Brown Simon


AuthorBrown Simon
SeriesFeng Shui
Publication date2004
Dimensions84x108/16 (~205х290 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


This book tells in detail about qi. Qi is the basic energy of the human body in motion which all holistic therapy, from shiatsu to Feng Shui, tai qi to qi-Gong, Reiki before cauterization. The textbook "qi" will explain how to conduct practices, generating Chi. Moreover, since qi connects your body with the world, you will meet new ways of relationship with the world and other people. Specialist qi Simon brown writes in clear and understandable language, he will explain how to do practical exercises, will talk about meditation techniques and positive action strategies to show how to use the knowledge about qi and direct it to positive and effective change.

In this amazing book, the author:
- will teach you how to feel the Chi energy and to interact with similar energy fields of other people to improve the relationship;
- will show how best to balance the flow of qi through the mind, body and emotions;
- step by step talk about amplification mode of the free flow of qi energy for health and increase vitality;
- will introduce the recipes of delicacies that increase the amount of energy qi to nourish the body and soul.