Ellis B. I.

The rules of attraction

AuthorEllis B. I.
SeriesIntellectual bestseller
Publication date2009
Dimensions84x108/32 (~130х205 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


For the first time in English - the second novel of a mouthpiece "of generation X, the bestselling author of "Informants" and "Glamorama", a transition link between the debut of "Below zero" to the notorious "American psycho", and transitional in the most literal sense: in the "Rules of sex" involved as the hero of "Below zero" Glue and Patrick Bateman.
In a prestigious College Camden have fun till you drop and drink for five. Here the beginner will not give a minute to relax extravagant parties and extreme fun, which seems to have no end. Falling in love and changing each other, quarrelling and settle scores with life, local Bohemians in a hurry to explore all the forbidden passions and vices, remembering the basic law here is not in vain would spend time only those who learn the complicated rules of reckless sex...
Like almost all books Ellis (with the exception of Glamorama" - yet), "Rules of sex" were filmed. Supplied by Roger Avary, co-author of Quentin Tarantino and Neil Gaiman, the film was released in 2002