Sitel A.

Aria back. Author program, never to hurt the joints

AuthorSitel A.
SeriesTechnique doctors Mixer
Publication date2015
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at30.06.2015


Anatoly Boleslawiec Sitel – honoured doctor of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, chief physician of the Center of manual therapy of the Department of health of Moscow, member of the International Academy of manual medicine.
The spine is the source of vitality and longevity, because its signals and nerve impulses-team all m bodies! Therefore, the preservation of the spine – a priority for every person.
In this book Professor Anatoly Mixer described unique method of self-healing that allows using therapeutic poses and movements to eliminate the pain in the spine and joints, to restore their mobility and flexibility. The method is based on relaxing effect on spazmirovannuû muscle or group of muscles that are directly related to the source of pain – the spine or joint.
If you want to restore vitality and to not only get rid of pain in the spine and joints, but also from head and heart pain, heart rhythm disorders and dizziness, a malfunction of the digestive system, as well as other chronic ailments – first of all restore the health of the spine.