Products: 27

Ivanova E.

Word 2007 in your pocket

If you do not have experience in Word, you can quickly learn all the necessary techniques, since all relevant material…

SKU: 218894

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Ivanova E.

Word 2007 in your pocket

AuthorIvanova E.
SeriesThe computer in your pocket
Publication date
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


If you do not have experience in Word, you can quickly learn all the necessary techniques, since all relevant material is set out as briefly and clearly, using clear step by step instructions.
In the book in a simple and accessible form describes how to create, edit and print documents, work with tables, use graphics, and objects created in other applications, to apply a method of merging to create standard documents. It also discusses recovery techniques applications and documents after a system failure and the use of automation.

This book will be useful to those who are just starting to work with Word 2007 and word processors in General.

Hull R.,D. Eubank

Digital videography

People who are passionate about video, you will find this guide a lot of useful information regarding the art and…

SKU: 193064

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Hull R.,D. Eubank

Digital videography

AuthorHull R.,D. Eubank
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2006
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


People who are passionate about video, you will find this guide a lot of useful information regarding the art and techniques of shooting digital video. Amazing features of digital cameras - not to mention their reasonable prices - now allow even beginners to create films of impeccable quality. Whether you want to learn the basics of digital video, just to improve their own home videos, or you inspired Peter Jackson or Orson Welles in this book there are many interesting for you. It provides detailed advice and lots of photos. The owner of the digital video camera can learn here everything you need for your development and increase your knowledge in the field of modern video technology.
The book includes the following sections:
- The evolution of the camera, the origin story of various formats.
- Accessories and equipment.
- How is the camera and the basics of working with her.
- The basics of skill, including composition and lighting.
- The basics of editing and more complex techniques.
- Promotion of your film into festivals and on the Internet.

Leonov V.

Twitter. Your mobile blog

If you want to start a network of friends and tell them his thoughts and feelings, and running your own blog has neither…

SKU: 230895

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Leonov V.

Twitter. Your mobile blog

AuthorLeonov V.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2010
Dimensions70x100/16 (~167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


If you want to start a network of friends and tell them his thoughts and feelings, and running your own blog has neither the knowledge nor the time or energy - it is time to pay attention to the Microblogging. This tiny notes in a couple of hundred letters posted by users from around the world. The most famous of microblogging - Twitter, - he devoted the lion's share of the book. Having settled there, you can meet your neighbors, and most of these celebrities! Timothy, Tina Kandelaki, Dmitry Rogozin, Alex Exler, and from foreign - Stephen fry, Britney Spears, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many, many more... Convenient feature of microblogging is the ability to post messages using a mobile phone. After reading the book, you will learn how to do it, and learn all that is necessary for modern Twitter. Alternatively, the book covers similar Russian Twitter microblogging platform is certainly the most popular. Well, after you register you immediately took over "his", at the end of the book you will find a tiny Glossary of Twitter.

Leonov V.

100 of the best programs for your computer. (+DV

There are many programs that assist in the process. Are there any programs that can turn your home computer from the…

SKU: 230535

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Leonov V.

100 of the best programs for your computer. (+DV

AuthorLeonov V.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date 2009
Copies 4000
Dimensions170x240 мм (средний формат)
Paperback 256
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


There are many programs that assist in the process. Are there any programs that can turn your home computer from the time eater in the assistant in the home? Yes, and they are many - just novice users don't know about them. And they will easily eliminate the need to have in the house cookbooks and drug reference books, tear-off calendars and horoscopes, paper diaries and notebooks. They are easy to balance your checkbook, schedule repairs and construction, create photo albums and family records. Using software can simplify many things. The most important thing to know about these programs and be able to find them. This book will allow you to solve both of these problems. Here you will find a description of the hundred most interesting and useful "home" programs. Themselves programmes are laid out on the enclosed to the book drive.

Садовский А.В.

Ноутбук на 100 %

Вы собираетесь приобрести ноутбук или только что купили его? Тогда эта книга для вас. Прочитав ее, вы узнаете, как…

SKU: 214010

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Садовский А.В.

Ноутбук на 100 %

AuthorСадовский А.В.
SeriesКомпьютерная литература
Publication date
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


Вы собираетесь приобрести ноутбук или только что купили его? Тогда эта книга для вас. Прочитав ее, вы узнаете, как выбрать ноутбук в соответствии с задачами, которые будут на нем выполняться.
Вы будете застрахованы от покупки бракованного товара и не потеряете деньги, приобретя компьютер по завышенной цене. Отдельно рассматривается специфика покупки подержанного ноутбука. Книга расскажет вам о типах современных ноутбуков, об их возможностях, а также о расширении потенциала компьютера за счет подключаемых устройств и аксессуаров. Немало внимания уделено и таким важнейшим вопросам, как установка операционной системы, настройка системы для снижения энергопотребления, модернизация и ремонт ноутбука, интеграция его в локальную сеть и подключение к Интернету с помощью беспроводных технологий, использование специализированных программ и обеспечение безопасности. Множество трюков и неочевидных приемов, которым научит вас эта книга, сделают вашу работу на ноутбуке эффективной на 100 %.

Leont'ev V. P.

The processing of music and sound on your computer

Tutorial on everything you can do with sound on the computer with which you can learn to create music, process,…

SKU: 180357

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Leont'ev V. P.

The processing of music and sound on your computer

AuthorLeont'ev V. P.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2006
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


Tutorial on everything you can do with sound on the computer with which you can learn to create music, process, composition, copy music from audio CDs and convert it to mp3 format.

Leont'ev V. P.

Программы на все случаи жизни

Как улучшить работу компьютера и сделать систему стабильной? Как увеличить быстродействие системы в играх и при работе в…

SKU: 180352

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Leont'ev V. P.

Программы на все случаи жизни

AuthorLeont'ev V. P.
SeriesКомпьютерная литература
Publication date2006
Dimensions200x125x10 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.12 kg
Created at12.10.2010


Как улучшить работу компьютера и сделать систему стабильной? Как увеличить быстродействие системы в играх и при работе в Интернет? Да и вообще, как использовать компьютер на все 100%: печатать фотографии, копировать диски, смотреть видео, обрабатывать музыку, создавать сайты - делать все, что душе годно. Для этого всего существуют самые разные программы: полезные и не очень, платные и бесплатные, большие и маленькие... Разобраться во всем этом многообразии, выбрать то, что необходимо именно вам, поможет эта книга. В ней описаны лучшие современные программы на все случаи жизни. Для широкого круга читателей.

Кёре Томас

Ноутбук. Учимся использовать на 100%

Данная книга посвящена одному из самых практичных электронных устройств, призванному сделать профессиональную…

SKU: 203851

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Кёре Томас

Ноутбук. Учимся использовать на 100%

AuthorКёре Томас
SeriesКомпьютерная литература
Publication date
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


Данная книга посвящена одному из самых практичных электронных устройств, призванному сделать профессиональную деятельность более производительной, а отдых комфортным. Речь идет о ноутбуке и областях его применения. В книге затронуты как аппаратные аспекты устройства и обслуживания ноутбука, так и программные. В частности, представлены программные пакеты Microsoft Office, Nero Express и др. Рассмотрены и такие важные моменты, как подключение и работа в локальной и глобальной сетях.

Книга предназначена в первую очередь тем, кто собирается приобрести свой первый компьютер и стоит перед выбором, какой компьютер купить - стационарный ПК или ноутбук. Издание может быть полезно и обладателям стационарных ПК.

Stolyarov A. M.

Windows Vista. Basics

In this little book you will find everything you need for a skilled work in Windows Vista: the new interface and the…

SKU: 214083

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Stolyarov A. M.

Windows Vista. Basics

AuthorStolyarov A. M.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


In this little book you will find everything you need for a skilled work in Windows Vista: the new interface and the methods of its settings under user preferences, tools, information retrieval, techniques for working with files and folders, utilities, Internet access, email, and more.

The book will be useful for both beginners and those who already have experience in previous versions of the Windows operating system.

Zozulya Yu.

Configuring your computer using BIOS 100%

The book describes in detail the principles of operation and parameters basic input / output system (BIOS), describes…

SKU: 233838

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Zozulya Yu.

Configuring your computer using BIOS 100%

AuthorZozulya Yu.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2010
Dimensions70x100/16 (~167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at26.12.2010


The book describes in detail the principles of operation and parameters basic input / output system (BIOS), describes methods of configuring, tuning, diagnostics and computer overclocking by changing the BIOS settings. The book contains a lot of practical tips to improve system performance and Troubleshooting procedures.

The book is intended for users with an intermediate level of training who are interested in the optimization and fine tuning of the hardware of the computer.

Orlov V., etc.

Superбыстрый set on the PC. Intensive - meth

This book is intended not only for those who professionally are engaged in typing on the computer. As everyone who has…

SKU: 197875

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Orlov V., etc.

Superбыстрый set on the PC. Intensive - meth

AuthorOrlov V., etc.
Publication date2007
Dimensions130х205 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


This book is intended not only for those who professionally are engaged in typing on the computer. As everyone who has sat down at the keyboard and tried to gain at least a tiny bit of text is faced with such difficulties, how little the speed of typing, the need to look at the keys to verify that the correct letters he types, and, of course, inevitably made mistakes.
To learn fast and error-free set is not too difficult there is a will and a good teacher, which you will find in the person of the authors of this book. Listed here exercises and tests will help you develop and improve skills fast printing, and also learn to type text without a single error. Practice and you will spend your time and energy more effectively!

Matvienko Yu.

Tutorial works on PC and laptop for начинающихCD

The book you hold in your hands is a unique and the most modern methods of teaching: it is both well-illustrated book,…

SKU: 234432

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Matvienko Yu.

Tutorial works on PC and laptop for начинающихCD

AuthorMatvienko Yu.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2011
Dimensions167x236 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at23.04.2011


The book you hold in your hands is a unique and the most modern methods of teaching: it is both well-illustrated book, and a detailed video course, your pocket.
After reading the book and watching the video course, you will quickly learn to use the computer and the laptop running the Russian version of the Windows 7 operating system, learn the most popular office programs Word 2010 and Excel 2010, as well as the processing of digital photos in the latest version of Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Winner M.

Laptop for women

Thick computer tutorials - what could be more boring. After all, they write dull men-techies. Yeah okay, they were just…

SKU: 234503

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Winner M.

Laptop for women

AuthorWinner M.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2011
Dimensions70x100/16 (~167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at24.04.2011


Thick computer tutorials - what could be more boring. After all, they write dull men-techies. Yeah okay, they were just boring, so they describe a lot of unnecessary things with strange names like the BIOS and the Registry, but they need not find. What should a normal lady of the computer, regardless of age? A little bit about your operating system, a little bit about the office. But more about important and interesting things: Dating on the Internet, social networking, music, movies, and books. This book is a rare exception among a series of tedious tutorials. Written by a woman and for women, it will teach you to work on the laptop, not having lulled and not overloading the brain. There is nothing superfluous, but the desired information is described as simply as possible and in detail.

Denisov A.

Internet Explorer 5

In our days the most common computer become tools for working with the Internet. Knowledge of their identity and ability…

SKU: 185249

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Denisov A.

Internet Explorer 5

AuthorDenisov A.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date
Dimensions84x104/32 (220x240 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


In our days the most common computer become tools for working with the Internet. Knowledge of their identity and ability to use them are the demands of time. This book tells about one of the most popular programs of this type - Microsoft Internet Explorer 5. The publication will be useful to anyone who wants to quickly learn how to use Network resources without question. In a convenient and compact form here set forth the information necessary for effective work in the Internet as those who only started to learn the Network, and those who already have - experience working with previous versions of the software package Internet Explorer. Among the indisputable advantages of the book include the author's recommendations about how to protect personal information in case you reinstall the operating system or move from one computer to another.


A CD with examples.Office XP

The booklet gives a description of a CD-ROM containing the examples considered in the books of the set dedicated to the…

SKU: 196890

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


A CD with examples.Office XP

Publication date2003
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010


The booklet gives a description of a CD-ROM containing the examples considered in the books of the set dedicated to the collection of Microsoft Office XP and released by publishing house "BHV-Petersburg". It also describes the setting and rules of the "Game of dominance", developed in MS Access.

Gusachenko E.

The Internet for women. 2-e Izd.

Computer books men write. Therefore, most women consider them to be dull, incomprehensible and boring. But this book is…

SKU: 237855

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Gusachenko E.

The Internet for women. 2-e Izd.

AuthorGusachenko E.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2011
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at02.03.2012


Computer books men write. Therefore, most women consider them to be dull, incomprehensible and boring. But this book is different. Written by a woman and for women, it is fun, simple and will talk in detail about what is useful can be learned from the Internet.
Readers will learn to view websites, search for information, to use e-mail. Much attention is paid to the Dating and online relationships. The book will teach even how to create your electronic diary - blog. Knowledge of the Internet will reveal a wealth of new opportunities for recreation, learning and work. And to many he will even help to find your Destiny.

Tashkov And P

Crashes and bugs PC. Treat the computer with your hands

From your computer belching blue smoke? Windows does not boot, and you see only a black screen? Or Windows loads but…

SKU: 242738

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Tashkov And P

Crashes and bugs PC. Treat the computer with your hands

AuthorTashkov And P
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.05.2013


From your computer belching blue smoke? Windows does not boot, and you see only a black screen? Or Windows loads but then the screen becomes blue and are running on it "gibberish"? From the system unit you hear a shrill squeak? Don't panic! And do not rush to call the master. In most cases, computer failures can be "cured" with their hands. How - teach this book. It very simply explains the frequent breakdowns of the PC. Considered hardware faults and failures at the operating system level and software. New edition of the book is devoted to the latest versions of Windows 8.

Winner M.

Computer without fear for those who are over... 2nd edition

The computer seems so complicated device, the mouse and keyboard cause involuntary trembling, and the idea that it is…

SKU: 242690

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Winner M.

Computer without fear for those who are over... 2nd edition

AuthorWinner M.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2013
Dimensions70х100/16 (170х240 мм, увеличенный)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.05.2013


The computer seems so complicated device, the mouse and keyboard cause involuntary trembling, and the idea that it is necessary to study and master, constantly tormented? You think that everything is for the youth as people aged cannot understand this? This, of course, not! The main thing is a good teacher. If you are holding this book, such a teacher you already have! Simple language, accessible explanation and detailed information about how devices and major programmes. In addition, in this book you will find numerous exercises with hints and detailed description of sequence of actions.
After reading this book and completing all tasks, the computer will cease to seem like a monster, and will be a real helper and friend!

Gusachenko E., M. Winner

Computer for women. 3rd edition

Computer books men write. So they are always dry, boring and abstruse. To understand something difficult, and almost…

SKU: 242619

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Gusachenko E., M. Winner

Computer for women. 3rd edition

AuthorGusachenko E., M. Winner
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2013
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at07.05.2013


Computer books men write. So they are always dry, boring and abstruse. To understand something difficult, and almost impossible to stay awake when reading. This book is a rare exception. Written by a woman and for women, she will learn to operate the computer, not having lulled and not overloading the brain. There is nothing superfluous, but the desired information is described as simply as possible and in detail. How is the computer to working in Windows and office software that gives interesting and useful Internet about all this you will learn from this book.

Lebedev A N

Protecting your computer from viruses, hackers and glitches. Clear tutorial

With the help of this book you will learn quickly to recognize threats to your PC will be able to determine the set of…

SKU: 242745

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Lebedev A N

Protecting your computer from viruses, hackers and glitches. Clear tutorial

AuthorLebedev A N
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at07.05.2013


With the help of this book you will learn quickly to recognize threats to your PC will be able to determine the set of tools to ensure its security. You will learn about the techniques used by hackers and online fraudsters, learn how to protect against viruses and other malware, to recognize and repel hacker attacks, and to combat the tricks of Internet fraud. Through this book, you can easily cope with any problem that may occur with your computer, laptop or mobile device.

Sanders D.

CUDA technology in the examples. Introduction to programming GPUs. Sanders D.

CUDA computing architecture developed by NVIDIA and designed for developing parallel programs. Coupled with the advanced…

SKU: 242507

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Sanders D.

CUDA technology in the examples. Introduction to programming GPUs. Sanders D.

AuthorSanders D.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at08.05.2013


CUDA computing architecture developed by NVIDIA and designed for developing parallel programs. Coupled with the advanced software platform, the CUDA architecture enables programmers to leverage the incredible power of the graphics processors to create high-performance applications, including scientific, engineering and financial applications.
The book is written by two senior members of the team on the development of the CUDA software platform. New technology presents it from the point of view of the programmer. The authors examine all aspects of developing for CUDA, illustrating the presentation of working examples. After a brief introduction into the platform and architecture of CUDA, as well as a cursory overview of the language With CUDA, begins a detailed discussion of the different functionality of CUDA and related compromises. You will learn when to use each tool and how to write programs that demonstrate truly outstanding performance.

The publication is intended for programmers, and will also be useful to engineers, researchers and University students.


Personal computer: never too late to learn. 2-e Izd.

It is wrong to think that the personal computer is the invention for the youth and the older generation he is completely…

SKU: 242735

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Personal computer: never too late to learn. 2-e Izd.

AuthorSPIRA I.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2013
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at09.05.2013


It is wrong to think that the personal computer is the invention for the youth and the older generation he is completely useless. PC is not a luxury but a reliable and loyal assistant! And learning to use it is not much harder than to learn any other electronic device: TV, food processor, or mobile phone.
This book is for those who never encountered with the computer was not even turned it on even once. It describes how to start work on PC, how to control it with the mouse, how to type on the keyboard. You will learn about computer programs and learn how to use them, you will discover numerous possibilities of the world wide web.
This book is not difficult definitions and abstruse terms. Thanks to it you will realize that great experience is no obstacle to the development of the computer. The main thing - the desire and confidence. It's no wonder they say never too late to learn!


Laptop: never too late to learn. 2-e Izd.

Wrong to think that the laptop is the invention for the youth and the older generation he is completely useless. A…

SKU: 243921

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc


Laptop: never too late to learn. 2-e Izd.

AuthorSPIRA I.
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2013
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at17.09.2013


Wrong to think that the laptop is the invention for the youth and the older generation he is completely useless. A laptop computer is not a luxury but a reliable and loyal assistant! And learning to use it is not much harder than to learn any other electronic device: TV, food processor, or mobile phone.
This book is for those who have never dealt with a laptop, they didn't even include him even once. It tells about the differences between laptop computers a typical desktop computer, on how to start work on a portable computer how to operate it using the touch panel how to type on the keyboard. You will learn about computer programs and learn how to use them, you will discover numerous possibilities of the world wide web.
This book is not difficult definitions and abstruse terms. Thanks to it you will realize that great experience is not an obstacle for the development of the laptop. The main thing - the desire and confidence. It's no wonder they say never too late to learn!

Zhukov Ivan

The laptop. A very simple book. Updated, revised, easier and clearer

This is addressed to those who bought or going to buy a laptop, but has no idea how to use it. Most of the books about…

SKU: 246591

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Zhukov Ivan

The laptop. A very simple book. Updated, revised, easier and clearer

AuthorZhukov Ivan
SeriesComputer literature
Publication date2014
Dimensions70x90/16 (170x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at11.05.2014


This is addressed to those who bought or going to buy a laptop, but has no idea how to use it. Most of the books about computers written for those who already know how to perform even basic actions. But what about the newbie? Who will explain to him what other "so clear"? Best of all, with the task to cope with this book! . You don't have to spend hours to understand how something works. All necessary information is organized and presented in accessible language. Extremely clear explanation of the principles of the most popular programs on Windows 7, as well as give useful tips on buying a laptop and taking care of him.

D. Dontsov

Самые нужные программы для Windows

SKU: 181180

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

D. Dontsov

Самые нужные программы для Windows

AuthorD. Dontsov
SeriesКомпьютерная литература
Publication date2006
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at12.10.2010

Нейросеть. Пошаговое руководство по генерации картинок и текста

Нейросети стремительно ворвались в нашу жизнь, и наверняка уже сейчас за этой технологией стоит наше будущее. Для того,…

SKU: 268947

Cover: Мягкий

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Нейросеть. Пошаговое руководство по генерации картинок и текста

SeriesЧетко по делу
Publication date2023
Dimensions165x125x8 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.11 kg
Created at30.11.2023


Нейросети стремительно ворвались в нашу жизнь, и наверняка уже сейчас за этой технологией стоит наше будущее. Для того, чтобы упростить себе жизнь и умело использовать возможности искусственного интеллекта, необходимо научиться правильно с ним разговаривать. Книга поможет вам овладеть практическими навыками работы с нейросетями и формулировать запросы для искусственного интеллекта. Такие, чтобы задачи были понятными для нейросети, а результаты – полезными для вас.

Нейросети ChatGPT, Midjourney. Инструкция для начинающих

Нейросети стремительно ворвались в нашу жизнь, и наверняка уже сейчас за этой технологией стоит наше будущее. Для того,…

SKU: 268946

Cover: Твердый

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Нейросети ChatGPT, Midjourney. Инструкция для начинающих

SeriesКоротко и ясно
Publication date2023
Dimensions172x130x10 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.17 kg
Created at01.12.2023


Нейросети стремительно ворвались в нашу жизнь, и наверняка уже сейчас за этой технологией стоит наше будущее. Для того, чтобы упростить себе жизнь и умело использовать возможности искусственного интеллекта, необходимо научиться правильно с ним разговаривать. Книга поможет вам овладеть практическими навыками работы с нейросетями и формулировать запросы для искусственного интеллекта. Такие, чтобы задачи были понятными для нейросети, а результаты – полезными для вас.