Desikachar T. K. V.

Heart yoga: the Principles of individual practice

AuthorDesikachar T. K. V.
SeriesBooks and publishing."Sofia
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.48 kg
Tax rate7%
Created at18.12.2014


The author of this book by T. K. V. Desikachar is the son and disciple of the famous Krishnamacharya yoga, healer and philosopher who stood at the origins of modern Hatha yoga. From Krishnamacharya studied with B. K. S. Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois and Indra Devi — founders respected yoga schools. Desikachar also created his own school, based on the fundamental principle of the teachings of Krishnamacharya: the person needs to reshape itself under yoga, and the yogic practices should be chosen so that they fit a person. "Heart of yoga" Desikachar — the first book that helps everyone to develop a personal practice for himself, considering his own state of health, lifestyle, needs and goals.
Krishnamacharya called for a deep study of "Yoga sutras" of Patanjali, which are entirely included in this book translation of Desikachar and with his comments. This edition also contains "Loganalyzer" — thirty-two verses Krishnamacharya that convey the essence of his teachings and doing the "Heart of yoga" an important milestone in the chain of transmission of yoga masters of antiquity to the modern world.