Мелтон К.

The art of espionage. The secret history of the CIA machinery

AuthorМелтон К.
SeriesJournalism and documentary prose
PublisherАльпина Паблишер
Publication date2017
Dimensions170x240 мм (70х100 1/16)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at05.06.2017


The book presents a history of opposition to the US intelligence and security services of the leading countries of the world, and especially the KGB, through an unusual prism — the clandestine activities of scientists, engineers and officers of operative-technical services of the CIA. The authors, recognized experts in the field of the history of intelligence and espionage machinery, reveal the secrets of creation and application of one of the most sophisticated and hidden from the eyes of spy tools devices for special purposes. Micropatterning, camouflage, covert surveillance, wall, at the right time to take the "ears", the human mind is the battlefield on which between the superpowers is no less fierce struggle, than "advanced spy". Most of the stories told in the book, for many years was kept in the archives classified as "Secret," and today we have a rare opportunity to learn about a complex and unique intelligence operations, the success or failure of which 90% depended on the "invisible characters" — scientists and engineers.