Groopman J.

Do you think doctor?

AuthorGroopman J.
SeriesAcademy of medical knowledge
Publication date2008
Dimensions60x90/16 (145х217 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


Have you ever thought of leaving the regular doctor, and what he was thinking, putting you a diagnosis? Different doctors have differing work styles, different approaches to problems and their solution, however most all of them are susceptible to the same errors of thinking. In this unique and unusual book, Jerome Groopman makes an attempt to understand how doctors think and why they are wrong. It shows when and how doctors can-with the help of patients) to avoid incorrect judgments, to abandon the pattern of thinking, more effectively communicate and to take steps that may be lifesaving for patients.
The book first describes in detail the warning signals of erroneous thinking in medicine and shows how new technologies can, ironically, be a hindrance to an accurate diagnosis.
The book features a new, penetrating look at medical practice in the twenty-first century. It gives doctors and patients the vital information they need for making together the right decisions.

The book is intended for doctors, patients, their loved ones, and anyone interested in the latest research in psychology and medicine.