Druziak N.

Atherosclerosis may not be. A new word in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

AuthorDruziak N.
SeriesGold Fund
Publication date2008
Dimensions84x108/32 (~130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


The author of this book is academician of the Odessa regional Academy of Sciences Nikolay Druziak has set itself an ambitious task - to ensure that human life was long and disease-free. And he has made a significant contribution to solving this problem.
In the course of years of research Nicholas Druziak came to a sensational conclusion: the main culprit for many diseases - the process of alkalinization of the blood. This leads to the development of various diseases.
The main focus in this book is paid to the mechanism of the development of the most common disease of our century - atherosclerosis. It turns out that atherosclerosis is generated by alkaline reaction of the blood! When it becomes clear the true cause of the disease, is much easier to prevent it.
A very simple method of acidification of blood, which he offers in this book Nicholas Druziak, returns the body to its natural health. And another: hour culture reasonable relationship to himself, optimal physical lifestyle make human existence a full-fledged, not painful.
All this is discussed in this book.