Zoya Kopelman

Albert Einstein: to Gain dignity and freedom

AuthorZoya Kopelman
SeriesJewish literature
PublisherМосты культуры
Publication date2006
CopiesМосты культуры
Dimensions170х215 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, Creator of the theory of relativity, Nobel prize 1921.

However, few know that Einstein took a lively part in the creation of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and was a member of its Board of Trustees. Our book talks about what is the role of Einstein in the creation of the European University in Palestine, about his friendship with Chaim Weizmann and acquaintance with the life of Jews in the Land of Israel, where Einstein spent eight days in 1923, and about how David Ben-Gurion offered physics to take the post of President of Israel.

The materials of this book - first published fragment from travel diary Einstein, his speeches and letters, and memoirs of contemporaries scientist acquaint the reader with the views of albert Einstein on Zionism and anti-Semitism, his attitude to the Arab-Jewish conflict and the Jewish state. From individual documents and evidence gradually formed a solid and lively portrait of the great Jewish physicist. The Jew albert Einstein was convinced that the feeling of national identity allows you to find the dignity and inner freedom, and throughout his life tried to convince his compatriots same.