Militarev A.

Incarnate myth

AuthorMilitarev A.
SeriesJewish literature
Publication date2003
Dimensions60x84/16 (~143х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


Is it possible without ideological passions - from the scientific standpoint to look European or Russian "idea"? How the behavior of human communities as a result of external and accidental factors and how much is the internal logic of their development? Is it right macro-historical and even metastatically - as an alternative to the metaphysical approach, seeking analogies in the theory of evolution, ethology, genetics? If so, one of the most promising objects of study - a unique history of the Jews, the Champions of longevity, the little people who played a disproportionately large role in the development of modern civilization. Suffice it to recall the Hebrew Bible; the roots of Christianity; the activity of Jews in politics, culture, science of modern times. The analysis of the Jewish phenomenon in history and its causes, and this essay is dedicated, full of unexpected findings and controversial hypotheses. The scientist says "kitchen" of scientific research, like the work of a detective, with a sharp intrigue, strict logical self-control, doubts the correctness and the excitement of the chase for the answer.