A memoir. Biography

Products: 256

Ryjov A.

The literary prophets. They have predicted the future

A strange, inexplicable facts in the works of many writers come across almost every book lover, with his "baggage" at…

SKU: 197592

Cover: Твердый

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Ryjov A.

The literary prophets. They have predicted the future

AuthorRyjov A.
SeriesGift edition
Publication date2007
Dimensions145х217 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


A strange, inexplicable facts in the works of many writers come across almost every book lover, with his "baggage" at least a dozen read novels. Alexander Ryzhov has set a goal to collect, generalize and systematize all these "oddities", known in the literature.
For example, the case with Boris Pasternak. Collecting Marina Tsvetaeva in the evacuation, poet bandaged her suitcase rope and casually remarked that de this rope can handle it, even hang on it. He subsequently passed that Tsvetaeva hanged on the rope... But the memories of Yuri Nikulin of Vasily Shukshin: once, sitting in the dressing room, the owner was using pins and jars of red makeup that drew on the cigarette pack. Artist Georgy Burkov was sitting nearby, asked, "What are you drawing?". "Nonsense," replied the other. - The mountains, the sky, the rain... the funeral." The next day she did not - he was found dead in a cabin boat.
Many of the facts contained in this book, generally defy explanation.

The STAP Sophie van der

The girl with nine wigs

Sophie van der STAP was born in Amsterdam in 1983 and was the ordinary girl, studied, partied, fell in love. While in…

SKU: 248345

Cover: Твердый

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The STAP Sophie van der

The girl with nine wigs

AuthorThe STAP Sophie van der
SeriesBiography. A memoir.
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2014


Sophie van der STAP was born in Amsterdam in 1983 and was the ordinary girl, studied, partied, fell in love. While in 2005, doctors diagnosed her with cancer. During the 54 weeks of chemotherapy and other grueling treatments Sophie blogged almost daily fixing what was happening to her, writing down your thoughts and emotions. And then, when the treatment ended (fortunately successfully), the blog turned into a book the GIRL WITH NINE WIGS - unexpectedly optimistic view of the terrible disease. This is a sad and funny tale of illness, love and hope became a bestseller in Europe, and in 2013 was filmed.
Sophie van der STAP lives in Paris and continues to engage in literature and journalism. In addition, it is one of the founders of the international charity organization Orange Ribbon, which helps children with cancer.

Panaeva, A. Ya.

My lover - Nikolay Nekrasov

Avdotya panaeva — Russian novelist and memoirist — one of the few women in the mid nineteenth century, famous for their…

SKU: 248290

Cover: Твердый

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Panaeva, A. Ya.

My lover - Nikolay Nekrasov

AuthorPanaeva, A. Ya.
SeriesGreat biography
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.10.2014


Avdotya panaeva — Russian novelist and memoirist — one of the few women in the mid nineteenth century, famous for their free disposition. Her love affair with Nikolai Nekrasov began at the time of her marriage with Ivan Panayev, lasted more than 20 years and has become one of the most famous novels among Russian writers of that time. Heading popular in secular circles "Argintina", Nekrasov and Panaewa lived for some time the three of us, thus giving rise to numerous factions. These are memoirs of a Muse of the great poet — of the woman who has inspired, excited and crazy.

Dragunsky D. V.

To take and peek

New book by Denis Dragunsky "Take and peek" is a reflection on the text and the context, stating, "from what rubbish"…

SKU: 248241

Cover: Твердый

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Dragunsky D. V.

To take and peek

AuthorDragunsky D. V.
SeriesProse Denis Dragunsky
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.10.2014


New book by Denis Dragunsky "Take and peek" is a reflection on the text and the context, stating, "from what rubbish" there is a growing literature that literature is not only novels and stories, poems, but enmity and friendship, censorship and criticism, meetings and breaks, denunciations and prisons. It shows that sometimes you do not want to know. But — it is necessary. Will come in handy.

Radzinsky E.


And again dreaming the same night - the final story of three centuries of the Empire in a dirty basement. And once again…

SKU: 249069

Cover: Мягкий

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Unit: pc

Radzinsky E.


AuthorRadzinsky E.
SeriesExclusive memoir
Publication date2014
Dimensions76x100/32 (115x180 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at17.12.2014


And again dreaming the same night - the final story of three centuries of the Empire in a dirty basement. And once again falls over the king, and two girls are on their knees against the wall, closing his hands from the bullets, and the commandant Yurovsky rushes into the smoke of doctrinal crawling on the floor of the boy...
Only now with all this smoke I see more and bearded man, who did so much to ensure that happened this basement! And who knew that it would happen!

Radzinsky E.

Rasputin. The materials of the criminal case

And again dreaming the same night — the final story of three centuries of the Empire in a dirty basement. And once again…

SKU: 249214

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Radzinsky E.

Rasputin. The materials of the criminal case

AuthorRadzinsky E.
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at17.12.2014


And again dreaming the same night — the final story of three centuries of the Empire in a dirty basement. And once again falls over the king, and two girls are on their knees against the wall, closing his hands from the bullets, and the commandant Yurovsky rushes into the smoke of doctrinal crawling on the floor of the boy...
Only now with all this smoke I see more and bearded man, who did so much to ensure that happened this basement! And who knew that it would happen!

S. Dali

The diary of one genius

"The diary of one genius" — so-called memoirs of Salvador Dali, published in 1964 in Paris. The diary contains entries…

SKU: 248912

Cover: Мягкий

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S. Dali

The diary of one genius

AuthorS. Dali
SeriesAzbuka-Klassika (pocket-book)
Publication date2019
Dimensions75x100/32 (120x185 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.146 kg
Created at21.12.2014


"The diary of one genius" — so-called memoirs of Salvador Dali, published in 1964 in Paris. The diary contains entries from 1952 to 1963 and is a kind of monument which he has erected to himself. The full text of the diary enrich marginal application provided by the author for the first edition: "the Science of bzdura", "Praise the fly", "Taliansky mysticism...", as well as a comparative table of the merits of artists of the past and the future.

Sonnet Silver age vol. 1 and vol. 2

In the first volume of a collection of sonnets of the Silver age includes works by L. Trefoleva, V. Burenina, N. Minsk,…

SKU: 187552

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Sonnet Silver age vol. 1 and vol. 2

Publication date2005
Dimensions70x100/32 (~120х165 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


In the first volume of a collection of sonnets of the Silver age includes works by L. Trefoleva, V. Burenina, N. Minsk, I. Annensky, K. Romanov, P. Buturlin, P. Yakubovich, S. Nadson, K. Writer, Fyodor Sologub, O. Cominos, V. Ivanova, D. Merezhkovsky, K. Balmont, Z. Gippius, M. The Russian Army, A. Lukyanov, V. Brusov, U. Of Foreign Affairs, The L. Vilkinas, Mikhail Kuzmin, V. Borodaevsky's Work, I. Bunin.

Basinski, P. V.

The lion in the shadow of the Lion

In 1869 in the family of Leo Tolstoy and Sophia Andreyevna Tolstoy was born the third son, who was given the name of the…

SKU: 250511

Cover: Твердый

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Basinski, P. V.

The lion in the shadow of the Lion

AuthorBasinski, P. V.
SeriesLiterary biography of Pavel Basinsky
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at17.04.2015


In 1869 in the family of Leo Tolstoy and Sophia Andreyevna Tolstoy was born the third son, who was given the name of the father. To be a son of Tolstoy, second by Leo Tolstoy, is a great responsibility and a cross. He was well aware of this and did not want to accept: he was trying to be a doctor, writer, sculptor, public and political figure. But everywhere he was received only as the son of a great writer, Leo Tolstoy-little. Jokingly called Tiger Tigrovi. In the end unfulfilled dreams and broken lives. Love for her father grew into hatred...

F. I. Razzakov

Marina Vlady and Vladimir Vysotsky. French and bard

"I breathe," and now I love! I love, and so — I live!" These lines were born from the pen of Vladimir Vysotsky, not by…

SKU: 250333

Cover: Твердый

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F. I. Razzakov

Marina Vlady and Vladimir Vysotsky. French and bard

AuthorF. I. Razzakov
SeriesEternal love story
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at18.04.2015


"I breathe," and now I love! I love, and so — I live!" These lines were born from the pen of Vladimir Vysotsky, not by chance but as a result of his relationship with Marina Vlady. Therefore, in people's memory this pair is still inseparable. It is believed that Marina Vlady in some sense "made" Vysotsky, giving him a destiny is bright and beautiful, like in the movies. But real life, as we know, sometimes is very different from what we show on the screen. Here and in the love of Vladimir Vysotsky and in addition spirited and passionate side, which sang the bard, there was another, still fraught with many secrets and mysteries. What? Those who want to find answers to questions, you should read the book by F. Razzakov, in which the author shows the history of Vladimir Vysotsky and from the most unexpected quarters.

Kasparov, G. K.

My chess journey. 1993-2005. Volume 3

The long-awaited autobiographical three-volume Garry Kasparov "My chess journey" continues the large-scale projects "My…

SKU: 251015

Cover: Твердый

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Kasparov, G. K.

My chess journey. 1993-2005. Volume 3

AuthorKasparov, G. K.
Publication date2015
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at01.07.2015


The long-awaited autobiographical three-volume Garry Kasparov "My chess journey" continues the large-scale projects "My great predecessors" and "Modern chess". Includes over 300 of the best and most memorable games and endings of the 13th world champion with detailed comments. The third volume contains more than 100 parties and covers his later years, Kasparov (1993-2005).

Mandelstam N. I.

Mandelstam.Works.(Compl.in 2 volumes)

Collected works in two volumes / Nadezhda Mandelstam. Vol. 1: "Memories" and other works (1958-1967) volume 2: "Second…

SKU: 251275

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Mandelstam N. I.

Mandelstam.Works.(Compl.in 2 volumes)

AuthorMandelstam N. I.
Publication date2014
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.07.2015


Collected works in two volumes / Nadezhda Mandelstam. Vol. 1: "Memories" and other works (1958-1967) volume 2: "Second book" and other works (1967 - 1979) Edition represents the most comprehensive annotated collection of works N. I. Mandelstam, based on all identified to date published and archival materials. Currently a two-volume collected works of N. I. Mandelstam composed her memoirs, essays, articles and notes, including fragmented. It does not include the abstract of her dissertation, essays, published under the pseudonym "N. Yakovlev" in the anthology "Tarusa page" (Kaluga, 1961), interviews, and extensive - and still not gathered together - correspondence. The basis of the collection are three major memoir text "Memories", "Akhmatova" and "Second book", which was alternately and sequentially, respectively in 1958-1965, 1966-1967 and 1967-1970, and the text "About Akhmatova" is, in fact, the first edition of the Second book". The book "Memories" and "About Akhmatova's" form the basis of the first volume of the collection, and the "Second book" - second, the rest of the material in each volume is chronologically. Compared with the previous editions in the texts of the books significant changes, based on all identified to date sources.

The A. I. Pristavkin

Syndrome drunken hearts

Anatoly Pristavkin was a true professional, a master of words, according to many, all his prose is written with the…

SKU: 251010

Cover: Твердый

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The A. I. Pristavkin

Syndrome drunken hearts

AuthorThe A. I. Pristavkin
SeriesTime living voices
Publication date2015
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.07.2015


Anatoly Pristavkin was a true professional, a master of words, according to many, all his prose is written with the highest degree of reliability. He was and remains the living voice of his time.
In documentary-biographical novels "Syndrome drunken heart" the author recalls encountered on the "wine road" - Yuri Kazakova, Adolf Shapiro, Ales Adamovich, Alexei Kapler and many others. The book also includes one of his last novels, "Gold executioner".

Ermolaev S.

Note the enemy of the people

The first book, covering the period from the twenties and forties of the last century, written on the basis of both…

SKU: 251341

Cover: Твердый

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Ermolaev S.

Note the enemy of the people

AuthorErmolaev S.
SeriesClassical and modern prose
PublisherКлуб семейного досуга
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at20.10.2015


The first book, covering the period from the twenties and forties of the last century, written on the basis of both documentary and documentary materials, my personal observations and stories mom — Ermolayeva Elizaveta Sergeevna, — women without a single education class, a believer possessing the gift of foresight, patience and generosity.
The book describes the history of the family, which by coincidence was the victim of the raging elements, and has undergone such torment of bullying and violence, which did not know any of the previous generations.
The book describes the formation of the family and its decline as the exclusion from their native land; then exile in Siberia, the death of two young children, shot his father and ends with his return to his native land, where she would be without a livelihood and with the label "family of an enemy of the people".

Kolobrodov A. Yu.


The name of the writer Zakhar Prilepin was first performed in 2005, when he released his first novel, "Pathology" about…

SKU: 252165

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Kolobrodov A. Yu.


AuthorKolobrodov A. Yu.
SeriesZakhar Prilepin: journalism
Publication date2015
Dimensions84x108/32 (130х200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.10.2015


The name of the writer Zakhar Prilepin was first performed in 2005, when he released his first novel, "Pathology" about the Chechen war.
During these ten years he wrote several more novels, each of which was a symbol of time and generations, managed to get a top literary prizes, has presented his own programmes on TV and radio and published articles in Newspapers with millions of copies, has recorded a few albums of his own songs (including a collaboration with legends of Russian rock scene), went to war, built a house, raising four children.
The book is the male, released its fortieth anniversary, is not a biography, which has not yet come, but — "literary portrait": the writer's books as part of his (and total) of soil and destinies; the journey through the literature of hero-Prilepin and al-lows her to the elements — the home, Family and Revolution.

F. Beigbeder

Oona & Salinger

The genre of his new book "Oona & Salinger" by F. Beigbeder with his usual desire to shock defines as faction, that is…

SKU: 252741

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

F. Beigbeder

Oona & Salinger

AuthorF. Beigbeder
Publication date2015
Dimensions115x200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.2 kg
Created at28.11.2015


The genre of his new book "Oona & Salinger" by F. Beigbeder with his usual desire to shock defines as faction, that is fact plus fi ction. The facts are simple: 1940, new York. 21-year old aspiring writer Jerry Salinger met 15-year-old Oona O'neill, daughter of famous playwright. The idyll did not last long, a few months later the Japanese attacked pearl Harbor, Salinger went to fight in Europe, and una decided to try his luck in Hollywood. Poprobovavshih on role in the film of Charlie Chaplin, she received the lead role in his own life. Salinger honestly fought, then fought through journal publication in great literature and finally created his master piece, "the catcher in the rye". But Beigbeder is interested not only the facts, how much is the magical meeting of heroes, which turned parting for a lifetime and yet has become what defines this life.

Gurdjieff G. I.

Meetings with remarkable men

"Meetings with remarkable men" is the second part of the trilogy All and everything and the first complete edition of…

SKU: 253540

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Gurdjieff G. I.

Meetings with remarkable men

AuthorGurdjieff G. I.
SeriesAll and all
Publication date2015
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.02.2016


"Meetings with remarkable men" is the second part of the trilogy All and everything and the first complete edition of the original text of the famous book. Finally she returned to the reader in English language, which was originally written.
In the opening chapters of Gurdjieff talks about his childhood spent in the Caucasus, about his father and early teachers, about years of study and personal formation. The following chapters describe his travels in Central Asia, the Himalayas, Tibet and other countries Knowledge.
If in the first book of the series "Beelzebub's Tales to his grandson" Gurdjieff invites us on an adventure within itself, then in the second book, the search leads to the far-off roads, coasts and deserts. But the more readers immersed in the reading, the more it becomes clear that this is the same adventure whose sole aim is the search of consciousness.

Богомолов А.

The legend of the first persons of the USSR

Official information, biographies and "candid" interviews of the first persons of the state is so diluted that it is…

SKU: 254416

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Богомолов А.

The legend of the first persons of the USSR

AuthorБогомолов А.
SeriesLegends best years
Publication date2016
Dimensions130x200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.04.2016


Official information, biographies and "candid" interviews of the first persons of the state is so diluted that it is impossible to believe, as if standing "at the helm" - the same people as we are with you.
This book is a collection of stories and reminiscences of those who always stood with the first persons, their families, and guests. They were engaged not only their safety, but also all other aspects of life: consumer services, transport, communications, and even leisure activities of their wards. What lived the powerful, their relationships, lifestyle, lifestyle, habits, work and leisure, what they were thinking and how to take the important decisions - all this is told in this book.
The author is one of the most famous journalists of Russia, the employee of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" on the basis of sensational reports which made this book.

F. I. Razzakov

Vladimir Vysotsky. Bard and French

"I'm breathing, and froze. I love, and so – I live!" These lines were born from the pen of Vladimir Vysotsky not…

SKU: 254041

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

F. I. Razzakov

Vladimir Vysotsky. Bard and French

AuthorF. I. Razzakov
SeriesThe men who conquered the world
Publication date2016
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.05.2016


"I'm breathing, and froze. I love, and so – I live!" These lines were born from the pen of Vladimir Vysotsky not accidental but the result of his relationship with Marina Vlady. So in people's memory this pair is still inseparable. It is believed that Marina Vlady in some sense "made" Vysotsky, giving him a destiny is bright and beautiful, like a movie. But real life, as we know, sometimes very different from what we show on the screen. In love Vysotsky and Vladi in addition to spirited and passionate side, which sang the bard, was another, still concealing a lot of secrets and mysteries. What? For those who want to find answers to this question, you should read the book of F. Razzakova, in which the author shows the history of relations between Vysotsky and Vlady from the most unexpected quarters.

Kvirikadze I. M.

Boy, going after a wild duck

Irakli Kvirikadze, a cult figure of Russian cinema, the author of the screenplay for "the Jug", "Swimmer", "Luna Papa",…

SKU: 255028

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Kvirikadze I. M.

Boy, going after a wild duck

AuthorKvirikadze I. M.
Publication date2016
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.06.2016


Irakli Kvirikadze, a cult figure of Russian cinema, the author of the screenplay for "the Jug", "Swimmer", "Luna Papa", "1001 recipe of the enamoured cook", "Summer, or 27 lost kisses", the teacher of the Higher courses for scriptwriters and Directors, a regular contributor to the magazine "Story". In recent years, lives in Moscow and works in the United States, France, Germany, Georgia and Russia.
In the book "a Boy, running wild duck" in a poetic yet whimsical manner, so close to his art, he talks about his life and about the movie: old Tbilisi, Moscow, Los Angeles, new York, Malta; Sergei Parajanov, Federico Fellini, Milos Forman, Pierre Richard, Nikita Mikhalkov, Georgi Daneliya, Rustam Khamdamov...

Mikhail Lomonosov through the eyes of contemporaries. Documents, letters, notes, articles, epitaphs, and eulogies, inscriptions

This publication presents the most significant memories and testimonies of contemporaries of M. V. Lomonosov about his…

SKU: 255263

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Mikhail Lomonosov through the eyes of contemporaries. Documents, letters, notes, articles, epitaphs, and eulogies, inscriptions

Publication date2011
Dimensions145х215 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at28.10.2016


This publication presents the most significant memories and testimonies of contemporaries of M. V. Lomonosov about his life and activities, as well as a complete set compiled in the XVIII century descriptions of the place of his birth. Translations of documents written in foreign languages, this in new versions. The chronological scope is limited to published documents of the XVIII century - they retain the value of the "starting points", from which begin any research biographies of Lomonosov and the search for new documents on it.

Медведев Д.

Churchill. Ambitious start 1874-1929. Speaker. Historian. Publicist

Winston Spencer Churchill went down in history as a politician, but his profession and a source of material well-being,…

SKU: 255716

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Медведев Д.

Churchill. Ambitious start 1874-1929. Speaker. Historian. Publicist

AuthorМедведев Д.
SeriesIntellectual bestseller
Publication date2016
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at29.10.2016


Winston Spencer Churchill went down in history as a politician, but his profession and a source of material well-being, he chose a literary career. It's a known fact, but it is usually mentioned in passing in most studies. Offer biography fills that gap, describing the Churchill-writers: the historian, the novelist, essayist, reviewer, critic, and even the publisher.
Why Churchill started to write? He chose the topic, prepared their texts and achieve their publication? You have to visit the creative lab of the famous author and find out how to configure his Outlook, how it changed over time, and most importantly — how written affect private decisions and actions of Churchill, defining his life.

Akunin B.

The autocrats in Moscow. Ivan III. Vasily III

Library project "History of Russian state" – recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature,…

SKU: 257034

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Akunin B.

The autocrats in Moscow. Ivan III. Vasily III

AuthorAkunin B.
SeriesBoris Akunin. The history of the Russian state
Publication date2016
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at10.12.2016


Library project "History of Russian state" – recommended by Boris Akunin the best monuments of historical literature, which reflect the biography of our country, from its early beginnings. Who was the great Moscow princes Ivan III and Vasily III, the impact of their activities on the fate of Russia? Under what historical circumstances they had to act? The extent to which the era has shaped their personality, and what kind of print to events put character and preferences?

Казарновская Л.

Love changes everything

Her name is Lyubov Kazarnovskaya. It is known to all the world's Opera and concert stages: La Scala and the…

SKU: 256580

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Казарновская Л.

Love changes everything

AuthorКазарновская Л.
SeriesLyubov Kazarnovskaya. The legend of the Opera scene
Publication date2016
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at11.12.2016


Her name is Lyubov Kazarnovskaya. It is known to all the world's Opera and concert stages: La Scala and the Metropolitan, San Francisco and Monte Carlo, Mariinsky and Bolshoi, Covent garden, the Salzburg festival, the arena di Verona, Carnegie Hall. Performances with Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo, Montserrat Caballe and Jose Carerras, filming, large-scale projects and master-classes in Russia, Europe, USA, Asia, participation in the jury of the popular show of the First channel.
Straight talk about the great names of world culture, about the fate of the Motherland, about the mysteries of the vocal art, about personal, about the secrets of beauty and youth, about faith and religion, about family, about everything that excites and delights.
Where was born the voice?
How to create a successful marriage?
Texted Her Royal Highness Princess Michael of Kent after the performance of "Othello"?
Do dope Opera singers?
Who was going to be Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, and why in her youth, she couldn't stand Opera?

Kucherena A. G.

22 things that changed Russia. Recent history through the eyes of a lawyer

This book contains memories Anatoly Kucherena real practice, which began almost simultaneously with the history of new…

SKU: 256694

Cover: Твердый

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Unit: pc

Kucherena A. G.

22 things that changed Russia. Recent history through the eyes of a lawyer

AuthorKucherena A. G.
SeriesThe witness of the era
Publication date2016
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at18.12.2016


This book contains memories Anatoly Kucherena real practice, which began almost simultaneously with the history of new Russia. Here is the history with the law "cuisine" added to the history of the country.
You will witness the confrontation of a young lawyer then with the all-powerful mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, Anatoly, first won the case at the capital's mayor. Learns how virtually alone Kucherena defended Larisa Lazutina and Olga Danilov against powerful international bureaucrats from WADA and the IOC.
It is to Anatolia Kucherena asked the widow of General Lev Rokhlin, Tamara in an almost hopeless attempt to prove that she could not kill her husband. Among his clients, Joseph Kobzon, Nikita Mikhalkov and Ministers and senators and even one "international spy" Edward Snowden.
Once "inside," all these — and other equally important matters — lawyer Kucherena, you will see that invisible, hard and sometimes thankless work of a lawyer can really change the country.

Ореханов Г.

Leo Tolstoy. "Prophet without honor"

"And then Leo Tolstoy and his conflict with the Church, as you can!" – the reader will say, after seeing this book and…

SKU: 256569

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Ореханов Г.

Leo Tolstoy. "Prophet without honor"

AuthorОреханов Г.
SeriesReligion. Great men of the twentieth century
Publication date2016
Dimensions70x100/16 (170x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.12.2016


"And then Leo Tolstoy and his conflict with the Church, as you can!" – the reader will say, after seeing this book and will be wrong. There are conflicts in the history to which mankind returns again and again – not because opened new facts, but because at a new stage of life old conflict suddenly filled with different content and requires different understanding. Society changes, break traditional notions, not to mention the views of the individual. And now, when the Church began to occupy a prominent place in public life and in the minds of many people, the question is: for what it is so disliked by the great Russian classic, disliked so much that stood one-on-one in combat it requires a response at the level of our current understanding. The answer is not single line, as in a computer game: who was right, who would win in this fight – and a complex, layered culture of the past and today, giving grounds for personal choice.

Volkov S.

Conversations with Vladimir Spivakov

Vladimir Spivakov, an outstanding violinist and conductor, won many awards. One of the most charismatic personalities in…

SKU: 249102

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Volkov S.

Conversations with Vladimir Spivakov

AuthorVolkov S.
SeriesArt. Culture. Music. Theatre. Movie
Publication date2017
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.54 kg
Created at19.12.2014


Vladimir Spivakov, an outstanding violinist and conductor, won many awards. One of the most charismatic personalities in the world of contemporary music. His talent was admired by the great David Oistrakh, Leonard Bernstein, Yehudi Menuhin. The Creator of the chamber orchestra “Moscow Virtuosi”, the founder, artistic Director and chief conductor of the National Philharmonic orchestra of Russia.
Solomon Volkov is a writer, author of books-conversations with Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry Shostakovich, George Balanchine, and books * research on the history of Russian culture from the Romanov dynasty to the present day. "I know Spivakov fifty-five years, and we had Frank conversations is not one hundred hours. But he still is to me the mystery man. It is complete and purposeful, he's clever and erudite, boxer, painter and philosopher. Steadfast, loyal friend. Easy to talk to. He can be quiet. He often doubts herself. Looking for answers to difficult questions, which asked itself. Wrong. Suffering then... And tries not to repeat their mistakes. This book is an attempt to look into the soul of Vladimir Spivakov deeper. To clarify for themselves and others the roots of his phenomenal success and the reasons for its unique position in contemporary art. (Solomon Volkov)

The N. Karachentsov.

I go

""Juno" and "Avos"", "Thiel", "the Star and death of Joaquin Murieta"... "dog in the manger", "big brother", "Man from…

SKU: 257378

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The N. Karachentsov.

I go

AuthorThe N. Karachentsov.
SeriesRoman theatre
Publication date2017
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at15.03.2017


""Juno" and "Avos"", "Thiel", "the Star and death of Joaquin Murieta"... "dog in the manger", "big brother", "Man from Boulevard des Capucines"... Dozens of roles in theater and film, song, sound (his voice says Belmondo)...
Nikolai Karachentsov was in a hurry to live. He and his memories wrote hurriedly, by fits and starts, on the run, as though sensing that might not make it. The accident nearly a month of coma — and a desperate attempt to get back again to feel Til Rezanova, johnny...
I had to learn everything again — walking, talking, living. Alone. Porgina Lyudmila, wife of Nicholas Karachentsova and acting partner, did everything to make her husband returned. Love gave them the strength, not allowed to give up and despair.
The stories of Nicholas about the behind the scenes of "Lenkom" and vanity sets are juxtaposed with memories of Ludmila months of severe, painful rehabilitation, first successes and severe failures on the way to return. Karachentsov Porgina let the viewer and reader into his world, under the makeup, the mask worn by the actor. This cannot afford to be on the stage only in the book. This is the best way to say: "I'm still here. I'm not gone!"

Yakovich E. L.

Walking with Brodsky and so on. Joseph Brodsky in the film by Alexey Shishov and Elena Yakovich

The documentary film “Walking with Brodsky” was filmed in 1993 in Venice, the Directors, Alexei Shishov as far and…

SKU: 257920

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Yakovich E. L.

Walking with Brodsky and so on. Joseph Brodsky in the film by Alexey Shishov and Elena Yakovich

AuthorYakovich E. L.
Publication date2016
Dimensions125x180 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at15.03.2017


The documentary film “Walking with Brodsky” was filmed in 1993 in Venice, the Directors, Alexei Shishov as far and Yelena Yakovich and received the first ever award TEFI. This film, the first and the only Nobel laureate in the native language drawn from the screen to the Russian audience, watched on television by the whole country. The book “Walking with Brodsky and so on” is a gripping story of Elena Yakovich those first few days in Venice, when Joseph Brodsky, and his friend the poet Yevgeny rein, talking, walking around the city channels, along with the filmmakers. The author presents here the full version of Brodsky's texts from this unique shooting and made with his permission, the recordings. This is, apparently, the last unpublished texts Brodsky. The book includes photographs from the archives of the friends of the poet and images from the film “Walks with Brodsky”. All photos are published for the first time.

Седов Г.

Yusupov and Rasputin

Felix Yusupov. A man whose life and fate argue with the hero of any adventure novel. The count's father, Prince…

SKU: 257711

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Седов Г.

Yusupov and Rasputin

AuthorСедов Г.
SeriesDynasty without makeup
Publication date2017
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at16.03.2017


Felix Yusupov. A man whose life and fate argue with the hero of any adventure novel. The count's father, Prince according to his mother, the heir of great riches, palaces, manors. Generously endowed by nature: as handsome as a God, music, draws, sings, composes poems. Lazy in the extreme, does not want neither to study nor to serve nor to be a soldier. To live, to have fun, do not care about conventions. Endless cross-dressing, transformation into the woman, ending the affair with the nephew of the Emperor, Grand Prince Dmitry Pavlovich. And then an incredible turn: marrying cousin of the latter, the niece of Nicholas II, Grand Duchess Irina Alexandrovna. There is no number of them committed extraordinary deeds. He's only little: visits to the fleshpots of Paris, performances in St. Petersburg of the variety under the guise of visiting cabaret singer, studying at Oxford. And does the unthinkable: participation in the murder hated throughout Russia the false prophet Grigory Rasputin.

Роупер Р.

Nabokov in America. On the way to "lolita"

A detailed story about how Nabokov lived in America from 1940 to 1958

This is a detailed story…

SKU: 257911

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Роупер Р.

Nabokov in America. On the way to "lolita"

AuthorРоупер Р.
SeriesThe author as character
Publication date2016
Dimensions170x240 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at17.03.2017


A detailed story about how Nabokov lived in America from 1940 to 1958

This is a detailed story about how Nabokov lived in America from 1940 to 1958, he taught at universities, became interested in lexicology, written - already in English - several novels, including "lolita", which brought him international fame. It's also a story about America of that period, about which Nabokov saw the country and how he described her in his works.

Quote: Ropero managed to show what an important role was played by America in the life and work of Nabokov, as a result of "lolita" has changed the fate of the literary writer.

Dumas A.

Terra.The Tsar.Caesar

The fate of Julius Caesar was so vivid and dramatic that the great Dumas pass up such an outstanding person could not.…

SKU: 258395

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Dumas A.

Terra.The Tsar.Caesar

AuthorDumas A.
SeriesThe crowns
Publication date2016
Dimensions130х200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at31.05.2017


The fate of Julius Caesar was so vivid and dramatic that the great Dumas pass up such an outstanding person could not. Dumas said that he was glad to write such a novel. Together with the author the reader will be in Rome of the era of Caesar, hear the voices of the great philosophers, orators and poets will see a desperate revolt of the slaves led by Spartacus.

Mlechin L. M.

Дональд Трамп. Роль и маска. От ведущего реалити-шоу до хозяина Белого дома

Президентские выборы в Соединенных Штатах Америки всегда вызывают интерес. Но никогда результат не был столь…

SKU: 258496

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Mlechin L. M.

Дональд Трамп. Роль и маска. От ведущего реалити-шоу до хозяина Белого дома

AuthorMlechin L. M.
Publication date2017
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at04.06.2017


Президентские выборы в Соединенных Штатах Америки всегда вызывают интерес. Но никогда результат не был столь ошеломительным. И весь мир пытается понять, что за человек сорок пятый президент Дональд Трамп? Трамп — символ перемен к лучшему для множества американцев, впавших в тоску и утративших надежду. А для всего мира его избрание — симптом кардинальных перемен в политической жизни Запада. Но чего от него ожидать? В новой книге Леонида Млечина — описание жизни и политический портрет нового хозяина Белого дома на фоне всей истории американского президентства. У Трампа руки развязаны. Он никому ничем не обязан. Не должен следовать каким-то догмам. И ему простят любые глупости — по крайней мере, на первых порах. У него полно восторженных поклонников, которые голосовали за него не умом, а сердцем.Его первые решения многих испугали и удивили. Но каждый шаг нового президента продуман и подготовлен, у него есть система. Дональд Трамп уверен, что его образ непредсказуемого и опасного политика позволит запутать и запугать врагов; они занервничают, не зная, чего от него ждать, и растеряются. Он не желает играть по чужим правилам. Он создает их сам. Склонен делать большие ставки. И сражается до победы.

Basinski, P. V.

Leo Tolstoy-a free man

About Leo Tolstoy written dozens of memoirs, including memories of his immediate family, the smallest, the facts of his…

SKU: 257684

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Basinski, P. V.

Leo Tolstoy-a free man

AuthorBasinski, P. V.
PublisherМолодая Гвардия
Publication date2016
Dimensions130х200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at14.03.2017


About Leo Tolstoy written dozens of memoirs, including memories of his immediate family, the smallest, the facts of his biography reflected in hundreds of letters and diaries of his contemporaries. However, his life remains a mystery. As of "small small", which has not received systematic education, got a great writer and philosopher? Which meant his "spiritual revolution"? What prompted him to give up ownership and literary rights? For that he was excommunicated from the Church? What are the true causes of the several attempts of his departure from home? Why before his death he went to Optina Pustyn?
Writer and journalist, laureate of literary award "Big book" Pavel Basinsky sums up his years of exploration "true Tolstoy" in a book written based on extensive documentary material, of which the reader learns why he sold his father's house, why in old age a month and a half learned the Greek language since saved tens of thousands of starving, I would not love the "Tolstoyans", which is six times rewrote his will... in short, this is a complete biography of the literary genius in a small format.

Лемэй Э.

Хайдеггер для начинающих

В популярной форме, с обилием рисунков описаны эпизоды биографии, истоки и основные особенности мировоззрения немецкого…

SKU: 258762

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Лемэй Э.

Хайдеггер для начинающих

AuthorЛемэй Э.
SeriesБиографии и история
Publication date2004
Dimensions130х200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.10.2017


В популярной форме, с обилием рисунков описаны эпизоды биографии, истоки и основные особенности мировоззрения немецкого философа Мартина Хайдеггера (1889-1976), печатные работы которого прославили его (несмотря на членство в нацистской партии) на Западе как одного из основоположников современного экзистенциализма.
Для широкого круга читателей.

Рейфилд Д.

Stalin and his henchmen

Renowned British historian and literary critic, best-selling author of "Georgia. The crossroads of empires. A story in…

SKU: 259507

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Рейфилд Д.

Stalin and his henchmen

AuthorРейфилд Д.
Publication date2017
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.12.2017


Renowned British historian and literary critic, best-selling author of "Georgia. The crossroads of empires. A story in three thousand years" and "Life of Anton Chekhov" offers a detailed analysis of historical periods and persons responsible for the crimes of which disappeared millions of people, "not cravchik a country." The leaders of the notorious Lubyanka Dzerzhinsky, Menzhinsky, Yagoda, Yezhov, Beria - obedient tools in the hands of the Grand puppeteer - "man with moustache", the coordinator and mastermind of the incredible scale of repression against its own people.

Konstantinov A.

Corrupt Russia

Corruption was not born yesterday, and the roots of this phenomenon go into the distant past.

The ancient…

SKU: 180140

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Konstantinov A.

Corrupt Russia

AuthorKonstantinov A.
SeriesMysteries of history
Publication date2006
Dimensions60x90/16 (~145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


Corruption was not born yesterday, and the roots of this phenomenon go into the distant past.

The ancient legislators tried to eradicate it by force, but to no avail.

Corruption is alive and well. Russia took bribes always, but the scale of today's abuse of official position, already threaten the national security of the country. The state cannot heal itself, because those who have to do it themselves are carriers of the disease.

Honesty is not competitive. Integrity is unprofitable. But because the bribery of a public official, bureaucratic extortion or racketeering law enforcers will long be an integral part of our lives.

Sarnow B. M.

If Pushkin?

This book is not about Pushkin. And the name of Pushkin in her name appeared because the author remembered a remark from…

SKU: 242043

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sarnow B. M.

If Pushkin?

AuthorSarnow B. M.
SeriesPersonal archive. Letters. A memoir. Diaries
Publication date2010
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at22.02.2013


This book is not about Pushkin. And the name of Pushkin in her name appeared because the author remembered a remark from one of story by Mikhail Zoshchenko: - It was genius and a great poet. And we have to regret that he now lives with us. We have been and made it to the poet a fabulous life, if, of course, knew that he would make it Pushkin.
In our time, - says the author - " living writers and poets, now also called the great and brilliant. But in life, there was no hurry to wear them on his hands and to give them a fabulous life. They are not printed (Bulgakov), expelled from the country (Khodasevich), doomed to hunger and poverty (Zoshchenko), driven to certain death to Kolyma (Mandelstam), or simply killed (Babel).
That's what this book is.

Lifar S.

Дягилев. С Дягилевым

Сергей Лифарь, прославленный танцовщик, балетмейстер, премьер Парижской Оперы, много лет возглавлявший балетную труппу…

SKU: 260852

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Lifar S.

Дягилев. С Дягилевым

AuthorLifar S.
SeriesБольшой балет
Publication date2018
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.6 kg
Created at21.09.2018


Сергей Лифарь, прославленный танцовщик, балетмейстер, премьер Парижской Оперы, много лет возглавлявший балетную труппу "Гранд-Опера", ближайший друг легендарного основателя Русского балета Сергея Дягилева, написал две книги воспоминаний о нем. Впервые книга Сержа Лифаря о Дягилеве была издана в Париже в 1939 году на русском языке в количестве 615 экземпляров, и сразу стала библиографической редкостью. Эпоха "Мира искусства", первые Русские сезоны в Париже, принесшие мировую славу Русскому балету и, конечно, правдивые и полные откровений страницы мемуаров о Дягилеве, их личных и творческих взаимоотношениях.

"В моих мемуарах образ Дягилева остался живым и, как я смею думать, правдивым, но этот образ был слишком интимным: он был эскизом портрета Сергея Павловича Дягилева, а не С. П. Дягилева, великого человека, создателя новой художественной культуры, создателя новой эстетики, создателя "Мира искусства" и Русского балета.
Я так живо представил себе это, что наедине с самим собой, перед самим собой густо покраснел и сейчас же откинул для себя возможность этого. Нет, все, что угодно, только не это — я никогда не стану "фаворитом"! Но что же тогда делать? Я знал, что если буду продолжать встречаться с Дягилевым, то не смогу грубо и резко оттолкнуть его, не смогу ни в чем отказать ему, — хотя бы это было мое самоубийство…"
Серж Лифарь

F. Beigbeder

Interview of a child of the century

Frederic Beigbeder is a contemporary French writer, best-selling author of "Love lives three years" and "99 francs",…

SKU: 261188

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

F. Beigbeder

Interview of a child of the century

AuthorF. Beigbeder
SeriesAzbuka - bestseller
Publication date2017
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.4 kg
Created at25.09.2018


Frederic Beigbeder is a contemporary French writer, best-selling author of "Love lives three years" and "99 francs", sarcastic, smart. The same happened and the conversations that Beigbeder as a literary critic he led for several years with famous writers. Among the heroes of this book, the Italian Umberto Eco, the French Michel Houellebecq ("the Elementary particles", "Submission") and Jean d Ormesson ("Delight of God"), the Americans Chuck Palahniuk ("Fight club") and Bret Easton Ellis (American psycho), and many other wonderful authors belonging to different generations and literary trends. Reading the book, it is easy to feel the interlocutor outstanding, a lot in my lifetime seen people - like sitting with them at the table, with a glass of wine, agree or look for counterarguments. Join bon appetit! For the first time in Russian!

Volkov S.

Диалоги с Евгением Евтушенко

«Диалоги с Евгением Евтушенко» — беседа писателя Соломона Волкова и поэта Евгения Евтушенко, состоявшаяся в 2012 году и…

SKU: 261441

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Volkov S.

Диалоги с Евгением Евтушенко

AuthorVolkov S.
SeriesДиалоги Соломона Волкова
Publication date2018
Dimensions 60х90 1/16
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.635 kg
Created at26.11.2018


«Диалоги с Евгением Евтушенко» — беседа писателя Соломона Волкова и поэта Евгения Евтушенко, состоявшаяся в 2012 году и затем, в 2013-м, в сокращенном виде вошедшая в одноименный фильм (режиссер Анна Нельсон), показанный на Первом канале.
Книги-диалоги Соломона Волкова давно стали культовыми. Его собеседниками в разные годы были Иосиф Бродский, Джордж Баланчин, Владимир Спиваков и многие другие.
В этой книге Евгений Евтушенко, тончайший лирик, живший по принципу «поэт в России — больше, чем поэт», рассказывает Волкову об эпохе, творчестве, знаменитых современниках, личной жизни.

Уральский М.

Горький и евреи:по дневникам,переписке и воспоминаниям современников

Книга посвящена раскрытию затененных страниц жизни Максима Горького, связанных с его деятельностью как декларативного…

SKU: 261234

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Уральский М.

Горький и евреи:по дневникам,переписке и воспоминаниям современников

AuthorУральский М.
Publication date2018
Dimensions150x210 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.8 kg
Created at27.11.2018


Книга посвящена раскрытию затененных страниц жизни Максима Горького, связанных с его деятельностью как декларативного русского филосемита: борьба с антисемитизмом, популяризация еврейского культурного наследия, поддержка сионистского движения и др. аспекты проеврейской активности писателя, посей день остающиеся teira incognita научного горьковедения. Приводятся редкие документальные материалы, иллюстрирующие дружеские отношения Горького со знаменитыми еврейскими писателями и деятелями международного сионистского движения - Шолом-Алейхемом, Х.Н. Бяликом, Шолом Ашем, В. Жаботинским, П. Рутенбергом и др., - интересные не только для создания полноценной политической биографии великого писателя, но и в широком контексте истории русско-еврейским отношений в XX веке.

Chukovsky K.

High art +C/o

Korney Chukovsky has left its mark in the literature not only as an author of fairy tales for children, but also as a…

SKU: 246821

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Chukovsky K.

High art +C/o

AuthorChukovsky K.
SeriesCollection of selected works
Publication date2014
Dimensions130x200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at14.06.2014


Korney Chukovsky has left its mark in the literature not only as an author of fairy tales for children, but also as a translator of Oscar Wilde, Mark TWAIN, Rudyard Kipling, O. Henry, Walt Whitman, etc. His book "High art" made the author one of the main authorities in the field of literary translation and is devoted to literary translation, the analysis of problems such as vocabulary translator error, the poverty of his vocabulary, syntax and listening. Written many years ago by critical notes on the translation has not lost its significance and is especially needed today, when greatly increased the number of translated books, but has not improved the quality of translations. The book will be interesting and useful not only for novice or experienced translators, but also to a wide circle of readers who are acquainted with foreign literature in Russian translation.

Охлобыстин И.

Notes stubborn person. True story

In his new autobiography of the famous actor, screenwriter, writer and priest, has made a temporary break in service,…

SKU: 262803

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Охлобыстин И.

Notes stubborn person. True story

AuthorОхлобыстин И.
SeriesWorlds Okhlobystin
Publication date2019
Dimensions205x132x22 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.38 kg
Created at06.11.2019


In his new autobiography of the famous actor, screenwriter, writer and priest, has made a temporary break in service, lifts the curtain and lets us in their dressing room, where are mixed medical gown, Church vestments, a biker jacket and torn jeans.
He recalls his childhood, talks on controversial subjects, the Sophist, provokes the audience indulges and calls to action, witty trying to understand the contradictions of his artistic nature.
The hero of this and phantasmagoric, and it is quite realistic prose he acts!
One in front of us homegrown philosopher, a brilliant actor, a touching father, selfless prophet or fool? Perhaps all at once, and that is extremely exciting.

Златопольская Д.

Настоящее. Диалоги о силе, характере, надежде

Дарья Златопольская продолжает диалоги с выдающимися людьми, героями программы «Белая студия». В основе ее новой книги –…

SKU: 263554

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Златопольская Д.

Настоящее. Диалоги о силе, характере, надежде

AuthorЗлатопольская Д.
Series ВАЖНЫЕ ВЕЩИ. По мотивам интервью ТВ-программы "Белая студия"
Publication date2020
Dimensions210x163x21 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.56 kg
Created at26.04.2020


Дарья Златопольская продолжает диалоги с выдающимися людьми, героями программы «Белая студия». В основе ее новой книги – более 200 интервью, в которых российские и мировые звезды кино и театра, музыки и литературы, науки и искусства делятся своими жизненными наблюдениями и открытиями.

Шойгу С.

Про вчера

Эта книга прежде всего о людях, о работягах — героях событий, которые случились в моей жизни. Здесь только небольшая…

SKU: 264221

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Шойгу С.

Про вчера

AuthorШойгу С.
SeriesВеликое время. Великие имена
Publication date2020
Dimensions21.7 x 14.3
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.4 kg
Created at10.12.2020


Эта книга прежде всего о людях, о работягах — героях событий, которые случились в моей жизни. Здесь только небольшая часть историй, которыми я хотел бы поделиться. Будет время — продолжим...

Radzinsky E.

Русские цари. Избранные жизнеописания

В книгу вошли монументальные биографии Александра II и Николая II, царей, чье правление навсегда изменило историю…

SKU: 264736

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Radzinsky E.

Русские цари. Избранные жизнеописания

AuthorRadzinsky E.
SeriesНаследие эпох
Publication date2020
Dimensions216x168x44 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.86 kg
Created at01.04.2021


В книгу вошли монументальные биографии Александра II и Николая II, царей, чье правление навсегда изменило историю России.

Шифрин Е.

Мир тесен. Короткие истории из длинной жизни

Мир тесен не потому, что в нем живет уже почти 8 миллиардов человек. Ей-богу, на Земле еще полно места, где, не…

SKU: 265184

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Шифрин Е.

Мир тесен. Короткие истории из длинной жизни

AuthorШифрин Е.
SeriesБиографии. Мемуары
Publication date2021
Dimensions210x135x25 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.4 kg
Created at22.05.2021


Мир тесен не потому, что в нем живет уже почти 8 миллиардов человек. Ей-богу, на Земле еще полно места, где, не спотыкаясь друг о друга, могут мирно разместиться разумные люди. Но кто я такой, чтобы решать судьбы мира! Мне важно разобраться с собственной судьбой, в которой на пятачке жизни были скучены ушедшие от меня и продолжают толпиться живые люди — мои родственники, друзья, коллеги и незнакомцы, случайно попавшие в мой мир. Пока память не подводит меня, я решил вспомнить их — кого-то с благодарностью, кого-то, увы, с упреком… В коротких историях из длинной жизни трудно поведать все, что мне хотелось рассказать тем, кому, возможно, пригодился бы мой опыт. Но мой мир — тесен, и я вспомнил в основном тех, кто был рядом. В этой книге тесно словам и просторно воспоминаниям. Ефим Шифрин

Schechter D.

The ryal with Prime Ministers

David Schechter talks about the details of the policy, not known to the General public: the operation of the apparatus…

SKU: 198116

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Schechter D.

The ryal with Prime Ministers

AuthorSchechter D.
SeriesJewish literature
PublisherМосты культуры
Publication date2001
Dimensions130х200 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


David Schechter talks about the details of the policy, not known to the General public: the operation of the apparatus of the Israeli Prime Minister during his foreign visits, as acting head of government during the negotiations, how do you relax, and even what they eat and drink. The author with specific examples compares Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon and gives an objective analysis of their activities, paying particular attention to their relationships with Russian-speaking immigrants. The book is illustrated with 66 photographs taken by the author. This is the first of this level of documentary evidence about Israeli politics, written by a native of the USSR.

Shirvindt M.

Отрывки из обрывков

Жанр: ироничная исповедальность. С одной стороны снижает уровень глупости и инфантильности, с другой — амнистирует…

SKU: 267206

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Shirvindt M.

Отрывки из обрывков

AuthorShirvindt M.
Publication date2022
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.63 kg
Created at14.07.2022


Жанр: ироничная исповедальность. С одной стороны снижает уровень глупости и инфантильности, с другой — амнистирует случайную смелость.
Александр Ширвиндт

В новой книге «Отрывки из обрывков», написанной в разгар пандемии, актер и режиссер Александр Ширвиндт рассуждает об актуальных для всех нас вопросах — коронавирусе и самоизоляции, семье и друзьях, футболе и успехах российской сборной на Олимпиаде.
Обращается Ширвиндт и к своим воспоминаниям: учебе в школе и преподавании в Театральном институте имени Щукина; работе над спектаклями и съемках в любимых всеми фильмах. Непревзойденный рассказчик, автор делится удивительными историями о коллегах и друзьях, вспоминает Олега Табакова и Марка Захарова, Андрея Миронова и Людмилу Гурченко, Михаила Жванецкого и Булата Окуджаву, Владимира Меньшова и Валентина Гафта, Михаила Державина и Зиновия Гердта.

Chukovsky K.

Верю в свои силы... Дневники 1922-1935 годов. Книга 2

К. И. Чуковский оставил обширное творческое наследие, включающее публицистику, переводы, литературную критику, работы по…

SKU: 268045

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Chukovsky K.

Верю в свои силы... Дневники 1922-1935 годов. Книга 2

AuthorChukovsky K.
SeriesАзбука-Классика. Non-Fiction
Publication date2023
Dimensions180x117x40 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.43 kg
Created at09.04.2023


К. И. Чуковский оставил обширное творческое наследие, включающее публицистику, переводы, литературную критику, работы по филологии, мемуаристику. Большой интерес представляют и дневники, которые он вел всю жизнь.
В настоящем издании публикуются дневники 1922–1935 годов. Это время, когда Чуковский находился в расцвете творческих сил, когда к нему пришла поистине всесоюзная известность, и особенным успехом пользовались его произведения для детей. Но это и время тяжелейших утрат и испытаний: болезнь и смерть младшей дочери, развернувшаяся после разгромной статьи Н.Крупской борьба с "чуковщиной", цензурные запреты печататься и выступать, безденежье. В удушающей атмосфере литературного официоза писатель был вынужден отстаивать свое право на свободу творчества. На страницах дневников предстают и многие выдающиеся современники Чуковского, с которыми он был хорошо знаком, — Ахматова, Горький, Маяковский, Мандельштам, Зощенко, Тынянов и др.

Казиник М.С.

Тайны гениев

Михаил Казиник - искусствовед, музыкант, писатель, поэт, философ, режиссер, актер, драматург, просветитель и один из…

SKU: 268299

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Казиник М.С.

Тайны гениев

AuthorКазиник М.С.
SeriesТайны гениев
Publication date2023
Dimensions170*215 мм.
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.609 kg
Created at09.06.2023


Михаил Казиник - искусствовед, музыкант, писатель, поэт, философ, режиссер, актер, драматург, просветитель и один из самых эрудированных людей нашего времени. Встреча с ним, без преувеличений, буквально переворачивает весь мир - и внутренний, и внешний.

В своей книге он рассказывается не только об известных композиторах, писателях, художниках, но и о том, как неожиданно переплетаются судьбы и творения тех, кто жил в разных эпохах и странах. Эти сплетения музыки, литературы и живописи зачастую сразу не заметишь, а узнав, заинтересуешься так, что захочешь сам искать всевозможные параллели. Потому что это необычайно интересно, потому что только так и растешь над собой, начинаешь и мир, и людей видеть иначе.

О каких же гениях идет речь в книге? О Моцарте, Бахе, Бетховене, Чайковском, Мусоргском, Пушкине, Гоголе, Достоевском, Пастернаке, Шекспире, Кафке, Рембрандте, Эль Греко, Микеланджело...

Олдфилд М.

Футбольные герои: Криштиану Роналду

Путь Криштиану Роналду никогда не был усыпан цветами и золотыми мячами. Неудачи закалили его, а разочарования научили…

SKU: 23737

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Олдфилд М.

Футбольные герои: Криштиану Роналду

AuthorОлдфилд М.
SeriesФутбольные герои
Publication date2023
Dimensions138x212 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.186 kg
Created at12.11.2023


Путь Криштиану Роналду никогда не был усыпан цветами и золотыми мячами. Неудачи закалили его, а разочарования научили стремиться к большему. Жаркие улицы Мадейры с уличным футболом заменили мировые стадионы. Бывшие заклятые соперники стали учителями, на которых он оттачивал свои навыки.

Это книга о становлении меленького мальчика с окраин цивилизации выдающейся легендой португальского футбола и всего мира в целом.

Первые шаги в мир большого футбола всегда начинаются с маленьких достижений.

Танич М.

Нетелефонный разговор

"Текстильный городок", "На дальней станции сойду", "Как хорошо быть генералом", "Черный кот"... Такие разные, но…

SKU: 268920

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Танич М.

Нетелефонный разговор

AuthorТанич М.
SeriesЭксклюзивные биографии
Publication date2023
Dimensions180x115x40 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.3 kg
Created at14.12.2023


"Текстильный городок", "На дальней станции сойду", "Как хорошо быть генералом", "Черный кот"... Такие разные, но неизменно западающие в душу песни. Их автор — Михаил Танич — прожил непростую жизнь. Воевал, дошел до Берлина, вернулся с победой, поступил в институт — и по доносу получил шесть лет лагерей. Вот тут ему повезло — не погиб, выдержал, возвратился (правда, с клеймом "пораженного в правах"). Работал и прорабом на стройке, и литсотрудником в районной газете... И все это время, начиная с детства, писал стихи. А потом его стихи стали песнями, которым дали жизнь Иосиф Кобзон, Алла Пугачева, Лариса Долина, Лев Лещенко, Лайма Вайкуле, группа "Лесоповал" и многие другие. И конечно, их пела и поет сегодня вся страна. Наверное, для того, чтобы написать такие песни, надо было пройти весь этот тяжкий путь и сохранить в себе живую душу. Как сделал это настоящий поэт — Михаил Исаевич Танич.

Шемякин М.

Моя жизнь: до изгнания

Михаил Шемякин — художник, скульптор, график, историк и аналитик искусства, педагог, постановщик балетных и…

SKU: 269340

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Шемякин М.

Моя жизнь: до изгнания

AuthorШемякин М.
SeriesВеликие шестидесятники. Мемуары. Биографии.
Publication date2024
Dimensions243x166x44 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross1.28 kg
Created at03.03.2024


Михаил Шемякин — художник, скульптор, график, историк и аналитик искусства, педагог, постановщик балетных и драматических спектаклей и театрализованных действий. Он известен в России памятниками Петру I в Санкт-Петербурге и “Дети — жертвы пороков взрослых” в Москве, постановкой балета “Щелкунчик” в Мариинском театре. Живёт и работает во Франции.

Книга “Моя жизнь” — первая часть автобиографии мастера: от рождения в Москве в 1943 году до изгнания из страны в 1971-м.

“Это записки человека, благодарного судьбе, сложному, тревожному, опасному и — несмотря ни на что — прекрасному времени; не совсем обычным родителям, удивительным людям, с которыми довелось встретиться, а ещё невзгодам, ударам, падениям и лишениям. Всё это обострило моё восприятие, закалило душу и воспитало характер бойца, солдата и человека, навсегда преданного избранному делу, приучило вниманию к людям, умению оценить их достоинства и смиряться с недостатками”.

Грозный И.


В данное издание вошли тексты из переписки Ивана Грозного — в их числе послания английской королеве Елизавете и…

SKU: 270182

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Грозный И.


AuthorГрозный И.
SeriesЭксклюзив: Русская классика
Publication date2024
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.295 kg
Created at06.10.2024


В данное издание вошли тексты из переписки Ивана Грозного — в их числе послания английской королеве Елизавете и опричнику Василию Грязному, а также знаменитая полемика с князем Курбским.
В первую очередь послания Ивана Грозного отражают его взгляды на государственную власть, а также внешнюю и внутреннюю политику страны. Но вместе с тем они остаются одним из важнейших памятников русской литературы XVI века. Умный, образованный и начитанный правитель, Иван Васильевич цитировал Библию, русских и античных авторов, отрывки из польских и литовских летописей. В его посланиях отражается история, культура и общественная мысль России того времени.
Тексты в данном издании приведены в переводе известного филолога и литературоведа Якова