Andreev Yu.

The fourth phenomenon of the whale

AuthorAndreev Yu.
SeriesHeal thyself
Publication date2005
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


Dear readers! Publishing house "Peter" makes you a wonderful gift - the long-awaited book by Yuri A. Andreeva, one of the best healers in Russia, "the appearance of a Fourth whale". Who is this Fourth kit? And why the Fourth? To answer these questions, we must first of all recall the most famous book on health "Three whales of health", which has become for millions of people is indeed "the Revelation of Yuri".

Three pillars is a cheerful spirit, communion with nature and natural diet, accompanied by regular clean-outs of the body.

In the new book, the author goes further, breaking down preconceived ideas about the reserves. The Fourth phenomenon of the whale is the realization of a person's ability not only to convert, but even to create a new reality with the power of his thoughts, his feelings, his will.

How to develop unusual abilities, to become a true Creator, tells not only a knowledgeable person, but a practitioner, recognized by Russian and international awards, whose abilities have been repeatedly confirmed in the special scientific research.