Toss A.

Fantasies of middle-aged women

AuthorToss A.
SeriesToss Anatoly
Publication date2012
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at14.06.2014


Lonely woman in an empty house in the middle of nowhere on the ocean. What made her come here? What troubled her, tormented by nightmares, sleep deprived? Her past!
How else, if the three closest men in her life, those she loved, were killed one after the other, and just when they were needed most. She is to blame for their death!
My fault?! Died?! And how to understand?! But it is necessary, very necessary, because it affects her life.
And then there's the old book found in the house, and unusual, strange stories in it that have something to evoke, suggest... But what?!
In "Imaginations..." (the book that became a bestseller in many countries of the world) is first mixed with a psychological Thriller, and love drama, imbued as honest as possible, but before the chastity erotic aesthetic descriptions. And besides, and subtle philosophical reflections, and the detective story, and just sensitive, understandable to all life experiences. And of course, the ending that is impossible to predict and which cannot fail to stun.
That's why "Radian review States: "anyone who is over eighteen, must, must read "Fantasy..."".