S. M. Bubnovsky

Secrets of rehabilitation, or Life after injury

AuthorS. M. Bubnovsky
SeriesPRO health (cover)
Publication date2015
Dimensions200x125x10 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at28.06.2015


This book is addressed to those who have suffered injuries of the spine and joints or wants to get out of the protracted disease without drugs or surgery.Where to start? How to get rid of pills and injections, crutches and limitations? How to pick up the keys to his code of health?Dr. Bubnovsky answers these questions, based on his many years of medical practice and personal experience resulting from the treatment of myocardial infarction severe injuries. Sergey has created a unique system of rehabilitation through which returned in line 6 of the pilots of the team "KAMAZ-Master" after compression fractures of the spine at the rally "Paris-Dakar". How is it possible, and even in desert conditions?! Professor Bubnovsky reveals the secrets of rehabilitation in this book, being a direct participant in this rally as a team doctor. The book gives advice and exercises that will help to recover from injuries, relieve acute back pain and return to your active lifestyle.Take care of yourself, your vitality!