Reznik S.

Together or apart? The fate of the Jews in Russia. Notes in the margins of novels by A. I. Solzhenitsyn.

AuthorReznik S.
SeriesJewish literature
Publication date2005
Dimensions130х205 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


Semyon Reznik, writer, historian and journalist, author of historical novels, scientific and artistic biographies, historical non-fiction books about Russia the last two centuries. Lives in the USA. An employee of the radio station "Voice of America".

The book Seeds Resnick is true and dramatic story of the Jews in Russia and their persecutors. Those who dumped on them the sins of the first tsarist and then Soviet rule, and dumped into the abyss and them, themselves and the country. In 2003, the publishing house "Zaharov" released a book by S. Resnick "Together or apart?", covering mainly the pre-revolutionary period. The new edition is twice as larger in volume - the narrative is brought down to the present day.

This book is not so much an analysis of the novels of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "two Hundred years together", how many concurrent reading of the history of Russia, with an attempt to determine the actual position of the Jews and the so-called Jewish question. If A. Solzhenitsyn attracts mostly Jewish sources, mainly secondary (proceedings of the "Jewish encyclopedia", publicistic works and memoirs mostly minor parties), S. Reznik is based on documents-primary sources, evidence of the higher ranks of the tsarist and Soviet administration, the direct participants in the events, in some cases, on special works of historians.

Although controversy with Solzhenitsyn runs through the narrative, the book is not limited thereto: it is much deeper and wider.