Solomatina N.
Universal guide carpenter-joiner
SKU | 182423 |
EAN | 9785699072286 |
ISBN | 5-699-07228-4 |
Author | Solomatina N. |
Series | Handyman |
Publisher | Эксмо |
Publication date | 2005 |
Copies | 3000 |
Dimensions | 84x108/32 (130х205 мм) |
Paperback | 240 |
Cover | Твердый |
Fragile | No |
Qty in box | 1 |
Minimal order | 1 |
Unit | pc |
Tax rate | 7% |
Created at | 12.10.2010 |
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If you are preparing for a renovation and going for the first time to perform the construction work yourself, you can use our book. In it you will find all the necessary information for carrying out carpentry work. Learn how to select lumber is of good quality, to lay, to process the wood, lay flooring, fabricate and install door and window frames, stairs, repair roofing, perform internal and external furnish of the house.
Trust us - and another counselor are required! All recommendations tested in reality more than one generation DIY.