Sears M, Sears, W., Sears R., Ser

Your baby from birth to two years

AuthorSears M, Sears, W., Sears R., Ser
SeriesBooks doctors Sears
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross1.08 kg
Tax rate7%
Created at01.03.2015


Happened! Finally you became the mother of adorable baby and come back home with him. But the joy of the first days darken sudden problem: suddenly it turns out that you don't know how often you need to feed the child, what is the best method of feeding is to give preference, when to bathe, what time to put her to sleep, how to overcome persistent nocturnal awakening. Don't panic! Authoritative experts, parents of eight children, Williami Martha Sears, will help you navigate in this difficult time!
You will learn what steps need to be taken in cases of emergency, as well as in what situations you should consult a doctor. The book will help to cope with fears first weeks and will teach how to arrange your life so that the child was comfortable, and mom and dad would get not only pleasure from parental responsibilities, but would find time for other things.