Michael M., B. Peto

Slim body in 10 minutes

AuthorMichael M., B. Peto
SeriesPerfect figure
Publication date2015
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at01.03.2015


The authors of this book have made a real revolution in the field of health and invented a new, flexible and extremely effective method of training, which takes only half an hour a week.
Through these exercises you will: lose weight, get in shape for a few minutes a day, to lower the level of glucose in the blood, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer, improve stamina, strengthen bones and improve brain work, and increase the level of health in General.
Throughout the book, the authors offer a number of workouts that take just ten minutes a day, three times a week, and can be performed anytime, anywhere. It does not matter how old you are and what your level of fitness.
The system of exercises given in the book, is a practical, enjoyable way to get the maximum benefit in the minimum time, which will become an integral part of your daily routine, as natural as brushing your teeth.