Lukyanenko S. V.

Myths of the metropolis

AuthorLukyanenko S. V.
SeriesStar maze
PublisherLLC „AST Publishing House“, 123317 Moskau, Postfach Nr. 5.
Publication date2007
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


The content

Dmitry Kolodin, Karina Shahinian On the deep waters
c. 7-29
Kirill Benediktov Ad
c. 30-67
Laura Andronov Feliciani
c. 68-78
Eugene Benilov Weapons of fate
c. 79-99
Vladimir Vasiliev Modest genius subway
c. 100-128
Dmitry Kazakov spots of light on the grey skin
c. 129-141
Igor Pronin Full glass
c. 142-156
Natalia Rezanova Along the border of dreams
c. 157-180
Eugene Remez Last victim
c. 181-189
Oleg Ovchinnikov Operators, one-way communication
c. 190-206
Vladimir Berezin Sandbox
c. 207-210
Sergei Lukyanenko Small Watch
c. 211-226
Vasily Mede Moscow Jedi
c. 227-293
Oleg Divov Standing on the river Moscow
c. 294-302
Sergey Chekmarev We make news
c. 303-318
Anton Solovyov there's no one Here
c. 319-331
Andrey Nikolaev Intoxication
c. 332-343
Svetlana Prokopchik novel style SMS
c. 344-353
Alexander Zorich Пасифая.doc
c. 354-394
Leonid Kaganov Budgerigars
c. 395-405
Anna Lee collection point
c. 406-445