Dunkin M.

The spine is the key to health

AuthorDunkin M.
SeriesPerfect figure
Publication date2005
Dimensions 236x165x12 мм
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at12.10.2010


That the spine is a magic key to health, very convincingly wrote Paul Bragg - famous naturopath and promoter of a healthy lifestyle. Since then, medicine has leaped forward, but this does not diminish the role of the spine as the most important in the literal and figurative meaning of "core" element of the human body.
This book is an important source of information for those who knows what back pain. Mary Dunkin is one of the leading world experts on this pressing issue, gives a realistic and effective recommendations in the best traditions of Dr. Bragg.
The identification of the causes of pain, composing a rational diet, selection of comfortable shoes, the correct organisation of places to sleep and, most importantly, the preparation of a complex of physical exercises aimed at the creation to help the spine flexible muscular frame that protects your back from overloads in any situation - that's a universal key to healing.

Try to use that key, and if you didn't solve your problems, it really is guaranteed serious relief.