Toss A.

Magnolia.12 days

AuthorToss A.
SeriesModern prose
Publication date2012
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at26.02.2013


Boston 2010-x and Moscow 1980. Adult, thorough, thoughtful man and a frivolous, flighty, greedily absorbing the life of the young man. That they can link? It turns out a lot! And the difference of their characters, thoughts, way of life is, paradoxically, the link between them. After all, what was the main character in his youth, one way or another, is evident in his maturity.
As in his other works, "Magnolia..." Toss gently, slowly brings us into the narrative, giving the opportunity to feel and time itself, and its mood, and its saturation event. But having won the reader's attention, plunging it into the flesh of the book, Toss spins the action, all the accelerating and accelerating it, and we can no longer distinguish fiction from reality, and reality from the book. They are mixed and completely take us with you.
"Magnolia. 12 days" - the first truly realistic, truly "Russian" Roman Anatolia Tossa. As always happens in books Tossa, "Magnolia..." filled with revelation and psychological insight, humor and drama, deep thoughts and lyrics - all expertly mixed in a dynamic, gripping plot. "Magnolia..." is a book about all of us, our life, recent and real. Romance, no doubt, will take twenty-thirty years, and those whose youth was held at the end of the twentieth century. Because all of our strivings, values, experiences, victories - they, somehow, unchanging in time and not devaluers remain with us forever.