Benediktov K.

The will of the night

AuthorBenediktov K.
SeriesRussian science fiction
Publication date2008
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


Adventure novel "the Will of night" is a terrific book by the historian and philosopher of Kirill Benediktov.
"Genuine talent biophysicist to see the secret essence of modern events" wrote about him in the Russian press. In the new book he masterfully links together a realistic novel and mystical parable of the crystal skull of the Incas.

Adventurer named Kim gets an offer to steal a crystal skull with Inca suburban cottages to return it to its rightful owners. Not too pretty but not too difficult job.
However, the farther, the more Kim learns about the current Keeper of the skull. He was met in the middle and the beginning of the twentieth century, it is mentioned in ancient manuscripts and testimonies. Apparently, his mysterious and ruthless enemy - the immortal. In the battle with that dreadful creature who has lost everything over the millennia of human life, Kim suddenly realize, "where is the dark bottom of the secret desires of a man."
Crystal skull of the Incas and today makes the dead to speak. The dead who never lie.
Sinister secrets of the past find the solution right here next to you - and only you can save the world from destruction.