Health, medicine

Products: 794

Gonikman E.

Electroacupuncture diagnostics by R. Voll method with homeopathy

The publisher reports that this training manual represents the experience of the team CHM "Santana" and the Institute…

SKU: 189589

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Gonikman E.

Electroacupuncture diagnostics by R. Voll method with homeopathy

AuthorGonikman E.
Publication date2004
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


The publisher reports that this training manual represents the experience of the team CHM "Santana" and the Institute "Energiministeriet" from 1990 to the present time" and that "this method has been widely adopted both in this country and abroad." Describes the topography and diagnostic value of fixed points used for testing drugs, biological, nutritional supplements, homeopathy, food products, cosmetics and perfumery, selection of minerals and metals in the Voll electro-puncture. The principles of electrotherapy based on the use of impulsive low-frequency currents".

Neumyvakin I.

Bio-energetic essence of a person

The material objects have an energy field, of different nature and intensity of the radiation. All the flora and fauna…

SKU: 233660

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Neumyvakin I.

Bio-energetic essence of a person

AuthorNeumyvakin I.
Publication date2020
Dimensions70x100/16 (~167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.384 kg
Created at25.12.2010


The material objects have an energy field, of different nature and intensity of the radiation. All the flora and fauna have their individual bioenergy field through which they exchange energy with the environment. So each person has an individual bio-energetic essence, which characterizes it as a material object and as a person.
The author, Professor Neumyvakin I. P. describes bio-energetic essence of man and determines the change of his condition as a measure of the relationship with all others, for in the whole Universe there is a manifestation of global Law of universal interaction. In Nature and in humans, is electromagnetic in nature. And in order to be healthy and happy so that the harmony existed not only each inhabitant of the Earth, but also on the entire planet, we must live observing the laws of the Universe. How is it? - Read the book...

Larsen, E. Larsen Hegarty K.

The path of the healer. Seven keys to spiritual and physical healing (1862)

Ernie Larsen - renowned expert in the treatment of addiction. According to him, people suffering from alcoholism or drug…

SKU: 232823

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Larsen, E. Larsen Hegarty K.

The path of the healer. Seven keys to spiritual and physical healing (1862)

AuthorLarsen, E. Larsen Hegarty K.
SeriesA World Of Good
Publication date2010
Dimensions76x108/32 (~135x205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.01.2011


Ernie Larsen - renowned expert in the treatment of addiction. According to him, people suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction, is not lost to society, they are not "sinners" and not even "sick" in the conventional sense of the word. The dependence of the signal on the loss of the sense of values and the meaning of life. And refraining from disturbing live habits occurs only when this loss is made up. Larsen is the author of effective rehabilitation techniques, the basic principles set out in this book. The author describes steps to mental and physical health, illustrating them with stories of their patients. Most of them are people who lost almost everything - family, home, health, but thanks to the program, Larsen managed to come back to life. Their stories evoke sympathy and admiration, as well as encouraging the fact that while life is not over - edit it to the best of our ability.

The book will be of interest to those who suffers from addiction or is a relative or another person is facing this problem. And who has ever experienced a spiritual crisis and was close to losing the meaning of life.

Moritz A.

To defeat the diagnosis!Diabetes,AIDS,cancer

The author gives a new estimate one of the most dangerous diseases: what are their causes, what factors determine a…

SKU: 234350

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Moritz A.

To defeat the diagnosis!Diabetes,AIDS,cancer

AuthorMoritz A.
SeriesHealth and alternative medicine
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (~130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.04.2011


The author gives a new estimate one of the most dangerous diseases: what are their causes, what factors determine a person's susceptibility to a particular disease, what would it take to activate a protective mechanism of the body and to fight the disease.

For a wide range of readers.

Norbekov M.

Wisely eat - live long

This book is necessary for anyone who cares about their health and wants to get from food are not only useful, but also…

SKU: 234435

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Norbekov M.

Wisely eat - live long

AuthorNorbekov M.
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (~130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.18 kg
Created at20.04.2011


This book is necessary for anyone who cares about their health and wants to get from food are not only useful, but also fun. After reading it, you will get an idea about optimum nutrition system built on the rules of compatibility of products, taking into account the location and time of year. The science of correct eating, table manners, nutrition recommendations for different Zodiac signs will also bring benefits to everyone.


A raw food diet. A new chance for your body

A new chance for your body. No wonder the raw food diet is becoming more popular in different countries, including in…

SKU: 234441

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


A raw food diet. A new chance for your body

Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.04.2011


A new chance for your body. No wonder the raw food diet is becoming more popular in different countries, including in Russia. The advantages of this system of power is evident. Many have already stopped for her, but it is difficult to take the first steps. This book will help to overcome the psychological barrier, introduced in the course of business. On the pages of the book readers will find scientific substantiation and recommendations, practical tips, original recipes for the menu rawfoodist. The book will help make the decision on adjustment of type of food, will become an assistant in the development of the new system.

The Liebmann-Smith, Joan

The signs of the body in children: a comprehensive guide to the health of your children

Noting changes in a growing child, you often are worried about the slightest details. Why is one pupil larger than the…

SKU: 234666

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Liebmann-Smith, Joan

The signs of the body in children: a comprehensive guide to the health of your children

AuthorThe Liebmann-Smith, Joan
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.04.2011


Noting changes in a growing child, you often are worried about the slightest details. Why is one pupil larger than the other, why hair grows unevenly, why baby hiccups often? Based on the latest research in the field of Pediatrics, this book will answer all these questions and will help you determine when you really should consult a doctor, and when you can relax and not worry unnecessarily.
"The signs of the body in children" - a complete guide for parents who want to be confident that their child is developing normally.

D' Adamo James

Not treated - not just cheer! New recipes health from the Creator of the diets for 4 blood types

Dr. James D'adamo, discoverer of diets according to blood group, do the next step in your research: it turns out, the…

SKU: 234668

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

D' Adamo James

Not treated - not just cheer! New recipes health from the Creator of the diets for 4 blood types

AuthorD' Adamo James
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (~130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.04.2011


Dr. James D'adamo, discoverer of diets according to blood group, do the next step in your research: it turns out, the needs of the human organism is not only determined by the group, but a subgroup of blood! This principle underlies presented in the book healing and preventative diets and types of exercise.
For example heart disease and low blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, hypoglycemia, depression and other ailments, the author describes in detail the methods of treatment through correct diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Miller Steve

Get off the couch and lose it!

You complain that you overweight? The author of this book, the main minion of fortune England Steve Miller, not going to…

SKU: 234677

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Miller Steve

Get off the couch and lose it!

AuthorMiller Steve
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (~130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.04.2011


You complain that you overweight? The author of this book, the main minion of fortune England Steve Miller, not going to waste time with whiners. It will make you get up off the couch and to engage seriously with themselves.
His methods really work! And thanks to them you will become what she always wanted to be.

Krsinich S.

Narapidana: diet your mood. Forget about Kolaiah, dauertest emotions

Book doctor over sandy Trstenica will be of interest to anyone who cares about their food and about health in General.…

SKU: 235261

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Krsinich S.

Narapidana: diet your mood. Forget about Kolaiah, dauertest emotions

AuthorKrsinich S.
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x100/32 (~125x205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.06.2011


Book doctor over sandy Trstenica will be of interest to anyone who cares about their food and about health in General. Cleverly blending the folk wisdom and research findings of modern science, the author shows how our diet affects the brain and the emotion we feel.
Physiology of human emotion is determined from birth, and the food we eat depends on our sense of emotions. This book shows the close relationship between our food and our emotions. It is for those who want to have a "healthy body, healthy spirit".


Clean your body from diseases

The book describes the procedures and methods that will help you dramatically improve health without any drugs. Once…

SKU: 236180

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Clean your body from diseases

SeriesHealth and alternative medicine
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at13.08.2011


The book describes the procedures and methods that will help you dramatically improve health without any drugs. Once life balance is achieved, health will come by itself.
For a wide range of readers.

Semenova A.

Work with a pendulum and Feng Shui

This unique book brings together several themes: work with a pendulum and frame, an initial diagnosis of the home, the…

SKU: 235564

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Semenova A.

Work with a pendulum and Feng Shui

AuthorSemenova A.
SeriesEnergy. The invisible world
Publication date2009
Dimensions199 x 125 x 11 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.08.2011


This unique book brings together several themes: work with a pendulum and frame, an initial diagnosis of the home, the proper distribution of energy in the house and Russian Feng Shui. It explores how and from what materials you need to do the swingarm and frame, how to use them properly, how to develop the ability to make intuitive knowledge of the world. In addition to a pendulum to renovate your home, to bring in positive energy will help you with special tools that are used since ancient times in Chinese art of Feng Shui. Anastasia Semenova detailed and clearly talks about the right device interior, and much more, offering a synthesis of Western and Eastern teachings.

Borshchenko I. A.

Course exercises to the "Smart spine" (new)

Book Igor Borshchenko "the "Smart spine"" aroused great interest, many readers requested the author to expand the…

SKU: 235664

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

Course exercises to the "Smart spine" (new)

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2011
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.08.2011


Book Igor Borshchenko "the "Smart spine"" aroused great interest, many readers requested the author to expand the complex its positional isometric exercises. We present to your attention the applied part of this bestseller, which for your convenience is collected only exercises: both core and additional, allowing you to put your posture and support the spine in good condition for many years. Movements and postures developed by Igor Borshchenko, strengthen muscles, which are important for healthy functioning of the spine without damaging it. Performing these exercises 2 times a week, you will have perfect posture and strong muscles, and due to this, forget about many chronic diseases!

Hurcomb Z.

Diet Hurcomb: Excess weight will go away English. (new)

Imagine the perfect diet: the weight, which you have always wanted; - slim figure and robust health; - no need to count…

SKU: 235709

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Hurcomb Z.

Diet Hurcomb: Excess weight will go away English. (new)

AuthorHurcomb Z.
Publication date2011
Dimensions130х205 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.08.2011


Imagine the perfect diet: the weight, which you have always wanted; - slim figure and robust health; - no need to count calories or fat; - no need to starve or give up something forever. The ideal diet works!

All this was possible with a diet that Zoya Hurcomb, a leading British expert on nutrition, developed especially for you. For all who spent years on starvation and restriction. Now you can - no, you just have to know what causes food dependant

Neumyvakin I.

Sea-buckthorn. Myths and reality

The book talks about healing and preventive properties of sea buckthorn, in which cases and how to apply medicines from…

SKU: 235888

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Neumyvakin I.

Sea-buckthorn. Myths and reality

AuthorNeumyvakin I.
Publication date2019
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.09 kg
Created at24.08.2011


The book talks about healing and preventive properties of sea buckthorn, in which cases and how to apply medicines from the sea buckthorn at home.

Petrenko V., E. Deryugin

All about cancer and tumors. 3-e Izd. (0097)

This book describes the causes and methods of treatment of oncological diseases.
The information in this book is based…

SKU: 235894

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Petrenko V., E. Deryugin

All about cancer and tumors. 3-e Izd. (0097)

AuthorPetrenko V., E. Deryugin
SeriesSecrets your health
PublisherАмрита Русь
Publication date2010
Dimensions130х200 мм (средний формат)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.08.2011


This book describes the causes and methods of treatment of oncological diseases.
The information in this book is based on the experience of ancient and modern medicine, and also on the personal experience of the authors in the treatment of tumors.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers and can help solve many of the problems associated with health. However, you should not take this information as a textbook on medicine. All the recommendations and methods of treatment presented in it should be used after consultation with your doctor.

Friedman Howard

The project "Aging": the Sensational discoveries made on the basis of the study, which lasted almost

In the book "Project "Longevity"" scientists from Stanford University presents the sensational results of a unique…

SKU: 235900

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Friedman Howard

The project "Aging": the Sensational discoveries made on the basis of the study, which lasted almost

AuthorFriedman Howard
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2011
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.08.2011


In the book "Project "Longevity"" scientists from Stanford University presents the sensational results of a unique psychological study, which lasted almost a hundred years.

This is an attempt to answer the question of WHO LIVES LONG AND WHY.
Beautifully written and fascinating, this book not only shows that the majority of established ideas about health and longevity - myth, but also gives the keys to a long, healthy, meaningful life.

Mikhailova, Л. М

365 recipes health from the best healers

Natural medicines: medicinal plants, bee products, Shilajit, clay - if properly and timely use of them, help to cope…

SKU: 235980

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Mikhailova, Л. М

365 recipes health from the best healers

AuthorMikhailova, Л. М
SeriesCalendar for health and beauty
Publication date2011
Dimensions100х140 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.08.2011


Natural medicines: medicinal plants, bee products, Shilajit, clay - if properly and timely use of them, help to cope with many diseases.
In our book contains the most effective recipes from the best Russian healers from the Altai, the Urals, Siberia, the black earth region. Treated safely, because the uniqueness of natural medicines is that, unlike medicines, they are not only cheap and efficient, but also safe for our body. Be well 365 days a year!

Borshchenko I. A.

Isometric Dr. Borshchenko. The spine and joints

In the book, neurosurgeon, candidate of medical Sciences Igor Borshchenko, the reader will find a unique method of…

SKU: 236462

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

Isometric Dr. Borshchenko. The spine and joints

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2011
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at07.10.2011


In the book, neurosurgeon, candidate of medical Sciences Igor Borshchenko, the reader will find a unique method of isometric muscle training on strengthening deep muscles of the back and the formation of posture. The peculiarity of this type of exercise in which muscles are tensed in the special ergonomic positions, with virtually no movement or using special movements of small amplitude, which eliminates the overload of joints and vertebrae.
The technique is unique in its simplicity and accessibility. It is suitable for all who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for the sick, injured, or undergoing surgery on the spine and joints, for those who are experiencing back pain in the hands and feet. It can be recommended for office workers, drivers and tourists, the elderly and sedentary people.

Pravdina N.

Create the perfect body (new.)

A quick guide to the miraculous transformation of his body, the achievement of harmony, beauty and health, based on the…

SKU: 236586

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Pravdina N.

Create the perfect body (new.)

AuthorPravdina N.
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x90/32 (107x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at15.10.2011


A quick guide to the miraculous transformation of his body, the achievement of harmony, beauty and health, based on the book: "Lose weight together with a fairy. My beautiful body."
You'll learn how to set their minds on youth, beauty and health. How to normalize your weight with the help of meditation, to strengthen inner strength, doing breathing exercises, learn to get energy from the natural and spiritual sources. The author will show you how you can become more cheerful and more energetic at any weight and physique.
This book will support and inspire you to work on ourselves and help to consciously create your body, your life.

Aksenov A. P.

How to cure the 200 most common diseases

For those who want for many years to maintain health and longevity, to get rid of various diseases, is a series of books…

SKU: 238427

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Aksenov A. P.

How to cure the 200 most common diseases

AuthorAksenov A. P.
SeriesThe secrets of the sorcerer
Publication date2007
Dimensions130х200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.02.2012


For those who want for many years to maintain health and longevity, to get rid of various diseases, is a series of books known healers, healers, doctors, herbalists for the treatment of more than 200 of the most common diseases. The book of the famous witch doctor Alexander Aksenov deservedly the first one is this series.

The author offers proven its longstanding practice recipes treatment with medicinal herbs, prayers, fastings, and also gives recommendations for the treatment of diseases.

Neumyvakin I.

Kalina. Myths and reality

The new book of Professor I. P. Neumyvakin devoted to the healing properties of viburnum plants, which from time…

SKU: 237960

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Neumyvakin I.

Kalina. Myths and reality

AuthorNeumyvakin I.
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.02.2012


The new book of Professor I. P. Neumyvakin devoted to the healing properties of viburnum plants, which from time immemorial has been used extensively in folk medicine, including the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, gastrointestinal tract, normalize metabolism. Modern medicine confirms the medicinal properties of cranberries and gives them a scientific basis. About how to use the healing power of plants, described in the book.

Neumyvakin I.

Iodine, Myths and reality

The new book of Professor I. P. Neumyvakin devoted to the healing properties of iodine, the lack of which in the body…

SKU: 237961

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Neumyvakin I.

Iodine, Myths and reality

AuthorNeumyvakin I.
Publication date2016
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.1 kg
Created at28.02.2012


The new book of Professor I. P. Neumyvakin devoted to the healing properties of iodine, the lack of which in the body leads to degenerative changes in the brain, the accumulation of excess fat, low energy and muscle tone, depression of sexual function and many other disorders. About what you can do to the body is not experienced iodine deficiency, are described in the book.

Dau Mike

Biochemistry of happiness: Restorative diet

Dr. Mike Dow, the expert in a unique field of cognitive-behavioral therapy, recommends a radical way to overcome the…

SKU: 237971

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Dau Mike

Biochemistry of happiness: Restorative diet

AuthorDau Mike
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.02.2012


Dr. Mike Dow, the expert in a unique field of cognitive-behavioral therapy, recommends a radical way to overcome the dependence from food.
He found that in dependence on carbohydrate or fatty foods people get just as easily as dependent on nicotine or cocaine. The reader is offered a four-week program of liberation from this addiction by gradually reducing the number of "bad" foods and adding those techniques and products that enhance the body's level of serotonin and dopamine. Flexible and unique and effective Recovery Diet eliminates the agony of the period of withdrawal symptoms, characteristic of most diet programs, and forms the structure stable, healthy and happy lifestyle and long-awaited weight loss.

Il'in, V. F.

10 diseases of modernity that threaten everyone. Determine your risk

The book contains information about the most common illnesses of our time, the threat of which is high for each and…

SKU: 237579

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Il'in, V. F.

10 diseases of modernity that threaten everyone. Determine your risk

AuthorIl'in, V. F.
SeriesFamily Doctor
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.03.2012


The book contains information about the most common illnesses of our time, the threat of which is high for each and which are often the cause of death: coronary heart disease; stroke; high cholesterol; hypertension; liver disease; diabetes mellitus; male disease: prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, prostate cancer; female diseases: inflammatory diseases of female genital organs, cancer of the uterus, diseases of the breast; osteochondrosis; thyroid disease; cancer and other cancers. In addition, include the following issues: why these diseases have now received such wide distribution; how to determine your risk; what you need to do in order to avoid them; how to treat them and how to prevent their further development. Special attention is given to prevention of these diseases and problems of a healthy lifestyle as the basis of life without diseases.

Hoffman V.

The brain controls the body. Volitional codes for vascular health

In the development of many cardiovascular diseases psychological factor is important, and moral support — a major…

SKU: 237580

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Hoffman V.

The brain controls the body. Volitional codes for vascular health

AuthorHoffman V.
SeriesHealth at 100 !
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.03.2012


In the development of many cardiovascular diseases psychological factor is important, and moral support — a major component of treatment. Using volitional health codes, you will be able to provide such support on their own. They set up for a cure, help to overcome the stress that causes and accompanies heart disease. Codes that are offered in this book help create a positive attitude and look at life with optimism, and future — with hope.

Konovalov S. S.

4 set of exercises that are shown to everyone. In motion - health!

This book is designed for a wide range of readers. It will be useful to anyone who wants to find and keep a great…

SKU: 237616

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Konovalov S. S.

4 set of exercises that are shown to everyone. In motion - health!

AuthorKonovalov S. S.
SeriesDr. S. S. Konovalov is
Publication date2012
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.03.2012


This book is designed for a wide range of readers. It will be useful to anyone who wants to find and keep a great physical shape, but for one reason or another are not able to attend sports clubs. The book presents four physical exercises, with the necessary illustrations and for their implementation at home. Mastering these exercises and regular training to ensure proper functioning of many systems of the human body and maintaining the newfound health at the proper level.

Podgornov N. In.

Expectant mother

This book is a great gift for expectant mother, created to help Express the warmest feelings. In the book a large number…

SKU: 237738

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Podgornov N. In.

Expectant mother

AuthorPodgornov N. In.
SeriesA gift to your loved one
Publication date2012
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.03.2012


This book is a great gift for expectant mother, created to help Express the warmest feelings. In the book a large number of illustrations, filled with warmth and love.

Andreev And

Chronic fatigue. How to defeat her. The secrets of healthy sleep

Feel tired all the time? If you are in the morning hard to get out of bed, and in the evening you go over with your legs…

SKU: 238487

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Andreev And

Chronic fatigue. How to defeat her. The secrets of healthy sleep

AuthorAndreev And
Publication date2012
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.03.2012


Feel tired all the time? If you are in the morning hard to get out of bed, and in the evening you go over with your legs and only dream that you will not be bothered, and so it continues day in and day out - you have chronic fatigue! And not always this state is associated with sleep problems. You can sleep 8-10 hours a night and still tired, even if you don't have to try too hard. What's the deal? The doctor and psychologist Alexander Andreev explains why we get tired, what are the kinds of fatigue and how to combat it in each specific case.

Borshchenko I. A.

Isometric Dr. Borshchenko. The spine and joints

In the book, neurosurgeon, candidate of medical Sciences Igor Borshchenko, the reader will find a unique method of…

SKU: 238165

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

Isometric Dr. Borshchenko. The spine and joints

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2011
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.03.2012


In the book, neurosurgeon, candidate of medical Sciences Igor Borshchenko, the reader will find a unique method of isometric muscle training on strengthening deep muscles of the back and the formation of posture. The peculiarity of this type of exercise in which muscles are tensed in the special ergonomic positions, with virtually no movement or using special movements of small amplitude, which eliminates the overload of joints and vertebrae.
The technique is unique in its simplicity and accessibility. It is suitable for all who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for the sick, injured, or undergoing surgery on the spine and joints, for those who are experiencing back pain in the hands and feet. It can be recommended for office workers, drivers and tourists, the elderly and sedentary people.

Zholondz M I

A new look at hypertension: causes and treatment. 4 sensation of Alonza

The results of the research are inconsistent with the official representations of modern medicine. In particular,…

SKU: 238466

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Zholondz M I

A new look at hypertension: causes and treatment. 4 sensation of Alonza

AuthorZholondz M I
SeriesFamily Doctor
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.03.2012


The results of the research are inconsistent with the official representations of modern medicine. In particular, refuted the thesis of the incurability of hypertension, are new, sensational information about the causes and ways of treatment of this disease. The author argues that modern medicine has absolutely no prospects in the fight against hypertension until it is firmly revised and reformulated the fundamental basis of modern physiology and cardiology.

Lyubov Orlova

The ABC of ECG and heart pain. What cardiogram shows

In the popular book explains how to learn how to read an electrocardiogram of the heart and to understand the basic…

SKU: 238541

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Lyubov Orlova

The ABC of ECG and heart pain. What cardiogram shows

AuthorLyubov Orlova
SeriesThe advice of an experienced physician
Publication date2012
Dimensions84х108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.04.2012


In the popular book explains how to learn how to read an electrocardiogram of the heart and to understand the basic symptoms of heart pain. The grant can be useful for medical students, mastering the basics of cardiology and talks on "heart theme" with their future patients.
's meant for everyone to understand the basics of reading an ECG.

Borshchenko I. A.

The waist without pain. Unique isometric training

Lower back — spine, which accounts for all the mass in our body. And it is not surprising that many are constantly…

SKU: 238988

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

The waist without pain. Unique isometric training

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2012
Dimensions130x200 мм (84х108 1/32)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.04.2012


Lower back — spine, which accounts for all the mass in our body. And it is not surprising that many are constantly concerned about the shot in the lower back, muscle spasm of the lumbar area, aching pain and unpleasant tingling in his legs. Is it possible to rid yourself of suffering and to restore health of the vertebrae and joints? The rate of isometric exercises Dr. Borshchenko — easy and fast way to regain freedom of movement, to get rid of the constant pain and restore joint mobility. Available exercises do not require special physical training — just stopping for a while in certain positions. This isometric training eliminates excessive stress on the joints and vertebrae, prevents the onset of pain. The exercises are designed for sedentary people, those who suffered an injury or surgery on the lumbar spine. Just a few minutes a day devoted to isometric exercises, will give you back the mobility and healthy gait.

Borshchenko I. A.

Neck without pain. Unique isometric training

Neck pain is a disease of concern to many people and gives a lot of inconvenience. Sharp or aching pain in the neck,…

SKU: 238989

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

Neck without pain. Unique isometric training

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2012
Dimensions130x200 мм (84х108 1/32)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.04.2012


Neck pain is a disease of concern to many people and gives a lot of inconvenience. Sharp or aching pain in the neck, muscle spasm, headaches and even blurred vision can be a symptom of degenerative disc disease or herniated disc.
Isometric exercises Igor Borshchenko is the best way to get quick relief from the constant pain, prevent progression of the disease. Special muscle training will help to restore mobility to stiff vertebrae, and the freedom and joy of movement.
Exercises based on the movements of small amplitude, eliminate undue stress on the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs. Therefore, to perform such exercises can and the elderly, and those who underwent spinal surgery. Suffice it to freeze in certain ergonomic positions and the muscles will be strengthened without additional load.
Give the exercises a few minutes a day to restore the correct operation of all the cervical vertebrae and relieve you from the tedious pain.

Hwang Yu

The program is self-healing

Yuri Enovic Hwang is an outstanding healer of our time. Its health system has helped more than two million people!

SKU: 238843

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Hwang Yu

The program is self-healing

AuthorHwang Yu
SeriesWithout tabletochki
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.05.2012


Yuri Enovic Hwang is an outstanding healer of our time. Its health system has helped more than two million people!
The ancients said that a healthy body is a product of sanity. How you think, what you believe is get the body. Thoughts - this is a special program for the body's cells. If telling yourself that you're old, infirm and sick, sooner or later discover that the words are true. If you say that you are healthy, young, charming and beautiful, the body begins to work, respectively, confirming your words.
Want to learn how to work with your own body, with its powerful internal reserves? Want to get rid of diseases, to restore youth, filled with vitality? Then the software self-healing is what you need!


Encyclopedia of healthy eating

The encyclopedia includes the latest information on nutrition and health based on the results of modern researches of…

SKU: 239112

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Encyclopedia of healthy eating

SeriesLife and health
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/16 (205x260 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at19.05.2012


The encyclopedia includes the latest information on nutrition and health based on the results of modern researches of Russian and foreign scientists. The book gives a wonderful opportunity to choose the best healthy products for you. The encyclopedia is intended primarily to healthy people, get them working on prevention of diseases, but can help patients to avoid the development of exacerbations, and someone to be cured completely. For the convenience of readers, the information is presented in four sections: secrets of power, useful products, trendy diets, new diet.
This book is for everyone who cares about their health.

Tartak A.

Big Golden book-2.Secrets of health and youth

The author of the book - folk healer, travnitsa, chiropractor, cosmetologist says, based on inexhaustible people's…

SKU: 239391

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Tartak A.

Big Golden book-2.Secrets of health and youth

AuthorTartak A.
SeriesGolden book
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/16 (205х290 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.06.2012


The author of the book - folk healer, travnitsa, chiropractor, cosmetologist says, based on inexhaustible people's experience of healing, health, without using costly and not always harmless drug. Time-tested recipes offered in the book, from ancient times to our days saving people from a variety of ailments. In addition, often the author assumes the role of a psychologist and gives advice on many of life situations that will help to achieve harmony and happiness in life.
The book of Alla Tartak is very popular in Russia, Israel, America, Germany, Mexico, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Latvia, Canada, England, Czech Republic, France, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Spain, Australia.

Belousova S.,M. Drogowa

Colitis, enteritis, duodenitis

This volume is dedicated to home remedies of self-help in diseases of the intestine.

SKU: 239266

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Belousova S.,M. Drogowa

Colitis, enteritis, duodenitis

AuthorBelousova S.,M. Drogowa
SeriesWhat you should know about health
Publication date2011
Dimensions200x129x10 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.06.2012


This volume is dedicated to home remedies of self-help in diseases of the intestine.

Tartak A.

Secrets of health and youth.KN.2

Do not despair, do not turn V. diseases. Refer to folk methods of healing, for thousands of years to serve the people.…

SKU: 239271

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Tartak A.

Secrets of health and youth.KN.2

AuthorTartak A.
SeriesGolden book
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.07.2012


Do not despair, do not turn V. diseases. Refer to folk methods of healing, for thousands of years to serve the people. Each day do massage work on bioactive points. Walk, sagalevitch, drink herbal teas, exercise.
To be healthy is daily work.

Shabanov V.

Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis

"A major factor in the occurrence of the disease is the stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, which can lead to…

SKU: 239387

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shabanov V.

Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis

AuthorShabanov V.
SeriesWhat you should know about health
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.07.2012


"A major factor in the occurrence of the disease is the stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, which can lead to gallstones, compression and kinking of the bile ducts, gallbladder dyskinesia and biliary tract, the violation of their tone and motor function under the influence of various emotional stress, endocrine, and nervous disorders."

Shabanov V.

Cirrhosis and other liver diseases

One of the main functions of the liver - production of bile, which is necessary for the vigorous activity of the…

SKU: 239388

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shabanov V.

Cirrhosis and other liver diseases

AuthorShabanov V.
SeriesWhat you should know about health
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.07.2012


One of the main functions of the liver - production of bile, which is necessary for the vigorous activity of the digestive system.
Bile from the liver along biliary ducts into the intestine, and stores it in the gallbladder. This sophisticated mechanism for some reason, often faltering, causing inflammation, bile stasis, then thickening it and stone formation.
The gallstones is a common pathology, which dramatically impairs the health and under certain circumstances can be life threatening.
Why is the stagnation and thickening of bile?
How to prevent this phenomenon?
What they say about doctors?
Is it possible biliary tract clean?
But if the stones had formed, we could be crushed and painlessly withdraw from the body?
Is it possible to do without surgery?
It will help to cope with the problems phytotherapy and methods of folk medicine?
All these questions will be answered this collection.

Tartak A.

Secrets of health and youth.KN.3

This book is for those who are thinking about their health. Who wants his life and the life of his family changed for…

SKU: 239392

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Tartak A.

Secrets of health and youth.KN.3

AuthorTartak A.
SeriesGolden book
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.07.2012


This book is for those who are thinking about their health. Who wants his life and the life of his family changed for the better.

Filatov, S. V.

Varicose veins. Treatment and prevention by traditional and nontraditional methods

The book contains necessary and useful information about methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common at the…

SKU: 239457

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Filatov, S. V.

Varicose veins. Treatment and prevention by traditional and nontraditional methods

AuthorFilatov, S. V.
Publication date2009
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.07.2012


The book contains necessary and useful information about methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common at the present time, diseases of the circulatory system - varicose veins. In detail the most recent scientific developments of modern medicine in non-surgical treatment of varicose veins, as well as the methods of folk medicine, which can be successfully used for complex therapy of developing pathology.

Fohlin VG

Biomechanical exercises for the muscles of the spine and joints

Avicenna believed that movement is as important to health as food. However, not every food is good and not every…

SKU: 240036

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Fohlin VG

Biomechanical exercises for the muscles of the spine and joints

AuthorFohlin VG
SeriesHealthy spine
Publication date2012
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at17.09.2012


Avicenna believed that movement is as important to health as food. However, not every food is good and not every movement improves health. Search for the most optimal movements that can effectively and without overloads to maintain and restore the health of the spine and joints, the author of this book has devoted his life. The profession of engineer, high achievements in sports, sports medicine helped Vladimir Fortino to address the issue of strengthening of the musculoskeletal system at the intersection of these areas of knowledge. The author developed a unique therapeutic exercises based on the laws of biomechanics and regulations of the lever for changing the magnitude of muscular resistance. The implementation of high-yield movements gives you the opportunity to optimally develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination, form healthy posture, to resist the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, to maintain a physical form for a long time, to acquire a biological reserve capacity of the organism.
Biomechanical training allows you to simulate almost any modes of muscular activity, without the aid of any sports equipment. The method Fontina was highly appreciated in the cosmonaut training Center and was used as a means of maintaining the normal basic indicators of physical development of astronauts during long-duration missions in earth orbit. Regular muscle training on samosoprotivlenie in the optimal mode will allow you to restore the health of the spine and joints, strengthen the heart and blood vessels without cardioplegic.

Trofimenko T.

Depression without rules

This book is a working tool to implement in your, the reader, the psyche installations by providing you specific…

SKU: 239758

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Trofimenko T.

Depression without rules

AuthorTrofimenko T.
Publication date2012
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at18.09.2012


This book is a working tool to implement in your, the reader, the psyche installations by providing you specific information of impact. The book contains many new, unusual information, which, according to the author, "can really pull you out of the bondage of depression. The author tends to make helpful information firmly entrenched in the subconscious mind readers and worked on the implementation of the main tasks of a way out of depression. As an expert on qualitative theory of information, Tatyana Trofimenko uses the laws of assimilation of information and as an experienced teacher knows how to apply the information exposed so as to truly reached its goal."
Information influence of this book boils down to this:
— a replacement of your psyche harmful for you plants and harmful information for you;
— overlapping access to your psyche harmful for you plants and harmful information for you;
— introducing into your psyche useful plants and useful information for you;
— teaching you to make effective decisions.
Thus, you, the readers have the opportunity to fully recover from depression without the guru, no doctors, no antidepressants, no psychologists and psychotherapists, without religion...

Mironov A.

Body cleansing folk remedies

Over the years of living in the human body accumulate mountains of debris. It's all kinds of wastes, toxins and even…

SKU: 239746

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Mironov A.

Body cleansing folk remedies

AuthorMironov A.
SeriesBest purification methods
Publication date2009
Dimensions84х108 1/32
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at19.09.2012


Over the years of living in the human body accumulate mountains of debris. It's all kinds of wastes, toxins and even radionuclides. All know how hard it is to breathe in neproverene, dusty environment. So our body has a hard time, when there is a large number of harmful substances. If the body is not cleaned, it will create conditions for the development of a number of serious diseases, including cancer. The book contains a large number of popular recipes and tips healers that will help you to cleanse the body of toxins through the natural means. By following these tips, you can preserve their youth, regain health, live long, almost aching.

I. A. Bauman

Adenoma and prostatitis. The best treatment methods

Adenoma and prostatitis are the most common diseases of the male genital areas - more than half of men suffer from these…

SKU: 239749

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

I. A. Bauman

Adenoma and prostatitis. The best treatment methods

AuthorI. A. Bauman
SeriesFamily Doctor
Publication date2008
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at19.09.2012


Adenoma and prostatitis are the most common diseases of the male genital areas - more than half of men suffer from these diseases. They manifest disorder of urination, problems in intimate life. This book will tell you how to prevent this painful disease and if the disease is caught up - how to deal with it and regain health.
Invaluable tips on mud hydrotherapy, secrets of aromatherapy and herbalism, effective techniques of massage and physical therapy, diet - all this will help you to triumph in opposition of the disease or even avoid it.


The pancreatitis. The best treatment methods

Pancreatitis is one of the most serious diseases of the digestive system. After reading this book, the reader learns how…

SKU: 239750

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


The pancreatitis. The best treatment methods

SeriesFamily Doctor
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at19.09.2012


Pancreatitis is one of the most serious diseases of the digestive system. After reading this book, the reader learns how to recognize the symptoms of pancreatitis and to differentiate it from other diseases when should immediately call the doctor, how to protect yourself from attacks, if the disease became chronic. Also presented here is valuable information: effective ways of self-help rehabilitation scheme enterosorbents, the methods of treating mineral waters, principles of nutrition and cooking, dieting on the number system Professor M. I. Pevzner, sample menus for each diet.

Borshchenko I. A.

Joints without pain. Course exercises for joints in isometric mode

The joints are the weak link of the musculoskeletal system. They are always in motion, they account for the maximum…

SKU: 240400

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Borshchenko I. A.

Joints without pain. Course exercises for joints in isometric mode

AuthorBorshchenko I. A.
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.09.2012


The joints are the weak link of the musculoskeletal system. They are always in motion, they account for the maximum load. Therefore, we often experience pain in the joints, they get injured and lose their mobility. Worn joints prone to various diseases. You can avoid all this trouble, if I start to do according to the method of Dr. Borshchenko. Gymnastics for the joints in the isometric mode is a soft muscle training without sudden movements in the joints, stress and pain, without the use of simulators. All you need is to stand in a special coaching positions, after which relax the muscles. Just a few weeks of classes by the method of Igor Borshchenko will save you from pain in the joints, rejuvenate them, will regain their flexibility and mobility.

Komarovsky E. O.

36 and 6 questions about temperature. How to help your child with fever: a book for mom and PA

Our baby is healthy, we are hardened and are the right way of life, but there is no doubt that one day we will find a…

SKU: 239834

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Komarovsky E. O.

36 and 6 questions about temperature. How to help your child with fever: a book for mom and PA

AuthorKomarovsky E. O.
SeriesYoung parents
Publication date2010
Dimensions130x165 мм (70х108 1/32)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.09.2012


Our baby is healthy, we are hardened and are the right way of life, but there is no doubt that one day we will find a hot forehead and we fear to look at the thermometer. And of course we will not sit quietly and watch the suffering of the poor baby! We will help, will help! That's only if we know how to help? This book is intended for those who: — not sure what his mom did everything right, and my grandmother and neighbor know how; — doubts about their own abilities, knowledge and skills; — wants to get specific information, together with information to obtain, in the end, the answer to a very important question: how efficiently and securely to help their own child when the temperature of the body.

R. Dahlke

Guide for sleep. How to fall asleep, sleep, sleep

In this guide you will find a "proven sleep tips for our debilitating life". If you are having difficulties falling…

SKU: 239762

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

R. Dahlke

Guide for sleep. How to fall asleep, sleep, sleep

AuthorR. Dahlke
SeriesLibrary of health
Publication date2011
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.09.2012


In this guide you will find a "proven sleep tips for our debilitating life". If you are having difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep and precipitation, this practical guide will become your indispensable assistant.
Famous German naturopathic physician, doctor of medical Sciences Rudiger the Dahlke talks about how to take care of your dream, enjoy it and use it as an essential source of vitality.
From this book you will learn how to "tame" the dream of how to improve themselves in sleep and in dreams, how to get rid of dysfunctions of sleep that you need for a good night, how to go to bed and much, much more that a modern man for a good night's rest.
The author is convinced that a good sleep is the ideal base to start a new period of active life. Sleep, we feel the vigor, freshness, a burst of energy and am able harmoniously to feel the surrounding world and themselves in this world.
Good luck with your dreams!

The Dahlke, R., Neumann A.

Respiratory treatments (2256)

Man alive until it breathes is known to all. But that each of us lives like breathing, thinking few. A well-known…

SKU: 239760

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Dahlke, R., Neumann A.

Respiratory treatments (2256)

AuthorThe Dahlke, R., Neumann A.
SeriesLibrary of health
Publication date2011
Dimensions170x240 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.09.2012


Man alive until it breathes is known to all. But that each of us lives like breathing, thinking few. A well-known physician, psychotherapist and naturopath, R. Dahlke and expert in the field of respiratory therapy A. Neumann talk about how special breathing practices — primarily associated breathing — to help solve complex psychological problems, overcome the painful physical symptoms and overall change throughout life.
The authors draw attention to the fact that the book is addressed to a wide circle of readers: those who still knows nothing about the associated breath, but ready to embark on the path of inner development and self-improvement; to those who have already mastered any breathing practices, but seeks to expand their knowledge and make their actions more awareness; and finally, those for whom the sessions respiratory therapy is a career — doctors, therapists, trainers recreation centers.

Makova Angelina

Wang. Conspiracies on money

Wang - the Keeper of many knowledge. She not only was able to predict the future, but could fix destiny, to solve…

SKU: 240469

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Makova Angelina

Wang. Conspiracies on money

AuthorMakova Angelina
SeriesWang. Conspiracies Bulgarian healer
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.09.2012


Wang - the Keeper of many knowledge. She not only was able to predict the future, but could fix destiny, to solve problems, to help to get what you want. She was given a special gift to see the future and influence it. Part of this gift she suffered in particular conspiracies that will help people find happiness: she noted part of the conspiracy that, on its vision, should bring good to people. In this book you will find the cash conspiracy marked Vanga - profit, welfare and prosperity in the house that shed about lack of money. Any conspiracies possesses the great power of the word Vanga. In addition, the book contains tips Vanga, which helps to attain wealth, which at different times was given to people coming to her for help.

Moritz A.

The secret of a healthy heart

The book offers unconventional methods of preventing and healing cardiovascular diseases, which lets dramatically…

SKU: 239691

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Moritz A.

The secret of a healthy heart

AuthorMoritz A.
SeriesHealth and alternative medicine
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.09.2012


The book offers unconventional methods of preventing and healing cardiovascular diseases, which lets dramatically improve health without any drugs.
For a wide range of readers.

Goryachev V.

Dowsing and bioenergy recovery from diseases of the century!

Currently in Russia the quality of medical care 130th, and life expectancy of the population - 143-e a place in the…

SKU: 239103

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Goryachev V.

Dowsing and bioenergy recovery from diseases of the century!

AuthorGoryachev V.
Publication date2012
Dimensions130х200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at06.11.2012


Currently in Russia the quality of medical care 130th, and life expectancy of the population - 143-e a place in the world.
For significant improvements Basil and Maxim Goryacheva has developed two standards (not to be confused with the standards of conventional medicine), namely:
dowsing remote method of diagnosis;
dowsing is a way of increasing energy of the body of a sick person regardless of the diagnoses that doctors.
The book presents the results of research conducted by the authors, identifying the causes for serious diseases such as cancer, obesity, emaciation, impaired growth in children, and memory in adults, diabetes mellitus of the 1st and 2nd types, infertility in women and men and other.
The authors solved the problem of longevity, which so far unsuccessfully fighting the whole research teams. The book contains empirical relationships for determining the life expectancy of a particular person on the earth.
The authors proved that cancer is the aging process of the human body as a result of lower energy, which is the result of a sinful lifestyle, bad ecology, contaminated food products, long-term medication. The author has proposed methods of lifting power. The book gives examples of cure serious diseases with the use of effective, but for our non-traditional medicine therapies.

V. F. Ilyin

Dyskinesia. The best treatment methods

Psoriasis is periodic disturbances of tone and motility of the digestive system. Heaviness and dull pain in the right…

SKU: 240665

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

V. F. Ilyin

Dyskinesia. The best treatment methods

AuthorV. F. Ilyin
SeriesFamily Doctor
Publication date2008
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.12.2012


Psoriasis is periodic disturbances of tone and motility of the digestive system. Heaviness and dull pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, unpleasant taste in mouth, bloating, depression, fatigue - all symptoms of psoriasis. Significant role in the development of the disease play a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, negative emotions and stressful situations.
In this book, learn about the causes of psoriasis, the disease, which they often accompany, and how to help the body to recover. Readers are also offered recipes herbal medicine, health diets, methods of treatment by mineral waters, methods of self-massage, Wellness complexes of exercises that are most effective helper methods in the treatment of psoriasis.

Savelieva E. N.

Best. The most important thing about women's diseases

This book is dedicated to the most common women's diseases: infectious diseases of the external and internal genital…

SKU: 240656

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Savelieva E. N.

Best. The most important thing about women's diseases

AuthorSavelieva E. N.
SeriesFamily Doctor
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.12.2012


This book is dedicated to the most common women's diseases: infectious diseases of the external and internal genital organs, inflammatory diseases of the external genital organs, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases hormonal etiology. Readers will learn about the causes of and modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, as well as on the support means of restoring health. In addition, the book presents information about what the signs of trouble in the body you should pay attention in the first place and what preventive measures should be applied to maintain good health and active for many years.
Practical recommendations on how to boost immunity, to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, what to carry out preventive measures to avoid cancer, will, no doubt, useful to the readers.

Qi Sheng Yu

The point of illness and health on your face.

The person not only reflects the character of a person, but also his health. Age spots and moles, skin condition, her…

SKU: 240655

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Qi Sheng Yu

The point of illness and health on your face.

AuthorQi Sheng Yu
SeriesHealth at 100 !
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.12.2012


The person not only reflects the character of a person, but also his health. Age spots and moles, skin condition, her reddening or pallor for a competent person can be the signs that makes one think about visiting a doctor. Says a lot also the shape of the lips, the corners of his eyes, the surface of the tongue. Such self-testing allows you to catch the disease early.
Come to the aid of Eastern methods of diagnosis and treatment. Reflexology is the impact on biologically active points located on the face and body of a person. This method combines acupressure, acupuncture, massage. The internal organs are closely interrelated with the active points located on the face. Acting on them, you will be able to get rid of ailments and also improve health and prolong youth.

The Kibardin G. M.

Rapid restoration of health. Practical recommendations for Oriental medicine

The book is intended for a wide readership, not having certain knowledge on su Jok therapy. After reading this book,…

SKU: 240922

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Kibardin G. M.

Rapid restoration of health. Practical recommendations for Oriental medicine

AuthorThe Kibardin G. M.
SeriesThe guardians of health
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.12.2012


The book is intended for a wide readership, not having certain knowledge on su Jok therapy. After reading this book, everyone will be able to master the mysterious and at the same time very simple Oriental art of helping in any situation that today it is very important for Russians living in the hectic modern life. Simple, accessible to everyone methods of Oriental therapy will help you get rid of drug dependence, from headaches and insomnia, bowel problems and many other illnesses, including chronic, long tormenting you and not treatable by modern medicine. A Chapter of the book is devoted to the description of numerous examples of quick relief of pain and the most common ailments using simple techniques of su Jok therapy. Reading this Chapter, you will be able to find a solution to their health problems, and also to help relatives and familiar people.

Blagova G G

The Frolov breathing for holistic cleansing of the body

Breathing exercises according to the method of <achieves> restore all the rhythms of the body (heart rate, rhythm of the…

SKU: 241192

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Blagova G G

The Frolov breathing for holistic cleansing of the body

AuthorBlagova G G
SeriesWithout tabletochki
Publication date2012
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.12.2012


Breathing exercises according to the method of restore all the rhythms of the body (heart rate, rhythm of the bowel, kidney, nervous system, etc.), resulting in the inclusion of natural cleansing of the entire body. This approach ensures the restoration of full health and thus saves time (classes require no more than 15-20 minutes a day).

Vershinin C, E. Potanina

Best. The most important thing about cancer

Advice and recommendations given in this book, may adopt not only those who put the frightening diagnosis, but also…

SKU: 240654

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Vershinin C, E. Potanina

Best. The most important thing about cancer

AuthorVershinin C, E. Potanina
SeriesFamily Doctor
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.12.2012


Advice and recommendations given in this book, may adopt not only those who put the frightening diagnosis, but also their families and loved ones who are called to support in opposition to disease. The authors tell not only of traditional cancer therapy, new methods of diagnosis and treatment, but also about a variety of alternative methods of struggle with the terrible disease.
The book contains a lot of useful information about cancer prevention. She, no doubt, will be useful for wide circle of readers: those who simply want to preserve and maintain their health, and those who struggle with the terrible disease and wants to continue to live.

Gershburg M. I., Kuznetsov A. G.

Kinesitherapy from back pain. A course of physiotherapy for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis POS

Back pain and cause most of them osteochondrosis — topic, unfortunately, many of us know not by hearsay. It would seem…

SKU: 240886

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Gershburg M. I., Kuznetsov A. G.

Kinesitherapy from back pain. A course of physiotherapy for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis POS

AuthorGershburg M. I., Kuznetsov A. G.
SeriesHealthy spine
Publication date2012
Dimensions145x215 мм (60х90 1/16)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.12.2012


Back pain and cause most of them osteochondrosis — topic, unfortunately, many of us know not by hearsay. It would seem that there are plenty of clinics where these patients are treated. But it turns out that also need to be treated correctly. At the Moscow research and practical center of medical rehabilitation, restorative and sports medicine for many years "got up" people with severe injuries and diseases of the spine, including well — known athletes. And the main secret of success — a special program of therapeutic exercises developed by center staff using the principles of Pilates, which is particularly suitable for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine. With the help of this type of exercise you can reduce back pain and to get rid of them, to restore the flexibility of the spine, increase mobility of joints, to create a strong and harmonious muscular corset that stabilizes the spine and reduces the load on the disks, to improve the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. And the main thing — to restore the overall health of the body and to maintain your fitness and health at any age.


Yoga vs. kilograms Breathe and lose weight

Yoga is an ancient Indian doctrine, which in our day has gained immense popularity, especially among the fair sex. And…

SKU: 241090

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Yoga vs. kilograms Breathe and lose weight

Publication date2012
Dimensions130x200 мм (84х108 1/32)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at06.12.2012


Yoga is an ancient Indian doctrine, which in our day has gained immense popularity, especially among the fair sex. And not by chance, because of the special complexes of exercises to liberate the body and mind, giving freedom — physical and spiritual — to help relieve stress and gain peace of mind. In addition, yoga and solves a purely practical problem: if you want to lose weight, learning how to breathe correctly, you will help our book.
It presents the basic set of physical and breathing exercises of Hatha yoga. Having mastered the complex yogic breathing exercises, you will get rid of health problems and constant stress, which appear because of the inability to breathe properly. Yoga will restore proper operation of all organs, normalize sleep, strengthen the immune system, and the common cold are not afraid of you.
Performing a special set of asanas and techniques, you can quickly burn calories and never gain weight. Don't believe that, not moving actively, you will be able to lose weight? Can because one minute static load asanas to 15 minutes of running. So make an effort - lay a yoga Mat.
Breathe calmly and confidently and lose weight!

Tangai Yuri

Movement to health, youth and longevity. A practical guide to action

Each person is responsible for their own health, for the health of their children and everyone can come to health, and…

SKU: 240667

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Tangai Yuri

Movement to health, youth and longevity. A practical guide to action

AuthorTangai Yuri
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at06.12.2012


Each person is responsible for their own health, for the health of their children and everyone can come to health, and more specifically to a True Health in our lives.
What is True Health? This is the state when you feel so much energy that they are ready to "move mountains", and this energy allows you to live a full, joyful and happy life.
What determines true health and how to get it? What to do if you are not very healthy or very unhealthy? What is the meaning of illness and how to understand the cause of his illness? Is it possible to bring your body back to normal without the use of harmful drugs? How great is the power of thought?
All these and many other questions you will find answers in a wise and useful book Yuri Tagaeva. Importantly, you have a huge desire to become healthy! Dreams always come true!

Thich Nhat Hanh

Conscious eating - conscious life

Learn to eat and live consciously is the key to finding health and happiness. This view combined the Zen Buddhist…

SKU: 240554

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Thich Nhat Hanh

Conscious eating - conscious life

AuthorThich Nhat Hanh
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at15.12.2012


Learn to eat and live consciously is the key to finding health and happiness. This view combined the Zen Buddhist teacher and renowned nutritionist, to take a fresh look at the problem of excess weight.
If you want to live a life of more peace and happiness, this book is for you. If you or someone close to you struggling with weight and needs practical solutions, this book is also for you.

Almodóvar M. A.

The formula of youth "from 40 to 20"

About forty years begin to decline our physical, intellectual and sexual performance due to the slow workings of our…

SKU: 241434

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Almodóvar M. A.

The formula of youth "from 40 to 20"

AuthorAlmodóvar M. A.
SeriesControl over the age
Publication date2012
Dimensions211x140x12 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.01.2013


About forty years begin to decline our physical, intellectual and sexual performance due to the slow workings of our body several essential nutrients. But there are ways in this day and age to feel young, fresh and easy. It is necessary to supply our body with elements that increase vitality, return youthful enthusiasm and cheerfulness. With a well-chosen combination of these important substances Almodovar you can look and feel younger, lose weight without harm for health, to get rid of depression, improve memory, strengthen cardiovascular system, to generate a powerful immune system from cancer and many other diseases.
40 years is no reason to give up, but rather the time to implement all of your plans, and good health is the most important tool to achieve your goals.

Sinyakov A. F.

Life without cancer

This book is written not only for those who are faced with a terrible diagnosis. But for those who just thought about…

SKU: 241283

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sinyakov A. F.

Life without cancer

AuthorSinyakov A. F.
SeriesThe cancer will win
Publication date2012
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at27.01.2013


This book is written not only for those who are faced with a terrible diagnosis. But for those who just thought about cancer prevention. For those who are not resigned to a cruel disease, have not lost faith in the possibility of its overcoming, in the miraculous power of traditional medicine.
Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, IPAS and phytotherapist, Aleksei Fyodorovich Bruises in his book tells about many types of cancer, offers plenty of unique recipes for effective drugs for treatment of, prevention of oncological diseases and restore the body after surgery and chemotherapy. Using his advice, in combination with traditional treatment will help faster and more efficient to deal with the emergence and development of cancer.

Kralev K.

Health without pills. Natural alternatives to chemical drugs

Did you know that most of chemical medicines operate by a principle "one we treat, another hurt"?

Do you read long…

SKU: 239110

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Kralev K.

Health without pills. Natural alternatives to chemical drugs

AuthorKralev K.
SeriesFamily doctor
Publication date2011
Dimensions130х200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.01.2013


Did you know that most of chemical medicines operate by a principle "one we treat, another hurt"?

Do you read long lists of contraindications and side effects before you take that pill?

Talk to you doctors about the dangers that pose a "normal" antipyretics?

Enough to poison themselves and their children chemistry! It's time to find alternative methods of treatment – using natural medicines.

Before you book that should be in every home, every person that cares about your health and the health of their loved ones! The author, Konstantin Aleksandrovich Kralev, a practicing cardiologist, will talk about their experience in the treatment of various diseases by natural means.

Moritz A.

Health - forever!

Renowned healer Andreas Moritz talks about the hidden inner forces of man, able to give each of us the spiritual and…

SKU: 236622

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Moritz A.

Health - forever!

AuthorMoritz A.
SeriesHealth and alternative medicine
Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.02.2013


Renowned healer Andreas Moritz talks about the hidden inner forces of man, able to give each of us the spiritual and physical health. He describes our relationship with the natural world and explains how to use natural treatment methods for healing the body and soul. The book refutes the most common stereotypes and offers a completely new approach to the problem of recovery.

For a wide range of readers.

Semenova A.

Miracle healer aloe

Aloe has long been known in different continents as a plant endowed with a special, mystical power. Mentioned it in…

SKU: 241535

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Semenova A.

Miracle healer aloe

AuthorSemenova A.
SeriesZeleznik. Treats nature
Publication date2008
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.02.2013


Aloe has long been known in different continents as a plant endowed with a special, mystical power. Mentioned it in medical treatises, and today based medicines are created with incredible features. They are completely natural and harmless and are not associated with chemical drugs side effects. What disease can be cured by using aloe and preparations from it, and how to grow it at home, says Anastasia Semenova.

Isaeva, I. Yu.

Best. The most important thing about eye disease and restore vision

In this book we are talking about problems with eyes: aggressive, unpredictable, eye lesions, inflammatory diseases, and…

SKU: 241529

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Isaeva, I. Yu.

Best. The most important thing about eye disease and restore vision

AuthorIsaeva, I. Yu.
SeriesFamily Doctor
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.02.2013


In this book we are talking about problems with eyes: aggressive, unpredictable, eye lesions, inflammatory diseases, and also about the different types of reduced visual acuity.
The author of the book does not simply tell about the main causes and symptoms of different "eye" problems, but gives actionable advice on treatment and prevention, herbal medicine. The book presents the most effective techniques that allow you to resist loss of vision, and to restore and improve it; exercises for the prevention of visual fatigue and myopia; exercises for the development of accommodative ability of the eye; exercises for children with visual impairments; to practice in progressive myopia and age-related farsightedness. In addition, clearly explains the basic principles of the "eye" of the diet and provides recipes.
The book is addressed to anyone who wants to regain and maintain healthy eyes and good vision.


Folk zlebnik. Heal the body heal

Practice of folk samobrazovaniya a very extensive and diverse. People gave the names of many plants, clearly indicating…

SKU: 241968

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Folk zlebnik. Heal the body heal

Publication date2011
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.02.2013


Practice of folk samobrazovaniya a very extensive and diverse. People gave the names of many plants, clearly indicating their medical role, and left many written sources in the form of handwritten herbalists, Zelenkov, flower beds, medical manual, home obihoda. But before you cure the body one must heal the soul. Because in this book you will find a prayer to help the sick.


Three spring and autumn women. The book is about women's health

The author is a doctor with extensive experience and experience and knows about women's physical and spiritual health of…

SKU: 241957

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Three spring and autumn women. The book is about women's health

SeriesHealth and medicine
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.02.2013


The author is a doctor with extensive experience and experience and knows about women's physical and spiritual health of all! She will tell you how to preserve youth and beauty for years to come; that the grandmother is not age, but the degree of relationship; what you need to do to be born healthy children. In addition, you will learn that there are kids gynecologists and when to contact them, get wise psychological tips and will learn simple ways to maintain health of body and Soul.

The book is written in accessible language, not overloaded with technical jargon and is harmoniously complemented by a surprisingly good author verses that will prove to us that the world is ruled by Love.

The Gatkin E.

Take a guess! Relax... Technique muscle harmonization of the spine and joints (+ CD-ROM)

The author of this book — doctor of medicine, a surgeon with thirty years of experience of medical practice, coach of…

SKU: 241619

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Gatkin E.

Take a guess! Relax... Technique muscle harmonization of the spine and joints (+ CD-ROM)

AuthorThe Gatkin E.
Publication date2012
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at25.02.2013


The author of this book — doctor of medicine, a surgeon with thirty years of experience of medical practice, coach of sports club — convinced: fashionable doctors, expensive pills, cutting-edge medical technology is powerless if man himself does nothing to improve their health. Pain in the spine and joints — often only the first alarm call. If not to take urgent measures to restore the musculoskeletal system, various ailments will start to appear like mushrooms after the rain!
On the pages of this book, the author acquaints the reader with simple and effective technique muscle harmonization, developed on the basis of "tense up, relax." It is contrasting effects on the muscles will help them to strengthen without the occurrence of spasms, will restore the health of the spine and joints, avoiding the compressive load. The technique involves paradoxical muscle training without visible movements passive exercises and self-massage, special techniques restore anatomical relationships in the spine, complex articular gymnastics, therapeutic baths for the spine and joints, the rate of isometric muscle relaxation (with audio CD).

Neumyvakin I.

"The pill" from the animal world. Myths and reality

We hope, dear readers, that the title of the book you guessed that it's about the animal world, on how different his…

SKU: 241688

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Neumyvakin I.

"The pill" from the animal world. Myths and reality

AuthorNeumyvakin I.
Publication date2017
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.41 kg
Created at28.02.2013


We hope, dear readers, that the title of the book you guessed that it's about the animal world, on how different his representatives will help us to maintain health. Need to draw strength not in pills, chemicals, and natural pantries. Still more faithful ally than Nature, is not found.
Therefore, our eyes must turn, at least obliquely, to the "pharmacy of the animal world", that has enormous health benefits. And no side effects. For this pharmacy does not contain deadly chemicals, harmful cholesterol, etc. the book contains medicinal and culinary recipes and authentic methods of Professor Neumyvakin, honored Folk healer, for healing of the body.
Hope you will discover a lot of new and interesting.
The book is intended for the General reader.

Samohin I.

Unconventional cancer treatment. Methods N. Shevchenko and others (hardcover)

Sometimes the efforts of doctors is not enough to overcome the disease. And then comes to the aid of alternative…

SKU: 241531

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Samohin I.

Unconventional cancer treatment. Methods N. Shevchenko and others (hardcover)

AuthorSamohin I.
SeriesHealth at 100 !
Publication date2011
Dimensions130х205 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.02.2013


Sometimes the efforts of doctors is not enough to overcome the disease. And then comes to the aid of alternative medicine. Igor Samokhin acquaints the readers with the author's methods of cancer treatment that have been developed and tested by different healers. The book also discusses modern theories of cancer.

Spichak I.

Reiki. Energy healing light

Reiki is a healing system of energy based Japanese master Mikao Usui in the early twentieth century. She has helped many…

SKU: 241525

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Spichak I.

Reiki. Energy healing light

AuthorSpichak I.
SeriesHealth at 100 !
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.02.2013


Reiki is a healing system of energy based Japanese master Mikao Usui in the early twentieth century. She has helped many people get rid of diseases and to find your way in life. The main answer to the question, what is Reiki, remains unchanged: it is a gift from heaven, sent to Earth long ago and will re-open to people of Mikao Usui. He formulated the basic laws of life Reiki.
Just for today do not worry.
Just for today do not be angry.
Show some love and benevolence towards all living beings.
Honestly earn a living.
Show appreciation for all living things.

Reiki is a simple and rewarding system, it will help you to improve health, to find new meanings in life, to discover their potential talents and build relationships.
The book is recommended for readers over the age of 16.

Poletaev And

Nordic walking. Health easy step

Nordic walking (Nordic walking, Nordic walking, Nordic walking sticks, Nordic Walking, Finnish — sauvakavely) is…

SKU: 242113

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Poletaev And

Nordic walking. Health easy step

AuthorPoletaev And
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.03.2013


Nordic walking (Nordic walking, Nordic walking, Nordic walking sticks, Nordic Walking, Finnish — sauvakavely) is available for all kind of sport that represent the classes in the open air with special poles. This technique helps to increase up to 90% of the muscles in our body. It is especially useful for older people because it allows to solve problems of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, Nordic walking is an effective exercise for athletes who require constant training endurance.

Robb Wolf

Paleo living food for health

Is there a way to avoid cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's? What is the best way to…

SKU: 242146

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Robb Wolf

Paleo living food for health

AuthorRobb Wolf
SeriesWithout tabletochki
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.03.2013


Is there a way to avoid cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's? What is the best way to improve your fitness and to remain young? What type of food is the most natural for humans?
Robb wolf, research biochemist and one of the most popular coaches on healthy eating, answers these questions in his new book, "Paleo - living food for health". The book contains the latest results of research in genetics, biochemistry and anthropology. On their basis the author has created an effective method of promoting health and preserving youth. You will learn how nutrition, simple exercises and small changes in lifestyle can radically change your appearance and health for the better!


Charging on the go

This book will be especially useful to those for whom the lack of time - constant problem. The authors acquaint the…

SKU: 180828

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Charging on the go

Publication date
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


This book will be especially useful to those for whom the lack of time - constant problem. The authors acquaint the reader with a set of exercises that can improve physical condition in minimal time. The book contains training programs for different body systems, exercise at work, on the road, as well as tips for healthy eating out.

About E.

Magical cooking

In unusually lively and interesting way the author tells us about the practice of modern magic, about magic female…

SKU: 184928

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

About E.

Magical cooking

AuthorAbout E.
PublisherРипол Классик
Publication date2001
CopiesРипол Классик
DimensionsРипол Классик
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


In unusually lively and interesting way the author tells us about the practice of modern magic, about magic female seduction, modern love means. Cook book? I guess you could call it that. But every dish here "with a twist" - some evoke passionate feelings, others scare away the opponent, the third - save the family. Cook and conjures together with the young Petersburg witch Kate Schastlivtsev!

Jochum I.

Medical qigong for the eyes

The technique, which can be used to restore the energy balance in the body and significantly reduce or eliminate the…

SKU: 242433

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Jochum I.

Medical qigong for the eyes

AuthorJochum I.
Publication date2012
Dimensions70x100/32 (120х165 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at03.05.2013


The technique, which can be used to restore the energy balance in the body and significantly reduce or eliminate the impairment.

For a wide range of readers.

Shishkin A.

Massage 20 minutes

Massage has a beneficial effect on all our organs and systems, helps to restore strength, reduces fatigue and tension in…

SKU: 242474

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shishkin A.

Massage 20 minutes

AuthorShishkin A.
Publication date2013
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at03.05.2013


Massage has a beneficial effect on all our organs and systems, helps to restore strength, reduces fatigue and tension in the muscles, gives vivacity and good mood.
Effects of massage covers the whole body, and can say that after it heals not only the body but also the soul.
The book presents a crash course in classical General therapeutic massage that everyone can master at home. Detail with all of the basic techniques of classical massage and give necessary recommendations for their proper execution.
With the help of this book you will learn and be able to conduct in-home massage of head, neck, back, arms, legs and buttocks, chest and abdomen.

Casinonew S.

New Tibetan techniques in the practice of Dr. S. G. Colinmeloy

Almost five years ago in our Library "HLS", the first book in the doctor of Tibetan medicine, candidate of medical…

SKU: 242550

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Casinonew S.

New Tibetan techniques in the practice of Dr. S. G. Colinmeloy

AuthorCasinonew S.
SeriesIs the library "HLS"
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.05.2013


Almost five years ago in our Library "HLS", the first book in the doctor of Tibetan medicine, candidate of medical Sciences Svetlana Colinmeloy – "Secrets of Tibetan medicine", and cooperate with Svetlana Galinovsky we have more than ten years. Since that time we have received from our readers lot of evidence that these seemingly alien to us techniques to work and give good results. Undisputed dignity of Tibetan medicine is that it treats the body as a whole, has a huge (several thousand years) experience observing regularities of processes in the body and elimination of deviations from the norm, and, depending on the type of Constitution of the patient.
In this book you will find detailed Tibetan techniques adapted for independent home use for treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, spine, women's and men's diseases, blood vessels and metabolism, diabetes, nervous and childhood ailments.

The Ananke A.

About the dangers of good habits and the use of harmful

Bad habits - this is common actions that people repeat again and again, despite the fact that they are not useful or…

SKU: 243092

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The Ananke A.

About the dangers of good habits and the use of harmful

AuthorThe Ananke A.
SeriesMedicine for you
Publication date2013
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.05.2013


Bad habits - this is common actions that people repeat again and again, despite the fact that they are not useful or even harmful. About addiction written very much, so we think that we know everything about them. But the beneficial habits that can harm our health, for some reason are often silent. But they may be the source of many health problems.
You rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth and taking a shower every day? Don't think it's helpful healthy habits - in fact, they can only harm! The author, an expert in the field of hygiene and health, collected all the most important "positive" habits of modern man committed them unknowingly. On the other hand, considered and habits that are considered to be very harmful, but with the right approach they are able to bring benefit to our body. Read and don't say you weren't warned.

Andreeva E.

Treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder

With the help of traditional medicine has successfully treated a variety of diseases, including liver diseases and…

SKU: 242863

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Andreeva E.

Treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder

AuthorAndreeva E.
SeriesA healthy lifestyle
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.05.2013


With the help of traditional medicine has successfully treated a variety of diseases, including liver diseases and gallbladder. This publication contains information for those who want to try additional treatment with natural products and ancient recipes. Also in the book you will find a list of contraindications that exist for each treatment.

Anikeeva L. Sh.

Pediatrics: a complete guide for parents

From the onset of the disease until a medical examination is always held for a while, when mom is alone with baby in…

SKU: 242703

Cover: Твердый

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Anikeeva L. Sh.

Pediatrics: a complete guide for parents

AuthorAnikeeva L. Sh.
SeriesA healthy lifestyle
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.05.2013


From the onset of the disease until a medical examination is always held for a while, when mom is alone with baby in need of first aid. An indispensable book for mom – a book by Larissa Anikeeva – doctor of the highest category, pediatrician, physician of city station of emergency medical service of the city of Moscow with 30 years of experience.

You will learn how to create a safe space for healthy and harmonious development of the child – at home and on the street; the main types of medical care, which should be offered for free; how to quickly and properly call the right doctor; how to give first aid for sudden illness and emergency conditions; what should be in the home medicine Cabinet.

No one better than mom with her gentle hands and gentle heart will not be able to help the kid, even surrounded by the most competent doctors.

The Shabalov N.

Guide to the pediatrician. 2-e Izd.

The second edition of the guidebook (the previous came out in 2005) revised and enlarged. The book covers all the…

SKU: 242744

Cover: Твердый

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The Shabalov N.

Guide to the pediatrician. 2-e Izd.

AuthorThe Shabalov N.
SeriesCompanion of the doctor
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.05.2013


The second edition of the guidebook (the previous came out in 2005) revised and enlarged. The book covers all the essential issues of modern Pediatrics. The peculiarities of the physiology of child development, organisation and delivery of outpatient care; describes the symptoms encountered in clinical practice, with the reasons of their occurrence; contains the relevant information about more than 300 nosological form of the disease in childhood, ranked according to ICD-10.
The publication is intended for a wide range of practicing pediatricians, family doctors and undergraduate medical schools.

Chudaeva I.,Dubin V.

The secrets of happiness and youth. The real way of preserving youth and achieve the life span of a person

No we have nothing else that would be appreciated as expensive as health. So cherish it, take care of him we have life.…

SKU: 242771

Cover: Мягкий

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Chudaeva I.,Dubin V.

The secrets of happiness and youth. The real way of preserving youth and achieve the life span of a person

AuthorChudaeva I.,Dubin V.
SeriesRejuvenation. Zagaleta.
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.05.2013


No we have nothing else that would be appreciated as expensive as health. So cherish it, take care of him we have life. But did you know that the aging process begins after 20-25 years? This book is just about how to preserve youth and to old age to stay young. The authors suggest the reader to look at themselves and their lives, to join a completely new way of life, to abandon habits, to master the Program youth to eventually reach a life span of 110 years. The book offers effective, affordable and safe methods of preserving health and youth respectively. Particular attention is paid to such important factors of our life, like love itself, the approval of himself and his actions, release from negative past, the removal of emotional intensity, an optimistic view of life, finally, the attainment of the wisdom of life. The authors hope that this book will be required reading for anyone who wants to be healthy, stay young and live a long and happy life.

Troshina E. A.

Spoon iodine for thyroid

Despite the fact that over a lifetime a person consumes only about five grams of iodine - no more than a teaspoon, "…

SKU: 242698

Cover: Мягкий

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Unit: pc

Troshina E. A.

Spoon iodine for thyroid

AuthorTroshina E. A.
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.05.2013


Despite the fact that over a lifetime a person consumes only about five grams of iodine - no more than a teaspoon, " Yoda Russians sorely lacking! Natural, Central Russian soil and water this element is traditionally poor. But this trace mineral is absolutely essential thyroid! From lack of iodine in it you develop a serious disease, also suffer other organs, hormones, which are produced by the thyroid gland, regulate virtually every process in the body. If not timely and properly to help the thyroid gland, sooner or later, the question may arise about the need for surgical removal.
The body cannot make iodine on their own, we get it only with food. What do the Russians? How to avoid the development of thyroid diseases in a single family? How to enrich your diet so necessary for the health element? What about those who already have thyroid disease? On the pages of this edition of the famous Russian Professor, endocrinologist Ekaterina Shestakova answers these vital questions, gives many valuable tips.

Turn O.

Diet Tag 2.0. Secret materials

Every day consistently, we hear from everyone else about how difficult and hard it is to lose weight. However, in his…

SKU: 242689

Cover: Твердый

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Turn O.

Diet Tag 2.0. Secret materials

AuthorTurn O.
SeriesTrendy diets
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.05.2013


Every day consistently, we hear from everyone else about how difficult and hard it is to lose weight. However, in his new book about the Diet Tag Oleh Turn proves the opposite. It turns out that, without exhausting yourself to death and constant heavy workouts, to bring the body in shape and achieve the figure of their dreams. It's simple: set your individual size servings, the list of foods that you like it, add simple exercise and daily motivation. And start practicing to get compliments and catch the admiring glances! And the Log for records of their own victories, which you will find in this book will ease the way to the cherished goal and make it bright and interesting. Thousands of followers of the Diet Tag already achieved his goal, now it's your turn!

Kara V. P.

Magic words-healers:the old formula

Valentin Kara healer with a High school diploma, medical Association (Moldova), a clinical herbalist and homeopath -…

SKU: 243094

Cover: Мягкий

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Kara V. P.

Magic words-healers:the old formula

AuthorKara V. P.
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at06.05.2013


Valentin Kara healer with a High school diploma, medical Association (Moldova), a clinical herbalist and homeopath - collected healing spells and prayers throughout the Russian land. These three magical words healers helped our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and will help you.
In this book you will find recipes for healing, both for children and for adult men and women. Heal and be healthy!

Konovalov S.

Three sets of exercise instead of pills. In motion - health !

The new book of Professor S. S. Konovalov and candidate of pedagogical Sciences D. E. Chesnokov is not only a logical…

SKU: 243136

Cover: Твердый

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Konovalov S.

Three sets of exercise instead of pills. In motion - health !

AuthorKonovalov S.
Publication date2013
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at06.05.2013


The new book of Professor S. S. Konovalov and candidate of pedagogical Sciences D. E. Chesnokov is not only a logical continuation of the publication "4 set of exercises that are shown to everyone", but also a unique guide to the independent exercise of carefully selected sets of exercises that help to improve health, to gain good health and clear thinking at any age.
The combination of static and dynamic exercises, exercises for stretching and contraction of muscles, and the ability to measure the load in accordance with their capabilities, and gradually increase it, stimulating the strengthening of muscles and joints and increase endurance - all this makes the new complexes effective means for the prevention of age-related changes in the body. A detailed description of each exercise and refers to all the subtleties and nuances will help you to quickly master the correct technique of movement and breathing. And the minimum necessary set of "shells" will help you organize your own sports hall in any place convenient for you.
This book is for those who are not going to grow old, for those who want to go through life with head held high, constantly discovering new bright side of life!

Neumyvakin I.

Soda.Myths and reality

Looking to the experience of doctors, of widely used sodium bicarbonate in medical practice, and consistent with his…

SKU: 242770

Cover: Мягкий

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Neumyvakin I.

Soda.Myths and reality

AuthorNeumyvakin I.
Publication date2019
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.065 kg
Created at08.05.2013


Looking to the experience of doctors, of widely used sodium bicarbonate in medical practice, and consistent with his methods of healing the body, the author shows that to maintain the health of the best old well-tested technologies.

Sokolova N. G.

A pediatrician's guide

In the suggested reference publication summarizes the main sections of Pediatrics. In a separate Chapter dedicated…

SKU: 243058

Cover: Твердый

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Sokolova N. G.

A pediatrician's guide

AuthorSokolova N. G.
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at10.05.2013


In the suggested reference publication summarizes the main sections of Pediatrics. In a separate Chapter dedicated pathology of children in the newborn period, infants, children, young and old, infectious diseases. From the modern point of view briefly covers the etiology, pathogenesis, clinics, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, most often occurring in childhood. Individual chapters are devoted to hereditary diseases of metabolism and emergency conditions that require immediate assistance.


Effective ways of enhancing immunity.

Our ancestors had no idea that such an immunity, but, nevertheless, they perfectly knew the old effective recipes for…

SKU: 233893

Cover: Мягкий

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Effective ways of enhancing immunity.

SeriesAdvice from experienced doctors
Publication date2010
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at31.10.2010


Our ancestors had no idea that such an immunity, but, nevertheless, they perfectly knew the old effective recipes for maintaining good health. Many of them you will find in our book. Recipes juices, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs and known to all vegetables and fruits, treatment using honey and bee products, a Chapter on the use of Russian baths and even a description of how to improve the health of those with different flavors. A separate Chapter is devoted to strengthening the immune system sickly children using non-drug methods.

Malovichko A.

This book will bring you health.Food cleansing

Renouncing his Nature, we surrender to the power energy-clogging. This book offers a program of cleansing with food. In…

SKU: 187209

Cover: Мягкий

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Malovichko A.

This book will bring you health.Food cleansing

AuthorMalovichko A.
Publication date2003
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.1 kg
Created at12.10.2010


Renouncing his Nature, we surrender to the power energy-clogging. This book offers a program of cleansing with food. In the book you will find not only the guidelines, but practical cooking recipes, exercise, diet, recipes herbs.

The book is the culmination of years of work by Anatoly Malovichko, known here and abroad healer.

Vaganov A.

The living water. 12 characters-keys to health and money

Grant any wish! Easily and quickly! Get all dreamed about, without spending the realization of his dream almost no…

SKU: 243353

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Vaganov A.

The living water. 12 characters-keys to health and money

AuthorVaganov A.
SeriesA healthy lifestyle
Publication date2013
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.07.2013


Grant any wish! Easily and quickly! Get all dreamed about, without spending the realization of his dream almost no visible effort! To make this a reality, we need to open access to the Source of goodness, and to draw from it indefinitely. Twelve symbols-keys bequeathed to us by our ancestors-the Slavs, will help you set up water on contact with the Source of goodness, and in your life flooded with an endless stream of abundance! To gain health and wealth, finding true love and create a strong family, you never know disease, deprivation, poverty, disappointment... All this is possible with the help of ancient Slavic symbols!

Oka M.

Zen therapy

Eastern medicine claims that life is constantly changing. In accordance with changes in the person's condition changed…

SKU: 186453

Cover: Твердый

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Oka M.

Zen therapy

AuthorOka M.
SeriesHealthy life
Publication date2001
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


Eastern medicine claims that life is constantly changing. In accordance with changes in the person's condition changed and treatment methods. Zen therapy combines the positive aspects of Western and Eastern medicine and goes on to the creation of a holistic system which restores the equilibrium of the psychological state of a person and his lifestyle.
In accordance with Zen-therapy, if a person wants to be beautiful, all its integral identity (including psychological and physical aspects as well as lifestyle) should be beautiful. In other words, the beauty lies in harmony. Beautiful naturally. Ugliness is rooted in the instability of the mind and physical disorders. There are so many so-called "complexes for beauty", which is only able to improve the shape. But violations do not disappear. Complex Zen therapy to gain and maintain the beauty eliminates the causes of the violations and gives man the natural beauty.
Corrective exercise is the starting point, the basis. They are so comprehensive that surpass all of Western and Eastern medical science. All these exercises are intended not just to eliminate psychosomatic disorders, but to cleanse the entire body from the distortions and deviations, to bring it into balance, and enable thin natural mechanisms aimed at maintaining this balance.
Corrective postures outwardly look the same, like many yoga exercises, but the resemblance is only superficial. Their main goal is to help change the consciousness to realize the impact on the subconscious. Exercises these should be performed accurately and, preferably, in a meditative condition. Calm, as in Zen, the mind together with the control of breath leads to internal changes and to restore the natural state of the body.
Exercises must comply with the task. Once you have made the desired changes, you should move on to new exercises. Clinging to the old, you will not only reduce the effectiveness of therapy, but also can hurt. This is yet another feature of Zen therapy and yogic practices and systems qigong.

Webster R.

Creative visualization for beginners

Visualization is a great creative force of the mind, the construction of the image "in the eye of the mind", followed by…

SKU: 185748

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Webster R.

Creative visualization for beginners

AuthorWebster R.
SeriesFor beginners
Publication date2006
Dimensions200*125*9 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


Visualization is a great creative force of the mind, the construction of the image "in the eye of the mind", followed by its implementation in mental substance. The duration of the existence of such an image depends on the intensity and duration of the thinking of its Creator. Enhanced training will allow you to make the mental world into the physical reality of the world. This book will teach you to work with visualization. With the help of simple exercises you will be able to develop creativity, overcome ailments, make new friends, periostat their lives in accordance with their positive fantasies and desires. For a wide range of readers.