Kryukova E. N.

The Tibetan Gospel

AuthorKryukova E. N.
SeriesNow's the time!
Publication date2013
Dimensions70x108/32 (130х165 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at18.06.2013


On the market in the southern city boy named Issa meets merchants. The merchant caravan traveling in Asia. They take on a long journey the boy: the boy wants to see distant lands. Two millennia later, in freezing the taiga of Siberia, in Irkutsk, a person lives. He's old, he went to the Afghan war. The doctors told him that he will not live long. And he decides to make a last pilgrimage to the lake of childhood - to the dearly beloved lake Baikal. Shortly before leaving home the old man had been to an organ concert. The music that played young organist, turned him a soul. Already gathered in the street, standing before the mirror, he sees not the old man Basil, and barefoot young man in an old overcoat, with a knapsack over his shoulder... What happens to Issa and Basil on their long journey? What incredible experiences and adventures await them? The snowy peaks of the Himalayas, the Indian Mother of Beasts, battles and betrayals, secret tears and great love... What price is paid by the person to reach the Light? In the framework of the novel Elena Hook on a famous apocryphal story about the journey of a young Jesus in Asia - in India, the Himalayas and Tibet...