Лесков И.

The book is from a cold. First assistant parents a healthy baby

AuthorЛесков И.
SeriesThe child and care for him. Advice from experienced Laura
Publication date2018
Dimensions183x130x15 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Weight gross0.256 kg
Tax rate7%
Created at25.11.2018


If you are holding this book, then your child you care and you genuinely want to help him. Children get sick and are sick. It's not good: sleepless nights and sick leave, agonizing wait for a doctor who does not go, or the dreary hours of waiting times at the clinic, which does not move
However, it is you, the parents, can change everything for the better. The book you hold in your hands will help you to understand children's illnesses and to learn to cooperate with your pediatrician. And, if the doctor will be useless, you can easily let some unpleasant situations related to the health of your child, after reading a short and useful tips Dr. Leskov.
Attention! The information contained in the book cannot serve as a substitute for the advice of a doctor. Before making any recommended actions must to consult with a specialist.