Грин Артур

"These are the words..." the Vocabulary of Jewish mysticism...

AuthorГрин Артур
SeriesJewish literature
PublisherМосты культуры
Publication date2006
CopiesМосты культуры
Dimensions84x108/32 (~130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


It is impossible to live a Jewish religious life in translation. Judaism has a special attachment to his sacred language. Our tradition is so closely connected with the texts that Judaism in translation, is not quite the... Judaism - says in the introduction to this book, its author Arthur (Abraham) green. - As you will understand during the reading, Judaism is, in essence, is the language with which Jews Express their beliefs, aspirations and hope."

For people who are attracted to mysticism, seeking to understand the secrets of Jewish spirituality, knowledge of terms and understanding of nuances of meaning is particularly important, and the literal translation of them helps a little. Those who are not fluent in Hebrew, is this book - the first and only of its kind dictionary of Jewish mysticism and the spiritual life. The author gave the definition of key in this field the concepts and each of them provided detailed comment which helps the reader to understand why a particular word you need to know and use it in the original.