Kutusov M. V.

Cancer heal!!?! Mysterious cancer causes

AuthorKutusov M. V.
Publication date2008
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


The book put forward the theory about the causes of cancer and the hypothesis of the origin of life on Earth. Given a radically new assessment of the nature of asymmetry in living organisms. It is proved that 80% water and 16% protein, of which we consist, and have a place of its "habitat", and these 96% live their particular life, but in collaboration with the biochemistry and genetics. Hence, cancer is seen as a living organism, not just as pathological, but as something global, beyond the known biology, in conjunction with space, mathematics and physics.
The connection of living beings with their crystal past. Detected micro-crystals in the blood plasma of healthy and cancerous animals. The symmetry of these crystals, most likely, cubic. According to the author, asymmetry and polarization is inherent not only to the living substance, they are inherent in all phenomena and the laws of the Universe. It is established that in living objects is dominated by the anisotropy, the cells are fed, cleaned and divided. The same predominance of isotropy in the tissues leads to old age, disease and cancer.
Based on this theory, the treatment, developed by Dr. Kutusov, - asymmetric (anisotropic) therapy, not only pathogenic, first of all, etiotropic treatment. According to the author, and many patients-volunteers treated by the method of M. V. Kutushova, this therapy is harmless and effective.
The practical results of the treatment received in the past 12 years, prove its advantages over many existing in modern Oncology approaches and confirm the correctness of the extended theory.