Products: 33

I. V. Stalin

About the national question: a collection of articles

"Marxism and the national question" — the article by I. V. Stalin, written in 1912-1913 in Krakow at the insistence of…

SKU: 240437

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

I. V. Stalin

About the national question: a collection of articles

AuthorI. V. Stalin
Publication date2012
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.09.2012


"Marxism and the national question" — the article by I. V. Stalin, written in 1912-1913 in Krakow at the insistence of Lenin. In this paper, Stalin expressed the Bolshevik views on solutions to the national question and criticized the program "cultural-national autonomy" of the Austro-Hungarian socialists. The work gained popularity among the Russian Marxists, and since that time Stalin was considered an expert on national issues.

The Fröberg Idling P.

Smile Pol Pot

The twelfth of August, 1978, the delegation of the Society of Swedish-Cambodian friendship arrived in Democratic…

SKU: 246039

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Fröberg Idling P.

Smile Pol Pot

AuthorThe Fröberg Idling P.
SeriesHistory. Political science
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.02.2014


The twelfth of August, 1978, the delegation of the Society of Swedish-Cambodian friendship arrived in Democratic Kampuchea, Pol Pot. After returning home, four Swedes said that the Communist revolution of the Khmer Rouge should serve as an example for other countries. Soon the world community has learned that three and a half years of the reign of Pol Pot, the country has lost a fourth part of the population: almost two million people were executed or died of starvation, backbreaking slave labor and disease.
But how could it be that nobody in the world did not raise a voice against one of the bloodiest regimes of the second half of the twentieth century?
Almost a quarter of a century later, journalist Peter Fröberg the Idling read glowing reports of the Swedish delegation and decided to conduct its own investigation. The result was the book the SMILE of Pol POT, became a sensation in Sweden and already translated into several languages.

Shcherbakov A.

Emelyan Pugachev. The other side of the Golden age

The Pugachev uprising occupies a special place in Russian history. Contemporaries of these events are incredibly shocked…

SKU: 246781

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shcherbakov A.

Emelyan Pugachev. The other side of the Golden age

AuthorShcherbakov A.
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at09.05.2014


The Pugachev uprising occupies a special place in Russian history. Contemporaries of these events are incredibly shocked and since then there are disputes about who was this mysterious Emelyan Pugachev, what political forces were behind him, who was led by his actions and who was favorable to ignite the fire of a popular revolt. Some historians are inclined to believe that the legendary rebel was actually someone's secret agent, other researchers claim that in fact the leader of the peasant uprisings were a completely different person! Someone insists that Pugachev was a prominent warlord-nugget. Author Alexei Shcherbakov clearly and convincingly proves that the famous Emelyan Pugachev — talented adventurer with a powerful charisma, caught at the right time and in the right place. Crush Saga is the other side of the Golden age of Catherine, the story of the dark side of life in the Russian Empire.

Karamzin N.

History of the Russian state.

"Karamzin is our first historian and the last chronicler..." - this definition was given by A. S. Pushkin, the great…

SKU: 234611

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Karamzin N.

History of the Russian state.

AuthorKaramzin N.
Publication date2020
Dimensions84x108/16 (~205х290 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross2.06 kg
Created at25.04.2011


"Karamzin is our first historian and the last chronicler..." - this definition was given by A. S. Pushkin, the great educator, writer and historian N. M.Karamzin. The famous "history of the Russian state", all twelve volumes of which were included in this book, has become a major event in the public life of the country, the era in the study of our past. As an Annex to it here is published a note about ancient and new Russia", for almost two centuries was under an unofficial ban. The publication is richly illustrated and primarily of prints from the rare album "Picturesque Karamzin", released in Pushkin times.

Radzinsky E.

The Kingdom of the executioner

And while praying in my head suddenly sounded blasphemous words executed Horse: "We founded the new Kingdom is yours"...…

SKU: 252231

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Radzinsky E.

The Kingdom of the executioner

AuthorRadzinsky E.
SeriesDynasty without makeup
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.10.2015


And while praying in my head suddenly sounded blasphemous words executed Horse: "We founded the new Kingdom is yours"...
I am their new king? Funny, citizens!

Pataki H.

Moscow rally. Issue 2 (set of 9 cards and books)

"Scooter" is a new original publishing project "Moscow rally", addressed to young Muscovites and guests of the capital,…

SKU: 252518

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Pataki H.

Moscow rally. Issue 2 (set of 9 cards and books)

AuthorPataki H.
SeriesUrban rally "Scooter
Publication date2014
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.12.2015


"Scooter" is a new original publishing project "Moscow rally", addressed to young Muscovites and guests of the capital, as well as their parents, teachers, and anyone interested in the history and culture of Moscow.

Adult so hurry, I don't see anything beyond their noses. But if you learn how to "read" your city, you can learn a lot! And this applies not only to the very center of Moscow - every part of the capital can tell us something amazing from their history. "Moscow rally No. 2. Boulevard ring" - it's nine trails fun walks.
Following the routes of the rally, you will learn which secrets to keep Moscow boulevards, where the hidden rivers of Moscow that the Moscovites called green club, why the Boulevard ring is not really the ring... and much more!

Card size unfolded: 59 cm x 42 cm


Moscow rally No. 1

"Scooter" is a new original publishing project "Moscow rally", addressed to young Muscovites and guests of the capital,…

SKU: 252519

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Moscow rally No. 1

SeriesUrban rally "Scooter
Publication date2011
Dimensions100x210 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.12.2015


"Scooter" is a new original publishing project "Moscow rally", addressed to young Muscovites and guests of the capital, as well as their parents, teachers, and anyone interested in the history and culture of Moscow.
"Moscow rally" is set for an exciting and informative walk. In the case of the first issue (which can be used as a tablet while walking) you will find 8 routes through the historic districts of Moscow and one - in Moscow metro. For each route there is, of course, a map, and a list of questions that must be answered during the walk. You have to look in Moscow courtyards, carefully study the house and the monuments, read the signs, to guess riddles. And make real discoveries. The kit also includes a booklet, where you will find a description of the rules and detailed answers to the questions.
In the first edition of the "Moscow rally": the Kremlin, Red square, Moscow, Tverskaya, Prechistenka and Ostozhenka, Arbat, Maroseika and Pokrovka, Moscow and Moscow metro.

Box size: 10.5 cm x 22 cm x 2,5 cm
Card size unfolded: 59 cm x 42 cm

Platonov, S. F., Vernadsky

The best historians of the twentieth century: Sergei Platonov, George Vernadsky. From its origins to the Mongol invasion

Library project "History of Russian state" - recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature,…

SKU: 253771

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Platonov, S. F., Vernadsky

The best historians of the twentieth century: Sergei Platonov, George Vernadsky. From its origins to the Mongol invasion

AuthorPlatonov, S. F., Vernadsky
SeriesLibrary project of Boris Akunin's "History of the Russian state
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.03.2016


Library project "History of Russian state" - recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature, which is reflected in the biography of our country from the very beginning. The book presents selected chapters from "the Full course of lectures on Russian history" classic of Russian historical thought Sergei Fedorovich Platonov and "Kievan Rus" Georgy Vladimirovich Vernadsky – an outstanding Russian historian who worked in the West for the glory of our Fatherland, author of the classic textbook on the history of Russia.

S. Solovyov, Klyuchevsky In

The best historians: Sergey Solovyov, Vasily Klyuchevsky. From its origins to the Mongol invasion

Library project "History of Russian state" — recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature,…

SKU: 253825

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

S. Solovyov, Klyuchevsky In

The best historians: Sergey Solovyov, Vasily Klyuchevsky. From its origins to the Mongol invasion

AuthorS. Solovyov, Klyuchevsky In
SeriesLibrary project of Boris Akunin's "History of the Russian state
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.03.2016


Library project "History of Russian state" — recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature, which is reflected in the biography of our country, from its early beginnings.
The book presents selected chapters from "History of Russia from ancient times" Sergei Mikhailovich Soloviev's "a Short course on Russian history" by Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky — the works of outstanding Russian historians, which became a cultural phenomenon, a historic fact of mental life of Russia, in the difficult moment of our history again helps us from the standpoint of the past to understand and comprehend the present.



Welcome to our "Historian". The outdoor Museum presents visitors with an amazing collection of antiquities, including…

SKU: 254257

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc



Publication date2016
Dimensions275x375 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.04.2016


Welcome to our "Historian". The outdoor Museum presents visitors with an amazing collection of antiquities, including more than 130 exhibits. Learn more about different cultures, great civilizations of the past and their rich artistic heritage.
We invite everyone to enjoy the priceless world treasures.

V. A. Gilyarovsky

Moscow quests. The history of modern review

"In the beginning 1870-h years Vladimir Giljarovsky first came to Moscow," we know from any school textbook on…

SKU: 254482

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

V. A. Gilyarovsky

Moscow quests. The history of modern review

AuthorV. A. Gilyarovsky
SeriesLegends best years
Publication date2016
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.04.2016


"In the beginning 1870-h years Vladimir Giljarovsky first came to Moscow," we know from any school textbook on literature. Since we all know him as the knower of the innermost secrets of the city – "Moscow and Muscovites" became the main book about the Russian capital.
Is it possible to find the old town the streets are made of glass and concrete? What secrets hides the modern capital? The answer is in this book. Find Polytechnic that same keychain with elephant, for good luck RUB the bronze dog on Revolution Square, get to the concert a very unfamiliar group - guide "Moscow quests" on the street Gilyarovskogo, look at how Moscow has grown and changed during the century.

Akunin B.

Horde period. The best historians

Library project "History of Russian state" — recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature,…

SKU: 254892

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Akunin B.

Horde period. The best historians

AuthorAkunin B.
SeriesHistory of the Russian state
Publication date2016
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at16.06.2016


Library project "History of Russian state" — recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature, which reflect the biography of our country, from its early beginnings.
This volume includes selected chapters from "an Educational book on Russian history," Russian historian, Professor of Moscow state University, Sergei Solovyov, "the Course of Russian history" honorary academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences Vasily Klyuchevsky and Full course of lectures on Russian history," classics of Russian historical thought of Sergei Fedorovich Platonov.

Akunin B.

The autocrats in Moscow. Ivan III. Vasily III

Library project "History of Russian state" – recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature,…

SKU: 257034

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Akunin B.

The autocrats in Moscow. Ivan III. Vasily III

AuthorAkunin B.
SeriesBoris Akunin. The history of the Russian state
Publication date2016
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at10.12.2016


Library project "History of Russian state" – recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature, which reflect the biography of our country, from its early beginnings. Who was the great Moscow princes Ivan III and Vasily III, the impact of their activities on the fate of Russia? Under what historical circumstances they had to act? The extent to which the era has shaped their personality, and what kind of print to events put character and preferences?

Y. A. Petrosyan

The Ottoman civilization

Famous orientalist, doctor of historical Sciences Yuri Petrosyan in his fundamental work, in a popular form describes…

SKU: 256418

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Y. A. Petrosyan

The Ottoman civilization

AuthorY. A. Petrosyan
SeriesThe greatest civilizations of the world
Publication date2016
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.12.2016


Famous orientalist, doctor of historical Sciences Yuri Petrosyan in his fundamental work, in a popular form describes the originality of a synthesis of Christian-Muslim multinational Ottoman civilization with a rich cultural and linguistic heritage; the story of the creation, development and destruction of the mighty Ottoman Empire.

Gumilev L.

The end and the beginning

One of the most popular books of the outstanding Russian historian and geographer Lev N. Gumilev is written based on the…

SKU: 236592

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Gumilev L.

The end and the beginning

AuthorGumilev L.
Publication date2009
Dimensions84x108/32 (~130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


One of the most popular books of the outstanding Russian historian and geographer Lev N. Gumilev is written based on the lectures given by the author in the 80-ies to audiences in Moscow and Leningrad and enjoyed great success among all who are able to think independently and creatively. The original concept of drive theory to explain patterns of occurrence and development of ethnoses, death and the collapse of the great empires, presented in an entertaining form, with examples from the lives of many peoples in ancient and medieval Europe, the Middle East, China, India and America and the activities of their outstanding representatives (passionaries), who left a bright trace in History.
The book is printed by the author copy of the manuscript with the restoration of many cuts made by the censorship of the publishing house "Nauka" of the first edition books in 1990

Klyuchevsky V. O.

Russia in "Buntashny century"

Library project "History of Russian state" — recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature,…

SKU: 257701

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Klyuchevsky V. O.

Russia in "Buntashny century"

AuthorKlyuchevsky V. O.
SeriesBoris Akunin. The history of the Russian state
Publication date2017
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.03.2017


Library project "History of Russian state" — recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature, which reflect the biography of our country, from its early beginnings. Acute internal crises and a long war in Russia at the turn of XVI—XVII centuries was largely generated by the incomplete process of state centralization, lack of necessary conditions for normal development of the country. The great Russian historians N. M. Karamzin, S. M. Solovyov, V. O. Klyuchevsky and estimated developments in the country, but they all unanimously claimed that the turning point was in 1612.


Счастливая Россия

Название романа - "Счастливая Россия" - интригует само по себе, а то, что действие при этом происходит в 1937 году,…

SKU: 258106

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Счастливая Россия

Publication date2017
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.05.2017


Название романа - "Счастливая Россия" - интригует само по себе, а то, что действие при этом происходит в 1937 году, только добавляет ожиданий. Привычный уже вопрос "А будет ли продолжение?", возникающий у читателей после каждого романа этого цикла - также остается пока без ответа.

Пинкус С.

1688 the First modern revolution

The English "Glorious revolution" of 1688, which had overthrown the last of the kings of the dynasty of the Stuarts…

SKU: 258590

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Пинкус С.

1688 the First modern revolution

AuthorПинкус С.
SeriesHistory in one volume
Publication date2017
Dimensions145х215 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at30.05.2017


The English "Glorious revolution" of 1688, which had overthrown the last of the kings of the dynasty of the Stuarts James II, is considered to be not only peaceful and bloodless, but almost Patriarchal, - when it had, in equal measure, all of the most conservative sectors of contemporary English society, from the highest aristocracy to the peasantry.
Steven Pincus, analyzing the changes that brought the "Glorious revolution" not only of the UK, its overseas colonies, but throughout Europe, comes to a startling conclusion: this first modern revolution was the beginning of the society of liberalism, tolerance, the rule of law, economic and political freedom.

Solzhenitsyn A.

Размышления над Февральской революцией. Черты двух революций

Впервые в книжном формате под одной обложкой — две статьи Александра Солженицына, «Размышления над Февральской…

SKU: 258413

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Solzhenitsyn A.

Размышления над Февральской революцией. Черты двух революций

AuthorSolzhenitsyn A.
SeriesЧеловек Мыслящий. Идеи, способные изменить мир
Publication date2017
Dimensions135x175 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.06.2017


Впервые в книжном формате под одной обложкой — две статьи Александра Солженицына, «Размышления над Февральской революцией» (1980–1983) и «Черты двух революций» (1984). «Всякая революция неизбежно далеко-далеко превосходит границы, мыслимые начинателями. У неё — своя инерция разгонного качения, и она никогда не ограничивается первоначальными задачами».

Solzhenitsyn A.

Том 11-12. Красное колесо. Март 17-го. Книги 1-2

Узел III: Март Семнадцатого. Книга 1: В первой книге "Марта Семнадцатого" описаны начальные дни Февральской революции в…

SKU: 258042

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Solzhenitsyn A.

Том 11-12. Красное колесо. Март 17-го. Книги 1-2

AuthorSolzhenitsyn A.
Publication date2008
Dimensions145x215 мм (60х90 1/16)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.06.2017


Узел III: Март Семнадцатого. Книга 1: В первой книге "Марта Семнадцатого" описаны начальные дни Февральской революции в Петрограде: последние прения в Государственной Думе; разгон уличных демонстраций, стрельба; бунт запасных батальонов; растерянность Совета министров; Ленин в Цюрихе; Государь в Могилеве. Первые аресты чиновных лиц в Петрограде.
Узел III: Март Семнадцатого. Книга 2: Во второй книге "Марта Семнадцатого" читатель погружается в бурные события второй недели Февральской революции, весть о которой облетела всю Россию через телеграф министерства путей сообщения. Ставка шлет полки против Петрограда. А у Таврического дворца победные речи. Одновременное формирование двух новых властей: Временного Правительства и Исполнительного Комитета Совета Рабочих Депутатов. Государь спешит из Ставки в Царское Село, к семье. Исполком рассылает разрушительный для Армии "Приказ №1". Ставка отзывает полки, посланные на подавление. Отречение Николая II. Царских министров - в Петропавловскую крепость.

Mlechin L. M.

Дональд Трамп. Роль и маска. От ведущего реалити-шоу до хозяина Белого дома

Президентские выборы в Соединенных Штатах Америки всегда вызывают интерес. Но никогда результат не был столь…

SKU: 258496

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Mlechin L. M.

Дональд Трамп. Роль и маска. От ведущего реалити-шоу до хозяина Белого дома

AuthorMlechin L. M.
Publication date2017
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.06.2017


Президентские выборы в Соединенных Штатах Америки всегда вызывают интерес. Но никогда результат не был столь ошеломительным. И весь мир пытается понять, что за человек сорок пятый президент Дональд Трамп? Трамп — символ перемен к лучшему для множества американцев, впавших в тоску и утративших надежду. А для всего мира его избрание — симптом кардинальных перемен в политической жизни Запада. Но чего от него ожидать? В новой книге Леонида Млечина — описание жизни и политический портрет нового хозяина Белого дома на фоне всей истории американского президентства. У Трампа руки развязаны. Он никому ничем не обязан. Не должен следовать каким-то догмам. И ему простят любые глупости — по крайней мере, на первых порах. У него полно восторженных поклонников, которые голосовали за него не умом, а сердцем.Его первые решения многих испугали и удивили. Но каждый шаг нового президента продуман и подготовлен, у него есть система. Дональд Трамп уверен, что его образ непредсказуемого и опасного политика позволит запутать и запугать врагов; они занервничают, не зная, чего от него ждать, и растеряются. Он не желает играть по чужим правилам. Он создает их сам. Склонен делать большие ставки. И сражается до победы.

Мелтон К.

The art of espionage. The secret history of the CIA machinery

The book presents a history of opposition to the US intelligence and security services of the leading countries of the…

SKU: 258078

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Мелтон К.

The art of espionage. The secret history of the CIA machinery

AuthorМелтон К.
SeriesJournalism and documentary prose
PublisherАльпина Паблишер
Publication date2017
Dimensions170x240 мм (70х100 1/16)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.06.2017


The book presents a history of opposition to the US intelligence and security services of the leading countries of the world, and especially the KGB, through an unusual prism — the clandestine activities of scientists, engineers and officers of operative-technical services of the CIA. The authors, recognized experts in the field of the history of intelligence and espionage machinery, reveal the secrets of creation and application of one of the most sophisticated and hidden from the eyes of spy tools devices for special purposes. Micropatterning, camouflage, covert surveillance, wall, at the right time to take the "ears", the human mind is the battlefield on which between the superpowers is no less fierce struggle, than "advanced spy". Most of the stories told in the book, for many years was kept in the archives classified as "Secret," and today we have a rare opportunity to learn about a complex and unique intelligence operations, the success or failure of which 90% depended on the "invisible characters" — scientists and engineers.

Z. Prilepin

Not a stranger to strife. One day - one year

A new book of essays "Not a stranger to strife" is dedicated to the Ukrainian-Russian tragedy 2014. Stories, timeline,…

SKU: 250478

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Z. Prilepin

Not a stranger to strife. One day - one year

AuthorZ. Prilepin
SeriesZakhar Prilepin: journalism
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at19.04.2015


A new book of essays "Not a stranger to strife" is dedicated to the Ukrainian-Russian tragedy 2014. Stories, timeline, travel sketches from trips to the new Russia is closely intertwined with reflections on Russian history, Russian culture and Russian world. "This has been brewing for a year, and once fell as hail. ...Since November 2013, with the emergence of the Euromaidan in Kiev, I wrote a strange distemper, distemper became his, not so much describing the events, considering how much their feelings, the chief of which was: "It's already happened to us! This is not the first time!". It was found that a variety of events from Russian history are connected with what is happening directly, even if there was a hundred or a thousand years ago. What Russian literature, beliefs and judgments of national classics wonderfully illustrate what we saw, heard and experienced during the year. I'm not ashamed of what I said — and I remain convinced that my eyes were sober, and his judgment is reasonable. Those who think differently, I will say one thing: I look at everything through the eyes of the people to whom I have the happiness to belong". (Zakhar Prilepin)

Chiesa D.

The war of empires. The East - West. Division of spheres of influence

How can we export democracy of the United States of America, if it itself does not exist there? What are the…

SKU: 194856

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Chiesa D.

The war of empires. The East - West. Division of spheres of influence

AuthorChiesa D.
SeriesEmpire at war: book sensationalism J. Chiesa
Publication date2006
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


How can we export democracy of the United States of America, if it itself does not exist there? What are the consequences of China's rising power and the intersection of his interests with the us? What were the secret background of the events of 11 September in the USA? That character is Osama bin Laden? Why rage of passion in the middle East, and in Iraq from time to time looking for nuclear weapons? What sacrifices Putin, restoring and strengthening its strategic Arsenal and winning the right to independent steps? Why the phrase "the first democratic President of the new Russia" is meaningless and false?..
These and many other pressing and important issues affecting in his book Italian journalist Giulietto Chiesa. He's 20 years he lived in Russia and now is a member of the European Parliament. He, as always, avoids political taboo and subtle equivocation. It is polemical and sometimes shocking, bold, and uninhibited in judgment about the balance of power in the international arena.

Giulietto Chiesa is trying to cover the widest possible spectrum of the political market and in their own way to rate a boiling passion here for spheres of influence. He drew attention to the alarming painful spots on the planet.

Хоус Дж.

Краткая история Германии

С чего началась история Германии? Уничтожили ли германцы римскую культуру или унаследовали ее? Какова мистическая…

SKU: 259960

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Хоус Дж.

Краткая история Германии

AuthorХоус Дж.
SeriesГорода и люди
Publication date2021
Dimensions60х90 1/16
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.43 kg
Created at10.03.2018


С чего началась история Германии? Уничтожили ли германцы римскую культуру или унаследовали ее? Какова мистическая глубинная связь между германской короной и Римской империей? Где на самом деле заканчивается территория Германии? Как эта страна стала средоточием силы и власти в Европе? Можно ли допустить, что ЕС - это всего лишь декорация для нового германского господства? Британский историк и автор научно-популярных книг Джеймс Хоус предлагает уникальный обзор главных событий истории одного из крупнейших европейских государств.

Radzinsky E.

Последняя ночь последнего царя

Новая пьеса Эдварда Радзинского, основанная на ранее неизвестных документах. Пьеса-расследование. Казнь глазами палачей.

SKU: 260062

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Radzinsky E.

Последняя ночь последнего царя

AuthorRadzinsky E.
SeriesКраткий курс истории
Publication date2017
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at11.03.2018


Новая пьеса Эдварда Радзинского, основанная на ранее неизвестных документах. Пьеса-расследование. Казнь глазами палачей.

Keskin Y.

Government house

Yuri slezkin tells the story of the Soviet Union through the story of one of the most famous, significant and tragic of…

SKU: 262338

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Keskin Y.

Government house

AuthorKeskin Y.
Publication date2019
Dimensions 24.2 x 17.2 x 5.6
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross1.33 kg
Created at25.05.2019


Yuri slezkin tells the story of the Soviet Union through the story of one of the most famous, significant and tragic of his characters. Government house, he is the First House of the Soviets, he is the legendary House on the embankment. There lived the elite of the USSR. Scientists and writers, actors and party leaders, marshals and inventors, all powerful tyrants and their victims, those who were waiting at the entrance for an autograph, and those whose name were afraid to utter even in the kitchen. Poor Damian and Alexander Serafimovich, Svetlana Alliluyeva and Vasily Stalin, Lavrenti Beria and Nikita Khrushchev, Alexei Stakhanov and Artem Mikoyan, Georgy Zhukov and Ivan Bagramyan, Yuri Trifonov and Pavel Postyshev, Mikhail Tukhachevsky and Vasily Blyukher. In the 1930-ies and 1940-ies about 800 residents of the house were arrested. During the great terror of some of the apartments changed several owners in a month. "Government house" is a documentary story about how it was born, developed and died this house. And with it the whole country.

Keskin Y.

The Era Of Mercury. The Jews in the modern world

"Era mercury" - the story of a complex, full of incredible difficulties, tragedies and great achievements of the path,…

SKU: 262863

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Keskin Y.

The Era Of Mercury. The Jews in the modern world

AuthorKeskin Y.
Publication date2019
Dimensions138x212 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.59 kg
Created at26.10.2019


"Era mercury" - the story of a complex, full of incredible difficulties, tragedies and great achievements of the path, which was passed by the representatives of the Jewish people in the twentieth century, from small towns to gigantic cities, from the pale of settlement to world metropolis. Yuri slezkin not only studies full of dramatic events of individual fate, but also indicates the General trends and background took place in the twentieth century social and political tectonic shifts that invariably representatives of the "Mercurian" of the nation of nomads, accustomed, on the one hand, to adjust to existing realities and to zealously protect their religious, social and cultural values. One of the most exciting, deep and large-scale works on the history of the Jewish people in the twentieth century. People, in fact, this century is created and affected by it more than others.

Radzinsky E.

Nicholas II

And again dreaming the same night — ending three centuries of the Empire in a dirty basement. And once again, and two…

SKU: 262747

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Radzinsky E.

Nicholas II

AuthorRadzinsky E.
SeriesEdvard Radzinsky. Best
Publication date2019
Dimensions60x90/16 (~145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.56 kg
Created at02.11.2019


And again dreaming the same night — ending three centuries of the Empire in a dirty basement. And once again, and two girls are kneeling at the wall, closing hands of bullets, and the commandant Yurovsky runs in powder smoke perforation of additional intervals crawling on the floor boy...
Only now with all this smoke I see more and bearded man, who did so much to ensure that happened this basement! And who knew that it would happen!

Radzinsky E.

Русские цари. Избранные жизнеописания

В книгу вошли монументальные биографии Александра II и Николая II, царей, чье правление навсегда изменило историю…

SKU: 264736

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Radzinsky E.

Русские цари. Избранные жизнеописания

AuthorRadzinsky E.
SeriesНаследие эпох
Publication date2020
Dimensions216x168x44 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.86 kg
Created at01.04.2021


В книгу вошли монументальные биографии Александра II и Николая II, царей, чье правление навсегда изменило историю России.

Зыгарь М.

Фейсбук русской революции

Что если взглянуть на события русской революции изнутри, глазами самих участников, которые еще не знают, чем все…

SKU: 265135

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Зыгарь М.

Фейсбук русской революции

AuthorЗыгарь М.
SeriesПроект М. Зыгаря
Publication date2021
Dimensions248x173x29 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.64 kg
Created at19.05.2021


Что если взглянуть на события русской революции изнутри, глазами самих участников, которые еще не знают, чем все закончится? Что если следить за их поступками день за днем, читать о том, на что они надеются, чего боятся и что планируют – и как меняются их страхи и планы? Если освободиться от стандартного взгляда на историю – «с вершины горы», с нашей, сегодняшней точки зрения, когда уже известен результат и волей-неволей ищешь логику в поступках героев, то становится понятно, что логики не так много. Историей правит ошибка. Герои почти всегда ошибаются, принимают решения, исходя из неверных расчетов, тщетных надежд, ложных опасений...

Смит Д.

Российская миссия. Забытая история о том, как Америка спасла Советский Союз от гибели

В 1921 году в России начался страшный голод. Чтобы остановить его, новое советское правительство под руководством…

SKU: 266801

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Смит Д.

Российская миссия. Забытая история о том, как Америка спасла Советский Союз от гибели

AuthorСмит Д.
Publication date2021
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.41 kg
Created at12.07.2022


В 1921 году в России начался страшный голод. Чтобы остановить его, новое советское правительство под руководством Владимира Ленина пригласило Американскую администрацию помощи, детище Герберта Гувера, спасти коммунистическую Россию от разорения. За два года небольшая группа отважных американцев накормила более десяти миллионов человек. Это была крупнейшая гуманитарная операция в истории, предотвратившая гибель бесчисленного количества людей, массовые волнения и, вполне возможно, крах коммунистического государства. Спустя сто лет мало кто помнит об этих событиях. Советское правительство быстро стерло память об американской помощи. Дуглас Смит воскрешает американскую миссию по оказанию помощи из безвестности. История ARA — это политические интриги, приключения и романтика, но прежде всего — бескомпромиссный альтруизм и любовь к ближнему.
“Русская миссия” представляет собой захватывающий отчет о совместных усилиях по предотвращению кризиса, которым не было равных ни до, ни после.

Богданович А.

Три последних самодержца

- Первая книга новой исторической серии.
- Уникальный документ — личный дневник Александры Викторовны Богданович,…

SKU: 270084

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Богданович А.

Три последних самодержца

AuthorБогданович А.
SeriesИстория государства российского в лицах и судьбах
Publication date2024
Dimensions132x205 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.51 kg
Created at12.09.2024


- Первая книга новой исторической серии.
- Уникальный документ — личный дневник Александры Викторовны Богданович, хозяйки большого светского салона Санкт-Петербурга в царствование Александра II, Александра III и Николая II.
- Светская львица долгие годы вела записи, куда кропотливо заносила услышанное от гостей салона: министров, военачальников, церковников и т. п. Множество авторов, пишущих о последних годах российской монархии, ссылаются на ее труды.
- Книга раскрывает доселе неизвестные подробности жизни Романовых. Историческая подоплека государственных решений и альковные тайны царской семьи — все это тщательно зафиксировано умной и прозорливой современницей.
- «История государства Российского в лицах и судьбах» — серия книг о важнейших событиях истории страны, отголоски которых слышны до сих пор.