The Leonid Katsis

Blood libel and Russian thought

AuthorThe Leonid Katsis
SeriesJewish literature
PublisherМосты культуры
Publication date2006
Dimensions70x100/16 (167x236 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


In the book of doctor of Philology L. F. Cacica (Center for biblical and Jewish studies at RSUH) analyzes the historical and ecclesiastical and political aspects of the famous case against Mendel Beilis in committing ritual murder of Andrei Ushinskogo. In fact, was attended by prominent Russian lawyers, doctors, theologians and Orientalists, the role of Archbishop Anthony (Khrapovitsky) in the organization of the ritual examination at the trial in Kiev. The book investigates the position of the largest Russian philosophers and writers - FR Pavel Florensky, V. V. Rozanov, D. Merezhkovsky, Z. Gippius, and so on. For the first time examines the specific aspects of the blood libel in Orthodox Eastern Europe. The study is conducted on a broad cultural background, which includes various works from monarchical (L. Tikhomirov, M. Menshikov) to liberal (V. Korolenko), from the overtly anti-Semitic to the Zionist (Vladimir Jabotinsky). Shows the influence of the theological disputes during the business Bayliss on Russian avant-garde.