Lipskerov M. F.

All this rock-n-roll

AuthorLipskerov M. F.
SeriesModern prose
Publication date2014
Dimensions84x108/32 (130x200 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.01.2014


Somewhere in the vast expanses of Russia lost a little with the usual Russian name Woodstock. And there is a chapel of the Holy Prince Guidon. Inside the chapel the monument of ancient paganism - Alatyr stone that can grant wishes. Because who else hope the Russian people? And got into the habit to this stone to roam the most unexpected people in the most unexpected of morality with the most unexpected desires. And the stone Alatyr heart is not a stone. From the constant profane sakalla he became sad, to weep stone and tear to thin. And at the moment this is just a grain of sand, which remained at an infinitely small amount of desires. It is to this stone and rushed our heroes Jam Morrison, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Jamie Hendrix (real names, fictitious names) and... Mikhail Fedorovich (big man. mystical personality). They don't know what awaits them at the end of this journey, everyone is looking for something different, and the only ray of hope lights the way-the road and leads to the goal through the dust and fog... And what the deal is over, we won't tell. The intrigue was. To find out in the end and not at the beginning that "the Butler".