talk about the unusual mushrooms. Can not find them in forest clearings, not to grow in…

SKU: 252111

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Filippova I.

Zooglea. The therapeutic properties of sea rice, Kombucha and Tibetan milk mushroom

AuthorFilippova I.
Publication date2016
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.10.2015


In this book we will talk about the unusual mushrooms. Can not find them in forest clearings, not to grow in greenhouses... But it's easy to grow on a windowsill and drinking a healing potion at any time: for fun, for treatment and for prevention. This so-called mushrooms-zooglea, but in everyday life we all know them under different names: tea mushroom, mushroom rice (or Indian sea rice) and milky mushroom (or Tibetan milk mushroom).
In the book, the reader will find information about the healing properties of mushrooms, learns how and in what situations they can be used to not only strengthen health, but also treated.
The recipes in this book will serve as an excellent aid to treatment. Before using the recipes and guidelines in the book, it is necessary to consult the attending physician.

I. B. Fefilova

Don't want to age! Encyclopedia of methods of anti-aging medicine

It is known that the illness symptoms are often late signs already incurred violations and physiological dysfunctions,…

SKU: 251858

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

I. B. Fefilova

Don't want to age! Encyclopedia of methods of anti-aging medicine

AuthorI. B. Fefilova
SeriesHealth Of Russia
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.10.2015


It is known that the illness symptoms are often late signs already incurred violations and physiological dysfunctions, thereby making any measures too late. Doctor of anti-aging medicine, Fefilova Inga, will help to identify pre-symptomatic signs or functional impairment, which further can lead to premature aging and the appearance of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and many others.
Attention! The information contained in the book, is not meant to substitute for the advice of a doctor. It is necessary to consult a specialist before applying any recommended actions.

Tartak A.

The Golden book of healers from different countries

The author of the book — healer, manual therapist, travnitsa, cosmetologist, owns the secrets of Tibetan medicine. Many…

SKU: 251919

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Tartak A.

The Golden book of healers from different countries

AuthorTartak A.
SeriesPopular medicine
Publication date2015
Dimensions170x240 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.10.2015


The author of the book — healer, manual therapist, travnitsa, cosmetologist, owns the secrets of Tibetan medicine. Many readers in different countries are familiar with its bestsellers from the series of "Golden books" and "Secrets of health". In his new book brings the expertise of healers in different countries, allowing to keep healthy through a simple and harmless means. Also shows that often the person's state of health is the result of his mental health and that by changing the way of thinking, you can achieve harmony and happiness, and this will lead to physical health.

Maps Of Aschbach D. S.

Living water and dead against oxidation and aging

In this book, the author does not simply tell about the amazing properties of water with defined redox potentials, but…

SKU: 251482

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Maps Of Aschbach D. S.

Living water and dead against oxidation and aging

AuthorMaps Of Aschbach D. S.
SeriesHealth at 100!
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.10.2015


In this book, the author does not simply tell about the amazing properties of water with defined redox potentials, but exhaustively represents an affordable and effective method of treatment with water and mineral admixtures such diseases as: diabetes type I and II; BPH, hypertension; cancer; breast, etc.
In addition, on the pages of this book: a unique methodology for anyone looking for a medicine-free, but effective treatment methods; a large number of useful recommendations that will help readers effectively to restore health to your body; a clear explanation of the causes and development of various kinds of health problems and ways to solve these problems.
The book will not only restore the health of adults, but also to ensure a healthy future to children, to stop possible diseases is still in its infancy pathology.

Sitel A. B.

From back pain

We all often suffer from aching or shooting pain in the back that shackle our movements and cause suffering throughout…

SKU: 252219

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sitel A. B.

From back pain

AuthorSitel A. B.
SeriesIf doctors didn't help
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.10.2015


We all often suffer from aching or shooting pain in the back that shackle our movements and cause suffering throughout the body. But they are an important Wake – up call, pointing to the problems of many organs.
The spine is the Foundation of our skeleton, it keeps the weight of the head, body, upper and lower extremities. This is forming the axis for the whole body. Therefore, the health of the spine depends not only our posture and mobility but also the work of all other organs and body systems.
Method of Professor Anatoly Mixer allows you to independently, without operations and tablets, with the help of specially designed for the elderly therapeutic poses and movements to restore the health of the spine. You: regain vitality; freedom from pain in the spine and joints; will return elasticity to the muscles spazmirovannah; overcome headaches and heart pains; overcome heart rhythm disorders and the digestive system and get rid of other chronic ailments.

Heyden K.

Recipes for better vision

In the matter of the preservation of view an important condition is proper nutrition. It is with the food our body…

SKU: 252115

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Heyden K.

Recipes for better vision

AuthorHeyden K.
SeriesFood cures
Publication date2016
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2015


In the matter of the preservation of view an important condition is proper nutrition. It is with the food our body receives various nutrients, vitamins and microelements necessary for normal functioning.
This book provides recipes for strengthening of view that you can prepare at home. You will also learn about the wholesome foods and vitamins that improve eye health. The book will interest all who intend to pay serious attention to their own vision.
Before using refer to the book recommendations, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Heyden K.

Recipes for heart health and blood vessels

People who care about their heart and vessels are advised to refer to your diet. It must include foods that contain…

SKU: 252116

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Heyden K.

Recipes for heart health and blood vessels

AuthorHeyden K.
SeriesFood cures
Publication date2016
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2015


People who care about their heart and vessels are advised to refer to your diet. It must include foods that contain nutrients, macro - and microelements necessary for normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
However, not all the dishes are useful and can contain a large amount of cholesterol — the main enemy of our time. Its increased concentration in the human body can lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, thereby impeding circulation and increasing the risk of stroke or heart attack and other cardiovascular complications.
Protect yourself from this with the help of this book — after all, the dishes presented in it, have low cholesterol, therefore it is recommended to include in the daily menu to reduce the risk of development of diseases of heart and vessels.
Before using refer to the book recommendations, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Carr A.

Easy way to quit Smoking summary

In 1983 Allen Carr has developed
a technique that has helped millions
smokers permanently get rid of
Smoking is today…

SKU: 251456

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Carr A.

Easy way to quit Smoking summary

AuthorCarr A.
Series"Easy way" by Allen Carr
Publication date
Dimensions60x108/32 (130x140 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.10.2015


In 1983 Allen Carr has developed
a technique that has helped millions
smokers permanently get rid of
Smoking is today known as
"Easy way to quit Smoking".
In the book razvenchivaet the myths associated
Smoking and suggests effective
techniques to overcome nicotine

Eliseeva O.

Encyclopedia of unrecognized diagnoses: vol. 1

If you are faced with the problem of unrecognized or diagnosed with a disease difficult to treat, the book O. I.…

SKU: 251500

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Eliseeva O.

Encyclopedia of unrecognized diagnoses: vol. 1

AuthorEliseeva O.
SeriesLibrary of Dr. yeliseeva
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.10.2015


If you are faced with the problem of unrecognized or diagnosed with a disease difficult to treat, the book O. I. yeliseeva, definitely interesting. The book contains letters from people suffering from diseases that Orthodox medicine was powerless, people desperate to overcome his illness, and turned to the doctor known as "the last refuge".
Olga Eliseeva, a practicing physician of the highest category, for many years, gives the joy of healing thousands of patients. Every day she receives dozens of letters in which people ask for help. Not being able to personally help everyone in need, Olga decided to write the book "encyclopedia of unrecognized diagnoses". Using letters as a kind of background, it puts presumptive diagnoses, illustrated with clinical examples from his rich practice and makes recommendations about what should conduct research to recognize the true causes of disease, the correct diagnosis and, finally, to get rid of pesky ailments.
In addition, in this book you will find the unique scheme of treating many diseases, the advice of a psychologist and a special positive moods for gaining peace of mind, which is the key to a successful recovery.

Eliseeva O.

Encyclopedia of unrecognized diagnoses: vol. 2

If you are faced with the problem of unrecognized or diagnosed with a disease, difficult to treat, the book O. I.…

SKU: 251499

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Eliseeva O.

Encyclopedia of unrecognized diagnoses: vol. 2

AuthorEliseeva O.
SeriesLibrary of Dr. yeliseeva
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.10.2015


If you are faced with the problem of unrecognized or diagnosed with a disease, difficult to treat, the book O. I. yeliseeva, definitely interesting. The book contains letters from people suffering from diseases that Orthodox medicine was powerless, people desperate to overcome his disability and turned to the doctor known as "the last refuge".
Olga Eliseeva, a practicing physician of the highest category, for many years, gives the joy of healing thousands of patients. Every day she receives dozens of letters in which people ask for help. Not being able to personally help everyone in need, Olga decided to write the book "encyclopedia of unrecognized diagnoses". Using letters as a kind of background, it puts presumptive diagnoses, illustrated with clinical examples from his rich practice and makes recommendations about what should conduct research to recognize the true causes of disease, the correct diagnosis and, finally, to get rid of pesky ailments.
In addition, in this book you will find the unique scheme of treating many diseases, the advice of a psychologist and a special positive moods for gaining peace of mind, which is the key to a successful recovery.

Jochum I.

Tibetan therapeutic exercises for the back: the 15-minute program

Provides 15-minute program on how to cure diseases of the spine.
For a wide range of readers.

SKU: 251420

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Jochum I.

Tibetan therapeutic exercises for the back: the 15-minute program

AuthorJochum I.
Publication date2009
Dimensions70x100/32 (120x165 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.10.2015


Provides 15-minute program on how to cure diseases of the spine.
For a wide range of readers.

The G. Kibardin

5 steps to longevity and youth

The book is written by a Ph. D. in sociology G. M. Kibardina according to the materials of his scientific papers,…

SKU: 251921

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The G. Kibardin

5 steps to longevity and youth

AuthorThe G. Kibardin
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.10.2015


The book is written by a Ph. D. in sociology G. M. Kibardina according to the materials of his scientific papers, lectures and training programs for 2003-2008. The classes were held with students and trainees at various institutions, organizations and representative offices of foreign companies in Russia whose work is connected with questions of longevity and youth the person. The author believes that his method of rejuvenation allows the person wishing to live to 120-130 years old, more fully realizing their creative potential, maintaining good health and high performance.

The book is intended for a wide circle of readers interested in the issues of longevity and youth of the physical body.

Norbekov M. S., Osipov A.

From heart pains

"Doctor, heart!". With such complaints to doctors drawn every fifth patient in Russia. Unfortunately, often doctors have…

SKU: 252182

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Norbekov M. S., Osipov A.

From heart pains

AuthorNorbekov M. S., Osipov A.
SeriesIf doctors didn't help
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.10.2015


"Doctor, heart!". With such complaints to doctors drawn every fifth patient in Russia. Unfortunately, often doctors have time only to hastily prescribe pills and scan through the tests. Doctors are in a hurry, they have a hard time in our busy time. However, we are responsible for your health, it is therefore essential to guess your own mystery diseases associated with pain in the heart.
Why has this happened? Excessive stress at work? Stress? Hidden anger? Food in a hurry, neglect of your own body? Smoking? Hidden fear, manifested at night, excessive heartbeat? Only in this way can achieve these results during treatment. The authors offer their own unique means of self-healing.

Neumyvakin I.

Ginger.Myths and reality

This book is about one of the representatives of the world of spices — the representative of the most useful and the…

SKU: 251920

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Neumyvakin I.

Ginger.Myths and reality

AuthorNeumyvakin I.
Publication date2018
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.118 kg
Created at29.10.2015


This book is about one of the representatives of the world of spices — the representative of the most useful and the brightest — the ginger. Its application in cooking, the improvement of the body (including getting rid of excess weight) and medicine.

Neumyvakin I.

Comarum palustre.Myths and reality

The first is devoted to a unique medicinal plant marsh cinquefoil, a recognized and official and folk medicine. For…

SKU: 251918

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Neumyvakin I.

Comarum palustre.Myths and reality

AuthorNeumyvakin I.
Publication date2015
Dimensions130x200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.09 kg
Created at29.10.2015


The first is devoted to a unique medicinal plant marsh cinquefoil, a recognized and official and folk medicine. For example, in Japan, China, Korea and Mongolia Comarum palustre is included in the official pharmacology as an antitumor agent. As a treatment for joint diseases this plant is used for centuries. The book contains recipes for therapeutic application of cinquefoil and other diseases. In the second part of the book provides the author's recommendations on healthy and proper nutrition.

Danilov N. And.

Healing salt

Salt is one of the most common natural food and medicines. The book presents information about the use of salt in folk…

SKU: 252639

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Danilov N. And.

Healing salt

AuthorDanilov N. And.
SeriesI attract health
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.11.2015


Salt is one of the most common natural food and medicines. The book presents information about the use of salt in folk and traditional medicine, in the treatment and prevention of diseases: heart, blood vessels, stomach, kidneys, liver, bones, joints, and many others.

Matveev Sergey

Yoga! All the secrets of beauty, rejuvenation, health

Freedom in the body, health, energy, mobility at any age, ease and flexibility, the ability to withstand stress, ability…

SKU: 252825

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Matveev Sergey

Yoga! All the secrets of beauty, rejuvenation, health

AuthorMatveev Sergey
SeriesReading The Future
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at30.11.2015


Freedom in the body, health, energy, mobility at any age, ease and flexibility, the ability to withstand stress, ability to focus and achieve goals, success at work and in life — all this yoga! Millions of people around the world today practice yoga and are sure that these classes have changed their body, mind, life.
Before you well-illustrated book, which will help to enter the world of yoga. Clear and understandable instructions, comments, and more than 100 photos will help you to perform asanas correctly so that they deliver real benefits to the body and mind.
No matter if you play sports or have a life were far from him, this book will help take your first steps, protect against mistakes and prepare for serious exploration of this ancient practice.