
Russian Jews in America. Book 1.

SeriesRussian Jews in Zarubejie
PublisherМосты культуры
Publication date2005
CopiesМосты культуры
Dimensions60x90/16 (~145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


This collection is a continuation of a series of books published in Israel M. A. Parkhomovskii and on the contribution of Russian Jews to the culture Abroad. And although several of the books in this series there are articles devoted to Russian Jews in America, we believed that such an immense subject should be devoted, at least in a separate book or, even better, a series of compilations.

The present publication is based on the same principle as all previous. This is a collection of articles, essays and documents.

The book is dominated by personal, not historical-social approach, that is, almost all the articles and publications devoted individuals. In this approach lie their advantages and disadvantages. The latter will include a variety of materials involved and the representative character of the collection, which is attended by the authors from Israel, Russia, USA and Canada. The disadvantages of the volume relates some of his mosaicism, the lack of "big picture". On the other hand, from the characters, and their behavior in certain circumstances, the history of their achievements and failures develops its own "big picture" may not be comprehensive, but it seems to us, quite emotional and compelling.