Wasserman J.

The Marquis and Justine

AuthorWasserman J.
SeriesSexiest novels of the world
Publication date2007
Dimensions70x108/32 (130x165 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


Love has many guises, and this book is a love story.
In his Moscow apartment dying young woman. The first version - a heart attack. But her body showed signs of torture. On suspicion of murder arrested her husband. In prison, he recalls the story of their relationship, which began with an introduction on one of the Russian sadomasochistic (BDSM) sites...
You hold in your hands the first Russian novel about BDSM.
What is BDSM? In Russia this is a new phenomenon, even in the West it was formed only in the beginning of 90-ies.
The author of "Justine Marquis and" widely known in the BDSM community, knows the Topic and is personally acquainted with BDSMers. Some of them were the prototypes of the heroes of the novel.
Oleg Volkhov - member of the Moscow writers ' Union and the International literary Fund. His works successfully combine deep psychology, a fascinating story, elements of mystery, fantasy and mystical novel.
New Roman writer has all chances to become the best book of the year.