Business. Marketing

Products: 7

Shilenkova P. V.

I'm so awesome. Why no one notices me?

Each of us sure that it is cool. Each of us in the shower Princess, or at least Cinderella. But that's why colleagues at…

SKU: 255016

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shilenkova P. V.

I'm so awesome. Why no one notices me?

AuthorShilenkova P. V.
SeriesBook training
Publication date2016
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at10.06.2016


Each of us sure that it is cool. Each of us in the shower Princess, or at least Cinderella. But that's why colleagues at work, new friends, successful men hard see you as that indecisive little girl, the aggressive vamp, if not gray mouse?
This is all the result of impression management!
Why is it so important to master this art?
Because it can change your life and make it a string of achieving your dreams!
What you go to work? What image sees your man on a date?
What you're at a party with friends? What you wear to the important meeting?
It would seem a trifle. But the author of this book will teach you how to turn a small thing into a tool of influence.
How to create first impression?
What is corporate image?
The power of society and its impact on us.
Skill seems to play!
Pauline Kalenkova – founder and General Director of Ural centre for image consulting and learning Algorithms of image"; the image is a psychologist and business coach.
"Algorithms of image" is a team of professional stylists and image-makers, working successfully on the market for 7 years and helping people to find themselves, their individual image and life of which they dreamed.

Трамп Д.

How to become rich

In his book, the real estate billionaire, author of many bestsellers, broadcaster and candidate for U.S. President…

SKU: 257233

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Трамп Д.

How to become rich

AuthorТрамп Д.
SeriesSuccess stories
PublisherАльпина Паблишер
Publication date2016
Dimensions170x240 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at15.03.2017


In his book, the real estate billionaire, author of many bestsellers, broadcaster and candidate for U.S. President Donald trump reveals the secrets of his success. He tells about how to invest money; to impress the Manager and get promoted; successfully manage the business; to hire, promote and dismiss employees; to negotiate; to uphold the good name of its brand; to think bigger and live your best. The book is full of business advice and worldly wisdom and talks about how in a legal way are enormous fortunes and how to manage a first-class business.

Трамп Д.

Trump never gives up

During his long business career, Donald trump has known astonishing highs and a rapid fall.
In this book, trump talks…

SKU: 257332

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Трамп Д.

Trump never gives up

AuthorТрамп Д.
SeriesBooks being talked about
Publication date2017
Dimensions 76x100/32
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at15.03.2017


During his long business career, Donald trump has known astonishing highs and a rapid fall.
In this book, trump talks about his biggest failures and difficulties, and shares the principles with which he was able to overcome them.
Following the leadership lessons of Donald trump, you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation in your career and business and to turn their problems into real success.

Трамп Д.

Donald Trump. Think like a champion

In business it is better to be audacious than intractable.
The worst thing that can make a businessman working on a…

SKU: 258304

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Трамп Д.

Donald Trump. Think like a champion

AuthorТрамп Д.
SeriesThe way of the leader. Legendary bestsellers
Publication date2016
Dimensions145х215 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at03.06.2017


In business it is better to be audacious than intractable.
The worst thing that can make a businessman working on a deal to allow partners to feel how much he wants it.
Do not hesitate to bargain, achieving more favorable conditions. I think pride that prevents save own money, a huge stupidity.
Value yourself highly. Life is an art and a business art so be an artist, show what you are capable of.
Treat yourself as a Corporation. Pay attention to all without exception aspects of my life.
Adapt or lose.

Who is this book for:
For managers of companies and departments, for those who are interested in leadership, history of the twentieth century.

Covey C.

Eighth skill: user Manual

The book of Stephen Covey "the Eighth skill: From effectiveness to greatness" has given way to prospects and huge…

SKU: 261677

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Covey C.

Eighth skill: user Manual

AuthorCovey C.
SeriesPersonal effectiveness
PublisherАльпина Паблишер
Publication date2017
Dimensions24,00 см x 17,00 см
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.4 kg
Created at03.03.2019


The book of Stephen Covey "the Eighth skill: From effectiveness to greatness" has given way to prospects and huge opportunities of the modern world — the age of the employee of intellectual work. It helps to get rid of pain and disappointment, to make life significant and meaningful and to achieve true greatness. The purpose of the book "the Eighth skill: From effectiveness to greatness" — to provide a person with a plan of action. This guide is designed to help the reader to implement this plan and to make a qualitative leap from effectiveness to greatness. It will require the reader practical implementation skills, uses his intellect and soul. Working with this tutorial, you will apply the acquired knowledge in practice, take notes, run tests for self-evaluation and to answer the questions, the purpose of which is to push you to thinking and give an opportunity to understand what they read.

Kiyosaki R.

Богатый ребенок, умный ребенок

Книга написана для родителей, которые ценят образование, мечтают, чтобы их ребенок на старте жизни совершил рывок в…

SKU: 266310

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Kiyosaki R.

Богатый ребенок, умный ребенок

AuthorKiyosaki R.
SeriesБогатый папа
Publication date2021
Dimensions200x135x10 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.348 kg
Created at15.02.2022


Книга написана для родителей, которые ценят образование, мечтают, чтобы их ребенок на старте жизни совершил рывок в финансовом и академическом направлениях, и желают принять активное участие в воплощении этой мечты.

Сафин А.

Игры с разумом. Принципы оптимального мышления для бизнеса, карьеры и личной жизни

Альберт Сафин — психолог, сертифицированный коуч, бизнес-тренер и лектор, которого смотрят 340 тысяч подписчиков на…

SKU: 270350

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Сафин А.

Игры с разумом. Принципы оптимального мышления для бизнеса, карьеры и личной жизни

AuthorСафин А.
SeriesUnicornBook. Мега-бестселлеры в мини-формате
Publication date2024
Dimensions120x177 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.23 kg
Created at17.11.2024


Альберт Сафин — психолог, сертифицированный коуч, бизнес-тренер и лектор, которого смотрят 340 тысяч подписчиков на Ютубе. И это число постоянно растет. В книге «Игры с разумом» он учит развивать самый важный навык современного успешного человека — навык стратегического мышления.

КАК определить свои действительные (а не внушенные извне) желания и цели? КАК долгосрочно планировать и всегда выполнять задуманное? КАК держать дела под контролем, не проверяя актуальные статусы выполнения задач каждую минуту? КАК стать продуктивнее и повысить уровень своего дохода?

На эти и многие другие вопросы о личной эффективности Альберт Сафин отвечает в своей книге. С ее помощью вы научитесь принимать только верные решения, которые принесут вам экстравысокие результаты.