Водолазкин Е.


AuthorВодолазкин Е.
SeriesModern prose
Publication date2023
Dimensions130x200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.44 kg
Tax rate7%
Created at02.07.2013


Evgeny vodolazkin up close — the author of the novel "Solovyov and Larionov" (finalist of the "Big book" and the Award of Andrey Bely), collected essays "language Tool" and other books.
Philologist, specialist in Russian literature, he does not like historical novels, "their obsessive etnografiska — kokoshniks, pokoinikov, ports, sheepskin coats" and other dull styling. Using the intonation of ancient texts, vodolazkin up close bizarre mixes different ages and language elements, giving the reader a herbarium, but a living bouquet.
The hero of the new novel "Laurel" — a medieval doctor. Endowed with the gift of healing, he can't save his lover and decides to pass earth's path instead. So life becomes a life. He nursed the plague and the wounded, the poor and the infirm, and the more you sacrifice, the more obvious it gets stronger his gift. But is it possible with love and sacrifice to save the soul of man, having failed to save her earthly shell?
What is easier to speak in the ancient context. For example, about God. I think that connection with Him before were straighter. It is important that they were just. Now the question of these relations is the few that puzzling. Really since the middle Ages, we learned something radically new that allows you to relax?
Evgeny Vodolazkin Up Close