Metro M.

The art of love war

AuthorMetro M.
SeriesThe legend of the Russian Internet
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at21.06.2014


This book is for those who life keeps in mind the song "Agatha Christie", "I'm at war, both on you and on you, as in war". Not teenagers, but quite Mature and even a few overripe people think about love in military terms: the acquisition of territory, hold positions, the resistance of the enemy and unconditional surrender. For some reason these people always lose.
Veterans of the tender front, with swollen egos, with an amputated capacity for intimacy, with a broken mind and a broken heart, this book is dedicated. In addition, it is useful to those who never thought to fight, but once saw on his bed of love, woven with colors, tank is coming, and it leads not just anybody, but the closest person.
Once the negotiations are unsuccessful, the shelter is destroyed when you do, you fight, flee or surrender when after all you will both understand that there are no winners, you'll get only one question: what was that?! Perhaps here is the answer. Although it is possible that you have written a new Chapter in "the Art of love war, because the ways loving people torture each other, inexhaustible.