Kuznetsov Yu.

The secrets of the behavior of children

AuthorKuznetsov Yu.
SeriesChildren's literature
Publication date2012
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at16.06.2014


If you are taking care of your child not just in theory but in practice, we know how much strength, endurance, imagination and diplomacy requires this process. Adults don't always know what values are guided by the children, choosing a particular tactic, and therefore no clue how to build with them a close relationship of trust, who would deliver only joy.
For several years the authors of this book have taught the program "Secrets of baby behavior" as part of training for parents. During this time, hundreds of moms and dads have learned to hear and understand their children, to find a common language with them and build trust in the family. In this book you will find a lot of useful tips about how to understand the causes of child disobedience, how to behave in conflict situations, how not to spoil your child and give him a happy childhood.
Practical use of this book will be able to evaluate the parents, grandparents, and psychologists, teachers and educators.